Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 00:36:18
User unicorn closed a global report for thread 37490 on board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 00:36:18
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 37490 and the following posts: 37490/39278, 37490/39292, 37490/39295 from board /ga/.
Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 01:11:13
User unicorn closed a global report for thread 39298 on board /ga/.
Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 01:11:13
User unicorn closed a global report for thread 39298 on board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 01:11:13
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 39298 from board /ga/.
Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 02:12:18
User unicorn closed a global report for thread 36544 on board /ga/.
Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 02:12:18
User unicorn closed a global report for thread 39081 on board /ga/.
Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 02:12:18
User unicorn closed a global report for thread 39299 on board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 02:12:19
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 36544, 39081, 39299 and the following posts: 36544/36547, 36544/38124, 36544/38135, 36544/38160, 36544/38187, 36544/38204, 36544/38205, 36544/38206, 36544/38207, 36544/38209, 36544/38210, 36544/38211, 36544/38212, 36544/38213, 36544/38219, 36544/38223, 36544/38224, 36544/38236, 36544/38237, 36544/38244, 36544/38248, 36544/38249, 36544/38255, 36544/38256, 36544/38259, 36544/38265, 36544/38270, 36544/38271, 36544/38279, 36544/38280, 36544/38283, 36544/38285, 36544/38286, 36544/38287, 36544/38288, 36544/38289, 36544/38290, 36544/38291, 36544/38294, 36544/38295, 36544/38296, 36544/38297, 36544/38298, 36544/38299, 36544/38301, 36544/38303, 36544/38304, 36544/38305, 36544/38306, 36544/38314, 36544/38316, 36544/38317, 36544/38318, 36544/38325, 36544/38350, 36544/38356, 36544/38571, 36544/38596, 36544/38617, 36544/38618, 36544/38619, 36544/38621, 36544/38623, 36544/38624, 36544/38625, 36544/38626, 36544/38640, 36544/38645, 36544/38652, 36544/38686, 36544/38688, 36544/38689, 36544/38698, 36544/38700, 36544/38702, 36544/38710, 36544/38713, 36544/38746, 36544/38750, 36544/38765, 36544/38775, 36544/38804, 36544/38825, 36544/38890, 36544/38953, 36544/38992, 36544/39031, 36544/39080, 36544/39082, 36544/39111, 36544/39112, 36544/39117, 36544/39119, 36544/39120, 36544/39124, 36544/39161, 36544/39199, 36544/39222, 36544/39229, 36544/39230, 36544/39280, 36544/39282, 36544/39291, 39081/39096, 39081/39131, 39081/39136, 39081/39211, 39081/39228, 39081/39279, 39299/39300 from board /ga/.
Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 02:38:31
User unicorn closed a global report for thread 39302 on board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 02:38:31
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 39302 from board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 05:59:07
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 39309 from board /ga/.
Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 13:52:42
User unicorn closed a global report for thread 39296 on board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 13:52:42
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 39296 and the following posts: 39296/39301, 39296/39307, 39296/39311 from board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 14:01:22
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 39312 from board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 14:36:30
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 39313 from board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 14:54:03
User unicorn deleted the following posts: 32297/39315 from board /ga/.
Type: Report closures *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 20:54:13
User unicorn closed a global report for post 39319 on thread 39236 on board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 20:54:13
User unicorn deleted the following posts: 39236/39319 from board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 23:05:46
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 39322 and the following posts: 37778/39321 from board /ga/.
Type: Posting deletion *Global*
User: unicorn
Board: ga
Time: 01/06/2025 (Mon) 23:32:05
User unicorn deleted the following threads: 39323 from board /ga/.