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Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 06:51:08 No. 8347
Any of Shania Luce now Plante
Her fake tits are amazing
Show us
Mega milf
Bump this shit
(2.56 MB 1080x2340 1000005154.png)
Cant believe Im actually seeing Shanias tits rn this is a big W for da boyz thank you unnamed hero
Very nice! Got anymore to share?
Please say there’s more
Gotta be more. Someone share please
That's an old ass photo of her. No chest tat, no ass tat and no fake tits.
do you have a new one that has the tattoos in the big tits or maybe there isn’t any maybe she stopped taking pictures of her
Hahahaha def her fake tit's! Asked to see them fuckers after they were out in
Wish I could see them. Really would like to see her asshole and pussy well she’s bent over at doggy health position. She’s not the hottest but there’s something about her. I don’t know how Kane got her. Oh yeah I do when she was 15 and made her fall in. I hope somebody post them soon
Let's see the rest... she loves to show it off
Well since she enjoys them being seen help the slut out and post them!!
Come on! Please post them!
Dying to see forever. Please share if you have them. Post please
Let's go
Bump bump
(226.70 KB 1242x2208 Snapchat-79701667.jpg)
Huge!! Another one!
I wish I could pay the guy that posted these
