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Br! S Anchorage Anon 05/13/2022 (Fri) 15:24:40 No. 1626
Anyone got any leaks on this babe? Apparently had a OF at some point and was stripping in Vegas for a while.
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Bump for both
>>1633 >>1636 Neither of those are her. However, these are.
Oh good shit. Got any more? Has me wondering if her onlyfans was good.
Bump for more of Bri and Gabby
>>1691 which one you eastside R A T S is posting this?
I'll have you know I'm from Vegas and just like looking at sluts.
Bump. Br1ana was and is still hot af. Shame she deleted her onlyfans
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Bumo for more Zig
>>2026 Nice, have anymore? I will share more as well.
>>2040 OP here. I don’t have anymore but a got a few others from Bartlett I’ll share id you dump for of Br!
>>2046 Sure, I have more. Anyone from Bartlett around 2012-2014?
>>2051 >>2046 Or if you want to give names of people you have.
>>2040 >>2040 >>2040 >>2053 I got few of (tay)lor W. And (Ez)ra F. Both had some OF I was able to snag
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>>2056 Who is this? I’m not interested in Ezra. I think I know which Taylor you’re talking about, so I’ll post some. Anyone else from Bartlett? I think you and I graduated around the same year lol.
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>>2058 Who is this?
>>2057 I didn’t post the other two. But here’s some Tay as promised. I left Bartlett middle of the year and didn’t graduate from there. Used to have more bartlett girls but new phone purged a good amount of my bartlett stash. I also got a few of (Ash)ley Bur(nette). Buddy of mine she was messing with share some stuff with me a while back.
>>2061 Definitely post some Ashley if you have it. I will dump more of Bri
>>2063 Here some Ash(ley). Mostly photo shot stuff. Nice ass. The homie said he didn’t get anymore more than these due to her being married. She sometimes hits him up and said if he gets more he’ll hmu.
>>2064 >>2065 Nice. Any actual nudes from her or all just model stuff? Anyone else from Bartlett you can think of? I also have Brooke J’s onlyfans.
>>2064 >>2067 Just model stuff unfortunately. Only other person I have is Ez(RA) F. Used to have some Brooke C, Maya B and Briana G but those are gone sadly. Had them on an old iPod that been lost for ages. I’ll drop some Ez(RA) if ya want. I’ll take anything else you got of Br! and Brooke J. And I’m drawing blanks on anyone else at Bartlett. Those are the only ones I can think of
>>2068 If you got any names I can do some asking around and see what I can dig up.
>>2068 >>2067 Here’s some more Tay.
Any Briana H?
>>2069 The rest of Bri is old tumblr pictures, not full nudes or anything. As far as others, any Jamie R, Lauren S, Makayla D, Melissa F? Basically anyone near class of 2012-2014
>>2072 Good ol tumblr. What’s the tumblr? I’ll check that out later. Real shame that Br! Turned all hippie and crystal cult shit. I think I can get my hands on Lauren S if I remember her correctly and maybe Makayla D. You ever come across Kindraya V? Heard she had an OF for a bit.
>>2071 Which one? There was like 20+ Brianas at that damn school and I don’t remember them all.
All I got is some Genna Samp which I'm sure everyone has, Nina R33v3e (m3lz0) and Melena TwitchL. If ya want those let me know I'll - for some Brooke J
>>2068 ooooo dump EVERYTHING you have of Bro0k3 J
>>2071 >>2075 I’ll take whatever you wanna drop homie. I’ll see if I can get some of your requests and post em if I do.
>>2073 Sorry dude, I don’t have the name anymore, I think tumblr wiped out all of the good stuff anyway when they purged all NSFW content. Just fyi - there’s another poster here giving names that is not me, just for clarification. Some Lauren and Makayla would be great. I’ll post a few Brooke for now. She had any onlyfans a bit ago. Not sure what it is though.
>>2078 I figured. But ya I’ll post some if I can get some. I don’t remember this Brooke to save my life but she got a nice pair. Stay safe homie
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Shoot I meant to post in this but the bree ones are me
Bump for more Brooke and Ziggy
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>>2100 Who are these girls? 2nd middle and 3rd right look familiar.
>>2100 Do you have more? Nudes? (besides the ass shots)
Bump for more brooke
Yooo, who is the girl in the glasses pulling up those jeans in the office? That ass looks incredible! Any more of her?
Anon. I got more. That's the same chicken above in 2198
These girls need studs
Who has M@ggie N!ckel. Now M@ggie B@ker
L@uren K1rkendoll?
bump for more bri
>>2618 wtf happened to her
>>2624 Liberalism is a disease
>>2631 >>2631 fucking KILL YOURSELF cuck
Anyone got more of N1na M3lz0s nudes? Her only fans is scoobyzsnack
>>2634 Bump for the blonde. I’m sure she got stuff somewhere
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>>2733 Who is this?
>>2734 Ž!ggÿ
>>2634 Bump for this Brooke
bump for more z!ggy/sarahc0le
Bump for gabby
Any Taylor Q??
I know she had an of at one point someone’s gotta have some stuff
>>2026 Girl on the right
>>3162 who is this?
>>3165 Z!ggÿ
Bump anchorage wins
Anybody got Kenzie Tunilla?
>>3619 Which Sh@nnon bro?
>>3622 Elizabeth? Idk if that’s her last or middle
>>3624 You got a twitter? Or OF?
>>3625 Kenziecheyxo & shanxoxo
>>3163 That’s Kenzie yeah?
>>3163 >>3628 Fuck ya it is
(Tay)lor dr(u)ry wins
>>3705 She definitely puts out
Why this thread so dea
>>2026 Any more of girl on the right?? God that ass is fat
>>4236 Who is this?
>>2100 That Sarah C? She's hot as fuck if you have more
>>4306 Will post more for pics of milf Knz
>>4337 Local slut milf Jantzen doing what she does best
>>4338 Wrong milf dawg
>>4339 She have an OF?
>>4340 Used to but not anymore
Bump for Bri
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>>2634 bump for brooke C, hottest girl in bartlett
>>4901 Who is this?
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>>6130 Who is this? Is this bri? Also bump for more Bri.
Pussy pics from any of these anchorage sluts??
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Look at those jugs
>>6753 Good lord! Those titty veins are enough to make me bust
Bump bri
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Need some P4ilin N4ncy
>>7007 Who is this? Any more?
>>7007 Is this Chancey D.?
Any more pics from bri?
Any MaiaJ0nes_?? Sexy little slut
