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Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 02:46:56 No. 2236
Been awhile have fun
That ass though 🍑
Lol bet guy tells you these are fake too and are UA
These are fake and UA
Who cares bump for more
God damn I bet that little asshole is tight. I'd wear her down tell she couldn't stand straight. Look at her hips. Perfect handle size for a good bareback fucking, and that neck. I bet she could swallow all of my dick and then some. I'd breed this little piggy if it were mine. Look at her tummy. She is definitely into sub and dom play. She wants to be left with marks.
Damn she have a name?? Social??
Oh those are definitely not UA. Here's some photos to compare. Also figured I'd toss in the photo of her friend
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Jezzcuuhh jerrdin
-? I have some of girls that went to school with her
The irony of her and her white knights spending months trying to convince us all that they were no nudes and all the ones we posted were fake, now look. All the tattoos and clothes match. What a little slut. She's got socials just look. See if she'll sell ya some nudes like she does others.
Bumb for friends
Someone should send BM her with these see what ya get.
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Bump for more
Bump! Any other?!
Bump bump bump
Bump!!! There has got to be more out there
Bump - what's her socials?
So are there no more wins out there??
Well seeing as it seems only 2 maybe 3 oh us were - and nobody has met my P4p so get to work guys. I was talking with a friend and he said she soon to take some fairy forest photos in lingerie so see if she will sell you that set.
Someone post the video of her getting fucked from behind :)
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She posted vids with her ex-bf. They split up and he took the account, but his ()nly was m()untain-man-xx without the dashes. Probably still has the content.
Don't bother with the account above. Nothing on it but a few pictures of a dude playing with himself. The only video is of him going to town on himself and then getting off while 'winking' at you.
I'm not sure if that's his @ but there were videos one called "cum in Jesse jordan" and another called "jessica jordan from behind "
Post vids or pics and I'll post more
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DaYUM what a tasty little treat
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Here's the video
That’s the same old video we have seen before…where is the new videos??
It's the only video I have. If you have any others post them please 🙏 🙏
Bumpies for the videos
Bought these from one of her ex's a few years back.
She's got a great stomach for someone who's had a FORBIDDEN.
Bump, is there another video?? Or any other wins??
Bump for more! Someone PM her and let's see if she'll sell those videos under duress
Let the horse die. You guys really feel great about yourselves? Making a women have to literally delete all social media and become reclusive because you honey fucks can't just leave her alone? Die all of you
Shut up and post something good
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How about new stuff? Bump
Bump Bump Bump!!
Who even is this? Also any stories?
Damn she's ugly. She looks like she found an extra chromosome. This bitch needs a bag.
Let's see those meat curtains
Bump! Lets see some of her giving head
I'd give my left nut to see that
Bump post! share something. A picture, story, info. Something you guys post a lot but how do we know she's really a thot?
Send them to her dad 👨
jsscjrdnxo SC see if you can convince her to sell or maybe BM her into. Be the champ
SC name changed to jusskittenxo
Straight Savage
Bump for fairy forest photos
Heard for the right price you could get some videos
Bet it’s all done and gone at this point
>>2236 >>3467 Any nudes of the hottie in the middle 😜
Kill >>3493 yourself
Can we stop with the same old recycled wins?? Like either post new wins or just drop it.
Bump. Post more new ones. those last 5 are pretty new. I sure haven't seen them 😍
More motherless finds
Maybe pay attention to the thread and not repost wins that are already posted…
Are you retarded? 2/4 pics are new, I fixed the pixels for the blue shirt, and unfiltered the top less one. Maybe you should "pay attention to the thread"
Y’all just need to let this one go, the tap has run dry, was a fun run but time to move on 😂 especially the jealous ex who can’t move on lmao
I'll post and Repost all I like 🤪
Bump, let's get more of this slut. Don't let her try and her friend stop the goods. The Last time they said it was no use in finding any and guess what. BOOM! found some on momless and now they say it's dry. Sounds like someone's afraid their new nudes might get out. Dumb shut. 😀
^^^this gotta be the simp ex
Proud simp for sure but I wish I got to date her. I only ever got to watch everyone around me date or fuck her. If she ever got the pleasure to be with me she wouldn't ever need another man.
This has gotten so old...
>>3929 Yeah it sucks to suck. Im an unatractive simp also. Genetivs suck but might find good nudes here.
Bump bump
Does she still sell content?
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Worship the ass 🙌
Seems the admin might be sensitive for a whore.
Bump for more of this delicious whore
Bum. Oldie but goodie
Guess what we found
Someone needs to score her and get a new video of her riding.
Anyone have any money shots of this slutty goddess?? Maybe socials something so we can possibly get more?
Bump her socials are Jssc Jrdn but at this time it's more like Jizzica Whoreden with how many guys run through her
Dear losers... First of all, I just want all of you to know that when you get dumped vf you compare to hv⁸8v}v⁸u)
Dear Jizzaka, please send more nudes preferably ones with cock in your holes
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God I'd love to smother my face between those cheek and just taste her whole day
Bump. This slut sells. Someone's gotta have them
Gotta love a slut who only raw Dawgs and cream pies even with strangers
Bump for more Jesse Jordan
Let's get a story circle ;)
Bump. Would love to hear some stories of this fucking slut and all the loads she's taken.
I'm pretty good friends with a few of her Exs and they all agree she never uses condoms ever and if you know someone who's fucked her then they either gave her a creampie or she lapped that up like a dog.
Bump bump. Oldies but goodies
Let's docs her
Bump Bump!
>>2236 would love if we could do a gangbang
You can find her at Williwaw and she's easy if she have a some white
She be at williwaw right now. I'm going in.
I saw she did some boudoir photos if anyone's got them
Found the photos you were talking about but they are NN and not worth posting
That dress is posted
It's always worth it pal.
Bumping for more.
All I could find was these photos. Looks like she deleted her FB, but IG is still up and I saw her on a few dating sites.
Oh this ones nice. I remember her fondly. Get a few drinks in her, slip her a little something and you can take this for a long ride. I spent all night with her and sent her back to her boyfriend afterwards filled to the brim.
>>6833 Sounds like you r@p3d her.
I definitely manipulated her with some white girl for some white girl kitty but there was no r@p3 just pleasure for a price. Now r@p3 is what her ex would do to her little holes.
>>6838 That sounds like r@p3 with extra steps.
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That's an ass made for fuckin
More J3ṣ̌ṣ̌ịć@ J̌0rd@ñ
Sounds like she was asking for it.
