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870 Pocahontas/Imboden/Black-Rock/Walnut-Ridge Anonymous 09/26/2023 (Tue) 03:15:40 No. 12710
Kayla with an L and Melissa with a K. They went to my high school Sloan/Hendrix
I saw these two about a year ago at a party. Definitely sluts I’d avoid but they’re so hot. Bump
any hali3 r3id
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Bump anyone got anymore?
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Chan Pittman
Damn. Summer is hot af
Any Meg@n Blv3ins?
Post what you have of summer on here and I’ll share what I have.
Stop posting the same shit you insufferable limp dicked fuck. Nobody gives a shit about you and no one wants to see that shit.
Or at least stop deleting it and reposting it. Just leave it up. Eventually someone who has wins will see it and you’ll get what you’re looking for.
Anyone got Trinity m0rri$
>>14496 Bump summer
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Since you keep fucking deleting it. I took a screenshot and now it will stay up.
>>14503 So the other pics got deleted, and you think posting another pic will somehow prevent that? Standard Arkansan intelligence level I see lolol
>>14542 Seriously fuck off with your ugly hoe man. Have some goddamn patience.
>>14503 Still looking for more Summer in addition to the ones I have from last year. Lots of nea in addition, lots unseen. Here is chantel aguilar and whitnee broadaway sent to me. K ik titbosp
>>14572 Bump
gg/4RT3mYuM (good for a month)
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Not fully sure of this girl's name, but I believe she is from Pocahontas.
gg/43h5mW4n New page
>>14630 new to this....what is that?
>>14966 Bump
>>15831 Don't think anyone cares bud 😂
>>15831 Dont know her but lets see them. Post em up brother
any Pocahontas?
Anyone got ch103 r1c3?
What is ch103 r1c3??
Its a name chl0e R1ce walnut ridge area
>>16543 yeah i fucked her
You got any winz?
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any ch3y4nne gr0ss?
Thats a ko on gross but i got a ton of girls from that town if theres anyone else your looking for.
>>16633 depends on who you got i guess
>>16643 W@yland,c0x, m@llory M., h@yley O., j@de S. And about 30 more. Who all do you have?
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>>16643 Heres the full list with the same people i mentioned.
>>16654 Can I see pics of the very first name you have ?>>16654
>>16656 Yeah who all you got though?
>>16659 This is miles i thought you meant first name from top.
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>>16661 This is the closest to face i got this file is second hand from someone who knew her that all i can go off of.
>>16661 Do you have a lost of who you got?
>>16665 Can do looking for some ch0l3 r1ce if you got it or any walnutR girls 2013-16 post some up.
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>>16665 D0bb$
What you got on J@d3 S. and A13x B?
>>16654 Wouldn't mind seeing more Kel$ey Dobb$ or anyone on that list really
I’d be down to share more gonna need yall to post too.
Like i said i’ll go post for post but yall have to post too.
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>>16654 el1z4beth ru55ell what you got of carl1e ph1ll1ps?
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>>16683 Heres more d0bbs looking for WRH$ class of 2014-16 and i’ll start dropping more. Any of ch0le R1c3 and ill thorw down alot more.
>>16654 would love to see g00dsell
>>16694 bro nobody is here to buy content. Share what you have or fuck off
>>16701 Not selling content
>>16654 Let’s see J3ss R0ss
c0urt c0x is crazy pull, lemme see ahahahahahahahahah
Lets see some TH!
>>16689 I got Chl03
>>16962 Post her. And ill post what yall have been asking for.
>>16998 I’ve already posted enough stuff. Post CR at least one and ill post CC.
>>16654 Alexis wolmack
Anybody got any 3mily Fl0yd or M@dison M1tchell
Anymore Al3x b?!
Anyone have Jessica Betz? I have alot of ashley street and others if anybody has her. K !k titbosp
