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NWA Wins Anon 09/29/2022 (Thu) 10:54:09 No. 6289
Anyone have wins from Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers, Bentonville area?
>>6289 Anyone have wins from Alex? Graduated Springdale 2012
S@mantha M@nsker?
S@vann@h (k)lemple?
Worked as a bartender in multiple locations. Surely has to be some wins floating around.
She’s fairly new to the area
these must be out there
Any $ophie $chn@it man out there?
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M@r10n R1ch@rds0n
J@d@ McC@rter anyone?
Any h@nn@h m3nd0za or h@nn@ b3nn3t Fayetteville high class of ‘15
An1t@ @ndr@de Kimb3rly @ndr@de
Ryl3igh W@llace anyone?
Any wins of p@ige g@ll@w@y or her sister s@r@h
Meli$$a Brown and $ydney Mićk? I’ve seen them basically strip naked in public places and send nudes to anyone that will look at them so I know there have to be a ton of wins out there.
Milf - Fayetteville/Rogers? Super hot and knew it. She loved the attention - Know there have to be some wins?
Anybody have any wins? Bartender for a long time on Dickson - Gotta be some out there.
Taryn G? Heard she's pregnant
Any of the z1nk girls?
Who is that!???😍😍
>>9967 post her pussy and just say her last name
Any of Mary Beth Johnson? Works at a bar
M@ry Beth Johnson?
Any Jjs girls?
for the love of god bump for m@ry b3th johns0n
any h@nnah cr0ley?
>>10024 Bump
Any (K)aley (A)nderson? Holy smoke show
>>10024 On Cherokee county Oklahoma thread
Ch3ls3a t1llman?
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Any Savann@ (Rosi3 Ch3atum) Dibart….
Any C4mberlyn S?
Ch@s!ty r00k? Used to be a stripper
that girls body is bangin but ffs someone throw her some money so she can get those stupid ass tattoos removed
Anyone have ashlyn riley?
@my Dorey wins?
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I know her OF but what’s her real name?
Any wins of the bikini coffee shop girls in Fayetteville?
Any of Bentonville class of 2017?
Any Siloam Springs/Gentry wins?
Any Bentonville class of 2016 or 2017?
Any Cortney Hart wins? She definitely has a large body count...
KT.Ellis from gentry has a bunch out there
Show the wins
bump kt ellis
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Any b@iley d@vis? She used to be a big hoe
C@rly P ?
Updated link? D I S C O R D
Link doesn’t work
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Bre Powell? She works at Twin Peaks in Rogers
Victoria brianna?
L@uren D - class of 08?
Show them
Any m3g@n chvrch, bentonville?
a while ago over on /cb someone said they had her nude pics and vids as well as a 3some vid. maybe someone can post now?
Bump KT Ellis
New link?
Any Madison Phillips? Bentonville
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Any of wins for summer Richardson. Siloam area
bump for her stuff
Kristina lemmons? Used to be a lot on here
S@r@h T. or Br3nn@ T.? Smoking hot artsy sisters in bentonville
Any gravette high wins from 2014-2019?
>>16428 let's get these
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she brought her of back anyone got wins?
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Any of Parker King? From Fayetteville
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Anyone know @m@nd@
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>>16785 She goes by davina.desires now. She recently started selling couples content on the site too.
Kate’s last name?
>>16894 cant say lastnames it starts with b used to be h i think
Anyone have Corinne D3sp@in?
>>6289 Any got any wins on these girls 3dyn J0nes M4riana v4lbuena M3RC3D3S J0hns0n
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J@d@ McC@rter. Anyone have anymore?
Any Berkley Green?
>>7374 You have any?
>>16945 Bump for this Goddess
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Anybody have any Brianna Frazier?
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any wins 1s@bel. latina in rogers with nice perky tits
>>17586 BUMMMPPP those tiddies look nice af
R3@g@n P13rc3. Used to work at JJs on Dickson. Massive cannons
Anyone have m@di n0rman? Fucked her back in the day. Graduated fay high in 08
>>17586 bump on 1sab3l Cruz
>>17586 >>17586 bump on latina tiddies
>>6289 Any courtn3y w@lters?
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Any He@ven Holl@nd
