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Fayetteville ar Anonymous 12/24/2022 (Sat) 04:42:24 No. 7851
I got a bunch of girls from Fayetteville if anyone's wanting to -
Do itttt
Whats with the preamble? let’s see some titties OP don’t be a faggot
I'm wanting to -. Yall don't posh shit
Hell yeah bro drop that shit
Who yall wanna see from Fayetteville maybe I go them and I'll post but not if no one else is going too
>>7876 Erika Berryhill
Anyone have sarah g@ll@w@y or her sister paige
I have wins but not posting😂😂… Let’s go Brandon🤦‍♂️
>>8098 Private message?
>>8097 A man of taste, I’ll bump this
>>8097 Bump
I got some Faye girls too like Emali b but half the state has prolly fucked her by now.
Any tabitha Garza?
>>7851 J@d@ M?
Who is deleting posts?
C@ry Beth Lips-comb ?
Anyone got Leah Terry. May go by Luna Loveless
>>9456 Yeah I do
We should just start a huge Not allowed group and post there.
S———-n——-a———p I mean
>>9524 Can you post
She’s hot - U of A?
ill - with ya. lot from fayetteville too
yall got sydn3y zan3?
u of a?
alexandria lee?
K@t C@mpbell anyone?
C@th3rine With3rsp00n?
Any (K)aley (A)nderson? Holy smoke show
>>10428 yo plz share all you have! what is her onlyfans name?
>>10428 big bumps for Sydn3y and her OF! Them titties are divine
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>>10441 Yeah she use to do customs, she might still
>>7876 Jada McC@rter
any elis@ s?
>>7851 any Veronic@?
Big bump for elis@ s
Holy shit more e. s. Please
any tr@ci b@rrio$? she's a thick milf. huge rack and ass
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El0ise H@le
>>11215 More? Ellie is so hot, she used to post pretty lewd on insta
>>9688 Holy shit she's insane, please have more?
Br1tt@ny L?
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>>11165 bump
>>9524 So how can I see the Leah terry vids
More Aliyaah! Does she have an OF?
Bump for Leah terry
>>8097 Bump please
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If anyone has any wins of this girl for the love of fuck, post them. Erin (P)enewell
Fucking bump Erin
Any Alyssa S?
>>12246 What's Alyssa last name?
Tori B?
Any of B0bbie R0sauer? Laur3n Tr1mm? Ca$$ie Watk1ns?
>>12540 Whore*
She’s fit
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>>7851 Will keep posting til this stays M@disyn T@yl0r
>>12547 she's cute
>>12547 Damn, she's nice.
>>7851 >>12548 >>12550 If yall wanna see her get her ass beat I can send that too lol
Just message her on fb if yall wanna fuck. She's pretty easy and fucks for $ pretty cheap. Just make sure you wear a rubber with this one lol
>>12547 Been looking for Madisyn for a long time, got any more?
>>7851 >>12596 Yeah I have her pussy and other but not sharing til actually good ones get posted
Anyone have wins of p@ige or s@r@h g@ll@w@y? Know if they have an OF
Let's go
>>12647 Wow what a booty. Best I've seen in a while. MORE....
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>>12670 wow!!!!!
>>12670 Impressive, name?
>>12670 MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anyone know her? I think she did onlyfans but i cant find.
>>12715 Hailqueenvee on Twitter but you're 3 years too late
>>12716 god damn! twitter still up atleast thats so hot.
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>>12402 rhymes with?
>>12602 Can we get more Madisyn now that there have been more posts?
>>12670 Whats the redheads name?
Bump for more madisyn pics
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>>7851 Any $ydney R1ce?
Arkansas has the lamest board on this entire site ffs
>>13183 Yeah. Why I'm not posting anymore madisyn or anyone bc people are too much of pu$$ie$ to post anything
>>7851 Anyone got any Emma Lewis?
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>>13179 Bump for syd hargrave
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Looking for this Arkansas swimmer, Bradi
>>12234 I got Erin but I'm a greedy fuck since noone lse wants to share the good stuff.
>>13400 lol right. Don't believe this for a second
Anyone got K3ri McC0nnell from Bentonville area? Had an onlyfans under the name remy martin for a while but deleted it.
>>13400 I can trade you for erin
Does anybody have m@dison j0hnson? Graduated from u of a a year or 2 ago
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Tori B@yl3s
I have sydn3y zan3 available
>>15511 fucccc yes. post that weird bitch
L3xie k@rnes??
Need some Kb R0dg3r$
>>13400 You are full of shit, dude. Just like all the other people "I have wins but I'm not sharing them". Then fuckin post them. Isn't that the point of this? Fuck outta here..
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I second C@ry Beth Lips-comb ?
Any m!ir@nd@ (r@b ?
>>12234. Bump for Erin
bump for Bradi the swimmer
J@(I D0$$ please that hoe fine af
>>11055 More of this girl? Anyone got the uncensored of this?
C0rtney H4rt? She gave me hep C…
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Anyone got more Emali B?
we need her threesome vids and nudes
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Jada McCarter. Anyone got more?
>>13382 bump
M@d150n Tr3@t
>>12716 divina.desires now. doing b/g videos
Anyone with m@di N0rman? Fucked her back in the day. Graduated Fayetteville in like 08
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>>17599 I don't have any but I've been following her Tumblr since way back when - hoping to find some crumbs
Anyone have j@den or kryst@ cl@rk?
