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Sabrina Carpenter Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 18:24:30 No. 4205
there's leaks there've been a few previewed over the last year and know that there is more, person before on four Chan posted some of them here one of them (the first picture) anyone find anymore feel more than free to post em' here
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>>4236 does her shoe size say 27 or 37 on the bottom?
>>4249 must be 37. 27 is FORBIDDENren size.
shes ugly
>>4250 how can a shoe size be forbidden?
>>4255 the board automatically corrects words for "small humans"
>>4269 okay I'm serious confused, what's that got to do with her tiny feet and her shoe size
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>>4272 Are you retarded or something?
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>>4273 no cos I've no idea what you meant by that, but now you post that photo it makes more sense now, but I found while away that her shoe size was in fact 37 which is EU 37, US 6 and UK 4 which is the more accurate size https://www-ivetoutdoors.com/pages/shoe-size-chart
shut the fuck up she isn't that fine
>>4205 bump there been any news lately?
>>4343 Do you know her hat size please?
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>>6227 there's got to be something I refuse to believe that there isn't
Please please please have some new leaks
Someone must have something from this legendary set that supposedly exists
>>8181 I've heard there's a few videos of her giving a blowjob (also featuring cumshot) footjob and a couple of her having sex
>>8483 Oh you've heard? Doesnt mean its true
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