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Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 14:47:32 No. 8757
Anyone got the @ndrea B0tez set?
bump. where is the thread with all the previews?
>>8758 Got taken down because people don't know how to keep their mouths shut. Someone linked to this board from a much more popular location, and they never stop to think about how much easier that makes it to take things down.
She's spending a lot of money to keep this from leaking.
Gonna be good day if the whole set gets released. But I doubt it.
What is known of what's in the set?
>>8765 Lots of nudes of both sisters, sex tapes, and possibly an Alex BJ tape.
>>8774 this is the first im hearing about anything alex related. i thought it was all andrea
The supposed Alex BJ vid has been out for years, and you can find it just by googling. Can make your mind up if it is her or not.
>>8778 A different video, obviously lmao
Anyone tryna repost for those of us that missed out?
They do get faked a lot
Can someone please reup the previews? Missed that. Thank you.
bump for the previews please
Bump for prevs
(57.66 KB 849x666 IMG_2808277cf70a6f62fb27.jpg)
here's one
what was the name of that German celeb forum where some of her new lingerie photos were posted?
>>8841 thread got deleted
This it?
Weakest set ever
>>8861 How do you know? You seen it?
Yeah there's a guy on here that's trying to sell pics and vids for thousands of dollars. A reliable source tells me that there are only two or three pictures that show anything, and it is only partial nudity. No face in any. Video is also just of her dancing. Don't fall for it.
>>8907 You talking about the non nude set that dropped a while back?
(140.17 KB 826x1200 b5.jpeg)
>>8757 >>8907 thats cap
>>8932 Those are fakes of the original lingerie leak. She was clothed in all of those photos, including the ones you just posted. The leak everyone else was asking for is a different set of pictures than the lingerie set.
>>8932 Imagine paying thousands of dollars for people to tell you your shit is fake
Anyone have or managed to save the preview?
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>>8757 >>8932 Don’t post fakes, original pics here
>>8932 Look who's cap now lmao
>>8757 >>8945 i didnt pay shit, those were from bunkr
This guy is supposedly selling the real set for crypto but doesn't even post a preview. How are we suppose to know if its real or not?
