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Keep it coming Morse thread 10/30/2022 (Sun) 04:40:55 No. 15002
619 Baddies
Got those kay and April vidd?
(629.07 KB 1079x1110 Screenshot_20221031_013743.jpg)
Sucked dudes off at school at the courts after school
anyone got sophie dabu?
>>15080 who is that
anyone have zin or vanity?
(946.84 KB 605x973 Capt.PNG)
Someone posted this SS once
>>15078 Chill out that’s Hannah she ain’t from Morse I’ll post princesschey if we got some real people from Morse
If there’s no face = no case = no princssschey
>>15095 Someone git this vidd?
That mf frontin he aint got no princesschey lying ass bitch
What years people got
mf actin like we aint got money to buy princesschey onlyfans
any of class of 2017?
only have 18 I think>>15193
post they shit then dawg >>15225
Lol told y’all at the other thread ain’t no one going to post 😂
This thread sucks. Better chance of wins on the SD thread
i feel like all we need is one person to drop to get us in a sharing mood
>>15362 Get us? Why dont you fucckin start? Fuckin guy begging someone to start, when you could
(136.79 KB 750x1334 smica1.jpeg)
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>>15375 More of sm1ca please!!!
anyone know her onlyfans? ik she has one
Who’s got chin
if more share i got u
Say less on everything I’ll drop princesschey drop all the hoes including the requests from above
Start dropping
>>15416 Release it relli if you really do for her
someone has to have leaks of zin, I heard she cheats on her bf if you get her drunk
Bump!! More chey
I’ll post Chet’s videos if someone out here post Chin, Zin, Rica, or someone
(7.40 MB s.mp4)
(4.98 MB s1.mp4)
(4.82 MB s2.mp4)
(4.22 MB s3.mp4)
(7.85 MB s4.mp4)
(63.43 KB 750x563 sb.jpeg)
no one else is sharing lol
(105.22 KB 828x828 n.jpeg)
(156.43 KB 960x1280 n1.jpeg)
Holy fuck bump
Bump for chey vids
J3ssic@ M@ntooth M@ry S0t0 @mber P3rkins?
Filipina ex gf huge slut on bumble I cheated on her with her roommate anyone else got some wins
any leaks of L0rain3 R. c/o 18?
(7.42 MB vid.mp4)
(2.18 MB vid1.mp4)
(10.51 MB vid2.mp4)
anone got girls from class 04-06
Anyone got girls from all female
(60.97 KB 640x640 t6TITpR.jpg)
Why are everyone here so stingy, just post these thots
Anyone got more wins of Juanita
(7.94 MB s_of1.mp4)
(13.49 MB s_of2.mp4)
(92.02 KB 960x960 s_of.jpeg)
(22.33 MB s_of3.mp4)
(6.79 MB s_of4.mp4)
more sb
(99.34 KB 828x825 sd1.jpeg)
(91.05 KB 828x824 sd.jpeg)
(23.19 KB 422x750 z.jpeg)
(25.08 MB h.mp4)
(47.52 MB cheypt1.mp4)
chey vid
(115.29 KB 532x800 image.jpeg)
(78.74 KB 597x800 image.jpeg)
(26.85 KB 480x640 image.jpeg)
(45.76 KB 720x960 image.jpeg)
(33.93 KB 539x960 image.jpeg)
>>16629 is this zin? any more?
(216.79 KB 1170x1465 image.jpeg)
any k!mb3rly?
(191.87 KB 1242x1792 syd4.jpeg)
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(464.86 KB 2048x1536 syd1.jpeg)
anyone got?
(66.39 KB 506x929 asian.jpg)
(110.34 KB 1152x2048 asian1.jpeg)
(76.37 KB 750x1334 z1.jpeg)
(64.59 KB 750x1334 z2.jpeg)
She made some movies with her ex, and they posted them. His 0f@n$ was mount@inm@nxx. They broke up, but he still has them.
(15.13 MB c3.mp4)
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(50.30 KB 640x1136 z.jpeg)
>>16680 no need to censor their faces, second girl is jz (goes by her last name)
(6.80 KB 158x280 image.jpeg)
i believe this is @VAL!N !BIT?
(34.57 KB 640x960 image.jpeg)
(221.12 KB video-1451283874.mp4)
Z3R4H B.
(599.82 KB video-1451283864.mp4)
remembering hearing this is zin, but can't confirm myself sorry
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(9.34 KB 157x280 image.jpeg)
(8.84 KB 157x280 image.jpeg)
(8.16 KB 157x280 image.jpeg)
(7.01 KB 158x280 image.jpeg)
some no names i got from morse friends
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pt 2
anyone have n!c0le 0rt1n?
>>15095 Anyone got the other video they took?
>>16717 Does she have stuff out?
>>16701 you got a bigger resolution?
>>16721 Not sure that’s why I’m asking lol
anyone got k@y133 @nn t0r10 when she got leaked?
(15.47 MB n2.mp4)
(8.90 MB n3.mp4)
(99.77 KB 960x960 n1.jpeg)
(239.29 KB 960x1280 n.jpeg)
n i also got a vid of z but i gotta see better than whtvr tf ur all postin
>>16735 Lmao didn’t she leak herself?
>>16743 Lma- didn’t know that. i know there’s a compilation but isn’t there more?
Anyone got any YB girls?
Anyone got those Dar. Her. Pics?
>>15095 gotchu
>>16680 Is the first pic @v@lin?
(16.06 KB 337x505 unnamed (7).jpg)
heard there were wins of Mich3ll3 co 17 and lor@ine co 18 out there
someone has to have those s3x t@pes of z!n and Rc
(1.57 MB zzz.mp4)
(96.11 KB 640x960 unnamed (3).jpg)
>>16901 Who’s that?
damn there has to be more of zin out there
let’s expose our ex3s and post their nud3s and s3x t@pes! 0ur year k!ngs
(104.11 KB 640x960 unnamed.jpg)
>>16917 >>16977 Ye@h lets postem
>>16983 more
Sophie D?
any wins of m!chell3 co 17?
Anyone got asb girls? Co 13-16?
anyone got chloe M? marine girl lives on base SD
has to be more s3x t@pes of z!n. Want to see that @sS get cl@pped
Anyone have any Sh@lia River@ wins?
Anyone got more wins on this whore
Bump for more chey
bump for more z!n
Anyone have the recent vid of chey getting fucked from behind?
(116.11 KB 720x960 unnamed (2).jpg)
(18.10 KB 337x505 unnamed (6).jpg)
Anyone got McK3nna M? Or her friends?
Let’s post them s3x t@pes
let’s post them s3x t@pes
(108.11 KB 720x960 unnamed (1).jpg)
Anyone have KT?
more of z!n?
>>16568 got anymore?
>>16674 which class is she from?
>>18438 Last name?
>>18954 tr1n1dad
>>19065 kris10?
>>19094 Yeahh do you got her?
>>15420 she got new vids dropping on her OF if anyone got them
(437.46 KB 1440x1800 tqP6okS.jpg)
>>19408 Fucck you got her nudes?
>>19408 Post more BB please
bumping to see if anyone got n!c0l3
anyone got @ly$sa c?
>>19473 I'll drop for BB >>19408
>>19563 w-rd? yoo drop her wins mate
>>19600 What site
Anybody got any wins on these SD sluts . I know Kathleen and her sis was out there makin tapes
Huge bump for the first first girl @ngvlina !!!
(56.84 KB 516x960 FB_IMG_1609118035014.jpg)
Anyone wants to see these 2
(133.22 KB 1422x1212 BkXdDjQ.jpg)
>>19860 Post the unedited please!
>>19799 you have stuff of the blue haired girl on the left?
>>19868 more of her
(750.32 KB 642x1161 Screenshot_20200623-185305~2.png)
>>19865 Tons of her
>>19875 please post some more!
(51.91 KB 480x877 Snapchat-29935047~3.jpg)
>>19880 What u want to see?
>>19875 do you have wins of her tits?
(45.88 KB 750x1334 Snapchat-1999751560.jpg)
(231.32 KB 1535x1375 3IVyciy.jpg)
>>19910 Keep going
>>15983 Bump she got some fat tits
any 2016?
>>20000 bump c/0 2016
>>19774 bump for lina, id pay for her wins
>>19910 strip her
someone post b3rn@dete and k@thleen!
Any of yoko
>>20059 Last initials?
Anyone have her? Goes to Fullerton, D@maso
y’all so stingy, no one wants to expose these hoes
someone drop them syd3ll3 nudes
Someone drop hazel
>>21014 please post again man
who got any Asians from c/o 17, 18, 19???
(61.02 KB 768x1024 331.jpg)
(64.38 KB 749x749 122.jpg)
Any L@ur3n I?
>>21271 Keep going
(54.44 KB 640x1136 unnamed (5).jpg)
New site bump
>>19910 please strip bb
anyone know if any wins of syd3113 exists?
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>>15389 any more for sh@wtyl@nna?
Bump any c/o 20/21
Any Eastlake Olympian or otay girls
bump for wins of @v@1in
(1.26 MB 1080x1184 iEl (3).png)
>>25429 Post more of her?
more Princess?
Any all female baddies?
>>23552 yo she just posted a blowjob vid u got it?
>>23552 >princesschey bumo for more
(522.42 KB 1950x2600 OZ9FjZh.jpg)
any jzzrne
>>28185 initials?
>>19254 What’s her @
was anyone able to get syd311e’s nudes before she got pregnant? looking for rhe@nn@ too
>>20059 >>20254 betn@dette kerr and K@thleen kerr
wish there was more of her >>16673
>>16683 >>19774 bump for the Kerr sisters
>>15078 who are the last two photos
>>16683 >>16834 repost bro
>>19774 With both them together or each of em
>>28640 each i think
any le@ks of lor@ine r?
>>29147 Fuckin nice man is there more
>>29153 Nah fam I just happened to see these ones in my folder. Def @v@lin tho cause you can see in the second photo the poster that spells her name out in the back.
>>29180 Yeah I saw that that Who else is in your folder?
>>29147 you’re a legend bro. does @v@ have any ass/pussy shots or any tapes?
>>29183 Tbh just most of the shit posted here already, Pr1nc3ss ch3y, s0phi@ b@mb@0, the z3rAh b. shit, n a bunch of low quality 160p no names.
>>29186 Nada bro I fucking wish. She was prime as fuck back then. Hella herself go.
any le@ks from c/o 17?
R0se @nne or Je$$ic@ d. From c/o 11?
any c/o 2015? br!ana del@ cruz or sh@yl@?
>>19408 Does she got nudes?
(514.47 KB 4608x3456 24jved2l10i31.jpg)
Any of j@cyne b@ttle oF
>>30309 More?
That 2nd girl posted is easy if you fit. Her tt is l@h3llas
Any ch3lsea blackm0n or gh1cel n**ez?
bumping n.o
>>16568 who is this
>>31009 Does she even have?
J@cyne b@ttl oF name?
It’s her first name. Does anyone have leaks of j@cyne?
does anyone actually have @ally creenci@
>>16674 we matched on tinder after not talking years and she is a complete slut now. she will literally eat your ass and worship your cock and she has a breeding kink lol
>>31769 Post some of her then
Anyone got ro$hi3ll3 pi@ns@y?
>>32159 she went to suhi but need that
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new spicy dance vid of that chick @lahel@@ng3l on ig
>>16901 >>16628 Anymore of her?
(1.08 MB 3751x2949 Post — OnlyFans-1.jpg)
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(1.09 MB 1126x840 rb1.png)
(1.20 MB 2575x2801 Post — OnlyFans.jpg)
Any MCHS 2018-2022 ?
>>15002 Anyone got more of rbracks and whats her new @?
>>32317 Bump for roshielle or her friends
>>33190 she has a new onlyfans?
>>15098 >>16683 >>16683 >>30309 >>23551 she actually has onlyfans?
>>33204 no old acc that was deleted
(28.25 MB OnlyFans.mp4)
>>33229 Continue blessing us with her contents
any of one have asy@ b? heard she used to send stuff a lot
Anyone got DNHS c/o 2018-2022?
(716.38 KB 1170x975 IMG_9364.jpeg)
l@riss@? she escorts under the name gigi
>>19909 >>19473 please post
Who got R@en@lynn?
Who got @ly$$@ d00n c/o 17 suhi
>>33333 got t3l3? DN hs
Anyone have L3slie Mun0z?
(1.07 MB 3438x3438 IMG_4767.jpeg)
sh@i minicucci posts nudes on her priv tmblr but there’s a pw shaixmarie .tmblr. com
Abby Kass
is there anymore zerah out there
No one has any c/o 2017?
Kay or april?
>>34280 I want to see that kay
(1.14 MB 1170x2532 IMG_9729.png)
m@rjerry g@lvez
Looking for m3LL!s@ P@!z
>>34507 share the wins
not morse but still 619, any1 got j3ss1c@ m0nr0y
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(30.71 MB 544x306 IMG_9818.gif)
>>35392 Jade young
(9.16 MB 1170x2532 IMG_9607.png)
Initials - ST Job: masseuse Have others and would love some from the Carmel Mountain/ RB area!
>>35465 Bump carmel mountain/poway
>>35465 great massage
>>35465 is this a massage place? or one that come to you? i neeed a massage now
>>35531 I go to her…easy search to find options in SD
>>35393 Hah I know her! Well done
anyone got v@nn! m0rg@?
>>35552 From where? Lol I have more
>>35614 Pacific Beach, she used to pop around the bars, post up my friend! Haha
(551.95 KB 1125x2151 IMG_3905.png)
>>35619 Telegram is best way
anyone have more smica?
(852.08 KB 575x1043 oX8j8G.png)
any j@zzerine?
(155.22 KB 719x1280 1673326039319468.jpg)
anyone got more?
(57.44 KB 1080x969 thumbnail (3).jpeg)
>>35465 >>35552 >>35619 poway...prob class of 98 -02??
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anyone have the originals? found on X
>>36450 heard she did find on for a bit
Any UCSD or Mar Vista High School students? I might have some fun content for you. Telegram is @waltywalt
(3.18 MB 1170x2532 IMG_0545.png)
(2.58 MB 1170x2532 IMG_0546.png)
>>36452 heard she had some other stuff out there
Tg @m09jm
Anyone have @len@ m@e d@et? She escorts
(92.35 KB 699x1280 2024-01-04 13.26.52.jpg)
(81.67 KB 685x1280 2024-01-04 13.26.58.jpg)
>>19910 shes the queen of nipslips wish i took pictures
>>36891 Hope someone did
(556.09 KB 1536x2048 20190416_175708-01.jpeg)
>>36935 Was definitely flashing everyone
>>36889 Bump
any srhs? specifically $@r@H Chr!sT1@no
>>36964 post more? did you ever get to see irl?
Any @ngelica tlust0s?
>>36992 yeah she wore oversized bras and loose shirts all the time
>>36997 fuck how did they look
>>19473 these ever get posted?
>>37059 naah but if anyone got em that would be sweet
Anyone have Z3rm@1nn3 C@rp1z0?
>>37111 bump
Tg @m09jm
any more vids of smica or nova?
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Kelly gunvill3
@l@hell@as on ttok if yall want an easy toss. Daddy issue girls, love em.
(328.82 KB 1290x1845 IMG_4011.jpeg)
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anybody have @ng3lina?
(1.02 MB 3438x3438 IMG_5506.jpeg)
(1.08 MB 3438x3438 IMG_5508.jpeg)
Asia martell
>>38835 more of her would be interstellar
>>38835 MORE!
anybody got @ly creenci@?
(370.73 KB 1364x2048 IMG_2467.jpeg)
Moved to SD about a year ago? Any wins?
>>39066 Bump
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>>19910 bump
>>39698 >>19910 Yes lets get some bb
(1.10 MB 1027x1298 IMG_4307.jpeg)
Anyone have any Alex L? Lives in NY now
Any gh1cel nun3z? Or ly55a a?
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(81.41 KB 970x970 get (1).jfif)
31l0n@ kvrk13$, anyone have?
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(1.05 MB 1290x1580 IMG_0070.jpeg)
Any wins on Serena L?
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(375.83 KB 1080x1350 IMG_0075.jpeg)
Anything from Laura from Cheetahs
>>41991 Thats the only vid I have, and have some texts and stuff with her
@l@hel@@ngel ig, or her tt @l@hell@s Cheats on her LA bf and hooks up in downtown. Easy lay boys gogogogo
>>41992 Let’s see what you got! Been wanting to see wins of her for years
>>41999 Good shit. Wish there were more or wins with her face in it. Was she a good fuck? She seems freaky as hell
>>42001 Really good fuck. Fucked her like 15-20 times and she was definitely a freak. Pretty submissive, loved it rough, liked being choked, picked up and tossed around
>>42003 You’re a legend for that haha. She’s got some good dick suckin lips. Her pussy looks so tight and delicious. We need more wins!
>>42005 Decent head, 8/10. Pussy is definitely tight, always clean shaven. I'll try to get more, I need to hit her up
>>42007 Definitely seems like she’d have a bald pussy. Would love to watch her swallow my load. Hit her up and get some wins for the good of the people!
>>42008 I'll do my best! Got you
(132.71 KB 1080x1080 IMG_0089.jpeg)
(159.73 KB 1080x1080 IMG_0088.jpeg)
Who’s got Aly Scrima?
>>42010 I wish bro, used to go out with her in PB all the time and wanted her badddddd
(1.46 MB 1440x3088 747465.jpg)
Any1 got any stories or winz?
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(2.11 MB 1290x1600 IMG_0117.jpeg)
Any wins or stories on Tiara?
>>42098 oh my god Tiara is such a fucking whore hahaha
>>42102 So I’ve heard haha. Got any wins or stories?
>>42103 No wins sadly, plenty of stories. She fucked her way through my group of friends lol was kinda hot and hilarious at the same time. She was fun to party with
>>42104 What’s the stories? Wish there were some wins out there
>>42105 One of my friends fucked her behind Lahaina on 4th of July lol another guy fucked her in the bathroom during a party at my house
>>42106 What a whore. Need some nudes of her
>>42107 I'll ask my boys but I dont think so, never seen any
>>42108 You’d be the GOAT if you got em!
(2.12 MB 2316x2990 IMG_4187.jpeg)
>>42121 Who?
(679.33 KB 1290x1524 IMG_0161.jpeg)
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(1.30 MB 1290x1370 IMG_0160.jpeg)
(1.95 MB 1290x1415 IMG_0159.jpeg)
>>42126 Only have that one
(332.35 KB 1080x1350 IMG_0247.jpg)
Any aubrie lyn or aubie_lyn on IG. Think she's from SD
Anyone got L@hellas
>>42098 Bump for Tiara
>>42332 Fucked her Friday night after we watched the fight at a bar
>>15002 check the sub
>>42342 Let’s see some pics
>>42345 didnt take any lol
>>42346 Bummer. Still want to see her tits
>>42346 Have her send you some pics!
>>42098 Bumpppp
>>41986 Bump
>>41985 Bump for Serena
>>41832 bump for e1l0na
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>>42544 bump
>>42544 Bump for T
Any1 got Mich3lle Z
>>35644 This looks like a girl I used to fuck, any chance her name starts with a R?
>>41985 Bump for Serena and Tiara. Need a Christmas miracle!
aka N1N@
>>30745 Bumpski
Wins on @n@ya R@o?
