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661 03/10/2023 (Fri) 16:14:19 No. 20095
Bakersfield wins
how come you dont post anything LOL
Palmdale lancaster or quartz hill?
>>20261 Bump for palm lanc QH
Bump Bako!!
>>21782 For real Quartz hill class of 06-09
Bump for quartz hill
I've got some girls from lanc and Palmdale. Let's get it going
J@smine hern@ndez M@rilyn M@ncia
(77.42 KB 640x480 Reallrirjjr.jpg)
I don't.. got any qh girls?
Wins on J ayla Hump hryes Bakersfield
Any one got wins fron Arvin or lamont girls?
Who has J@ci br@ndolini from highland???
Bump j@ci
any wins on yur mothher?
(573.43 KB 1195x1600 es.jpeg)
Emily s
I do. Do you have any ? And from what girls
>>27858 I do. Do you have any wins and from what girls
>>28942 I'm not that guy but I have some HHS girls. Class of 2012 and 2013. Some nude some nn. Maybe 2014 but I'd have to look. >>28942 >>28942 >>28942 >>28942
>>28896 nice little titties! anything else? WOW
>>27843 Do you have any wins from arvin or lamot ?
Any of her nudes? Heard she’s getting a divorce.
>>28896 please tell me you have more of emily!! wanted to see her nudes for a long time
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More Emily. 2 from her Tumblr and a titty pic that got passed around
Bump for j@ci
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Anyone got Tori k@lie they used to be posted
>>30864 Bump for tisha
Cara C
>>31240 Omg please tell me there’s more.
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>>31529 The holy grail! Thank you!
>>28942 post J@ci, preferably that vid that used to go around
bump j@ci
Xxxreallyrik onlyf@ns
Bump j@ci
(391.69 KB 960x1280 FILE1983.JPG)
@m1nah M
Bump for North High grads
Bump j@ci
>>31923 Do you have anybody?
Anyone got M1c@yla K?
>>31804 moar
Guy who said he had j@ci, you still around?
Anyone have Alex? Bakersfield/East LA Thot. Great rack and gives amazing head and more through this number lol… met her twice
Alex win… I’ve met her through that num.ber too
Bump Alex. I’ve met her too amazing head
Anyone have jul3ah t3ll0? Apparently was a stripper for a minute
Any K@rin@ S@ntos? She works at Bottoms Up.
Any have J3nni Romer0?
>>32443 I got Add $c M0sstheb0ssss
>>29334 Anyone ever seen hers?
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>>32898 You got any highland girls?
>>32898 Wrong Emily. Sorry
>>32915 Nice wins! Unfortunately no, this E went to Frontier, used to be E. Burgermaster
Any Sav or Jewels
bump j@ci
(1.47 MB 1079x1423 Screenshot_20240313-005151.png)
Willing to trade for any arvin/lamont girls
>>34340 Who do you have ?
Bump for Arvin/lamont
>>34352 Mariah Ruiz worked at bottoms up
Who are you looking for from Lamont/ Arvin?
>>34452 Who you got
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Drop the Riah!
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K1m from Arv1n
>>34462 Trade on $n@p c@lliboii2
Lancaster quartz hill area?
>>34487 C@ali_boii2
Added on Snap
>>34493 Add me too P@ulwatson890
Fed alert ^^^
Where them Mariah’s at?
>>34497 Only trade for arvin Lamont girls add sn@p c@li_boii2
^ lame. Then you ain’t got nothin. Just baiting.
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>>>>34523 I guess it’s just bait
(1.27 MB 1290x2009 IMG_4614.jpeg)
All you got is Riah? You don’t have a B3@tr1z G from Arvin?
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>>34528 I wish I did
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Anyone have @na M. From Arv1n?
>>34525 It is! Post it! Or else get out
>>34552 Just trying to free load off other lol 😂 you have no one to offer so if anyone needs to get off this page is you
>>34554 Bro, people been sharing. If you aren’t gonna share at least point us in the direction of where the photo can be grabbed so people can get it. If not then move aside. You coming with one person. Asking who has to offer. R1ah ain’t all that bruh.
Quartz hill ? Lancaster? Palmdale?
Any wins of destiny Berhow
everyone who said they had J@ci, post em
My threads get deleted so I’ll keep bumping for 530
Any Centennial of 13? I got loads of Allison Willard and some others
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Anybody has her? She use to have an OF
>>35491 Make a d15c0rD
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Bump for Jaci br@nd0lini from highland
Everyone keeping to them selfs let’s keep it alive
>>27529 Post moar of her
>>36821 Know her?
>>36899 Nice, you got any??
>>32282 >>32267 >>32247 is she a sex worker? how much.
Her name is Jazmine. She isn’t from Bakersfield she’s from LA
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I thought this girl was from Palmdale ? Or is it Bakersfield?
(1.10 MB 582x1077 M.png)
Magna G?
Any Jordan huss I believe she's in Palmdale
Any Jordan huss I believe she's from Palmdale though
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Anybody have more of her?
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>>36821 You got any?? Been looking for more of her.
@37037 you got any?
@ 37037 you got any?
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>>36899 Moreee.
>>37468 beautiful
(155.35 KB 636x1076 Snapchat-1191695406.jpeg)
@L!@ L Garces
>>37894 Any more?
From lamont anyone got any wins ?
>>37024 Got more of her Name?
K@yte B@zan?
>>35491 What others you got?
Someone has to have some of D3stiny B3rhow or Ca$$ie $impson
>>39378 Bump! who’s that? And someone has to have D3stiny b3rhow she was good fuck should’ve taken pics
>>38735 bump her if you got em
>>39119 you found any d3stiny b3rhow bumps? I got hella just not of her
No wins? What chick y’all wanna see I’ll see what I can do
Been looking for J@ci br@ndolini forever
>>39388 I’m tryin to get em good things take time hahaha
No one has D3st1ny b3rh0w or 0nlyfans.com/reallyxrik let’s see those wins
>>93403 how are you tryna get em?? Does she cheat on her hubby?
We need a guy with the Sauce who knows how to fetch things.
Anyone have K@rsyn M CHS
I know d3stiny b3rhow used to have an onlyfans someone has to have some wins out there
(120.56 KB 1284x749 IMG_8197.png)
Only fans.com/ reallyxrik U/subject_put_9957
I have crystal de la rosa (alaniz) princess _ titaah t(el) e <gr> am rickdoe95
<t> el <a> gr (am) rickdoe95 for princess_titaah (Crystal De La Rosa/Alaniz)
Messaged u fir crystal
>>40195 Post them here so we can all see them not just him!
>>40195 *rickdoe93 <t>el (u) g<ra> m for crystal
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>>40320 What’s the new one? I tried that
>>20095 >>40160 I need crystal
>>40499 More?
Anyone have Judy E? Someone posted her in another thread a while back
Anyone have Lilly P? Likes to drink and get sloppy. I know there’s gotta be some wins.
>>40513 Rickdoe93 4 crys
Can anyone get Katherin andrade? Phat ass
Yo let’s get this going ! Anyone have K@TheRin3 AnDR@De, last name now ViLlat0r0? Phat ass on her
Crystal Rodriguez(Bravo) wins? Gotta be some out there
>>40527 Bump for Lilly Pina. I’d like to see her too
Anyone have H0pe h0use
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(3.99 MB 1290x2796 IMG_4960.png)
Any A|y$$a wins
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>>40527 No wins but hard nips
>>40765 I do, I’ll post if anyone has K3nad33 W1ls0n
>>41202 I also have Ryl33 S3ll3rs, I’ll post her too if someone posts K3nad33W1ls0n
Who has any sh@nn@ sos@ gillem
(219.93 KB 828x1393 IMG_2555.jpeg)
>>40765 Here is H0pe H0use, I have more but I’ll wait till someone posts K3nad33 W1ls0n
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>>20095 Here is Ryl33 S3ll3rs, I’ll post more if anyone has K3nad33 W1ls0n
>>41921 Where was this published there has to be more. Or the name of the photographer What is k3nad33 insta?
>>41980 They were posted on one of her photographers pixieset websites, i ssed them but they’re off the web now and insta is @ken4dee_ she had an 0f for a while but idk what the name was
What was H0pe h0use onlyfans handle
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Any jessic@ 0 con̈nor wins, massive hoe, used to work at coʻśțćó
Bump for jessic@
Loopno one ever has Summer W aka Winterlynn, she became a stripper and moved to TX. Probably with a nigger rapper. She's the finest slut out of Bako and no one ever has her. She ever. Went to Dan Blazers parties or however u spell his name
(82.27 KB 960x959 FB_IMG_1733048214459.jpg)
Anyone have kenn edy dona ldson now domin guez
Anyone have any Linds@@y montijo I know that she is a big hoe and someone has to have her.
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Who has meeeelissa @lmagure
Who do you have? Any from her friend group
Bumb for sh@nna
(137.71 KB 1080x1080 Herrera.jpg)
Carolina H?
Bump for Lilly P or her Sister
Theres gotta be someone out there with some wins from her.
>>43236 Bump for Pina sisters. Or any stories
(88.42 KB 765x1020 IMG_20240305_035426_212.jpg)
Anyone have Kryst@l Ch@mpion? Major slut with great tits
anyone got @mber r3nee g? she was posted on isanyoneup a long time ago.
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De$tiny B3rh0w anyone else got wins or of H0pe H0use or any of her friend group
>>34462 >>27529 Moar? Looks like Domo
>>40897 Bump
Any wins for Jaelynn Hamilton
>>37037 last name?
>>44997 >>41834 OF handle?
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>>44997 Moar.
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anyone have? inst@ is ru pieezy no space
Any Kat Villatoro ?
>>45354 any more of her??
>>43346 Bump stories or wins
Any wins on Lauren lafavor?
Any Madison Halb wins?
Bump! Need new wins!
Any wins on d3$t¡NY $0b@rz0
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