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Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 03:32:53 No. 5953
Padua girls?
Who u got
Kibb1€hous€ sisters?
who is that
Kelsey P
Damn about time don’t let this die!
Class of I9?
Anyone got anything? I have s0me but looking for specific
I got Lindsey R from 2016
Omg please im dying to see
Who do you got ?
>>6620 I have some cl@ss l9 but looking for specific. What initials are you l00king 4
Just drop them,Instead of going back and fourth with whom have whom and what not,Just drop them.
>>6625 Fair enough I’ll drop but can you put initials for who you have from l9?
KP 19
Even the class of 23.
It keeps deleting the post but KS is who I was posting
KP 2020
(301.65 KB 1170x2075 IMG_3373.jpeg)
Drop. Any volleyball?
Aly$$a Chom@???
Drop ks
Did you have any volleyball or l9?
>>6627 Gonna post now?
Uhmmm pleaseeeee post the lindsey r pleaseeeeeeeee
I got Reilly e where’s Lindsey’s at?
>>6666 I’ve just been tryin to figure out if anyone has the volleyball girls but I dropped the first one so I’ll drop another if we keep it going
Drop them.
Drop rielly
>>6675 He’s not posting anything, pretty sure he doesn’t have anything
Not Padua, but there’s the pics of that teacher from Ursuline floating around somewhere. Anyone got her?
Name of girl in shower?
>>6811 Name when someone posts something
E or J Kibblehouse?
Bumping please
Bumping for any 18-20?
I have one and will post if someone else has something
>>8583 Who. What year
>>8586 19-20
>>8586 Assuming you don’t have anything?
Anyone have K Wong?
Kaylyn K?
>>8647 What year?
>>8649 2013
Prom time. Best tits
Keep it🤣
Anna Poeh?
Bruh someone just post or say if they have initial
>>9076 Or you could?
>>9096 Really?
Kelsey Padilla
>>9096 If it’s EG I’m thinking she loves the d
