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Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 04:21:00 No. 9691
I posted a vid of Jordan n out of Sussex county a while back but my phone cleared itself any chance anyone saved it and can repost for me
big tit chick with glasses?
>Anonymous >>9696 >>9696 Yeah
>>9691 Ah toilet cam girl. I'd love to see that video of her constipated trying to shit
I just wanna see her naked again. She has nice tits
post pics, i might have saved it, but i don't know her to pick her out of the collection.
Site won't let me say can't complete due to low memory. But she was the GameStop girl .
>>9841 I don't have any videos from a Gamestop
That's just one of the vids out there. The i posted originally was of her changing iƱ her bedroom
>>9845 yea, im gonna need some pics then, I have no way of figuring it out only knowing "changing in her bedroom", sorry
(319.31 KB 720x1612 Screenshot_20241224-200901.png)
>>9857 did she used to be smaller? I don't have any chunky girls who look like her
Yea she was smaller
(36.79 KB 720x720 FB_IMG_1735675207972.jpg)
>>9876 who's that?
>>9881 u got videos of her? she got big ass tits
I have the Jordan stuff, but I want to see more of the girl with the huge tits. Videos for videos
(649.79 KB 917x833 Screenshot (17).png)
>>9924 this is her, right?
>>9929 >Anonymous Yeah
(49.52 MB Jordan-1.mp4)
>>9932 This is what I have, I found this on m less, I don't think I have the ones from here. Were they different? Someone has to have the unedited ones
(47.67 MB Jordan-2.mp4)
2nd part
(846.39 KB 973x1600 006.jpg)
(1.11 MB 1308x1600 007.jpg)
(1.24 MB 1180x1600 005.jpg)
This is all I have on her, anyone got anything else?
