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Walker county Anonymous 12/20/2022 (Tue) 17:51:57 No. 18635
Anyone got anything from walker?
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More of Bonnie June Disbrow
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Good slut Bonnie
Where did you find these? From a video? I know her but not a fan.
>>19822 How do you know her?
She's a friend's friend. I've met her twice. She and I are not friends.
>>19971 In Rossville? Have you shown these pics to your friend?
What? No. LOL. Why would I? I was wondering if there were more or if it was from a video.
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More of Bonnie June Disbrow
Bump for any Emily dykes from Richland high Hannah sawyers and Shailynn Jenkins from lfo high
Any other Walker county girls?
Bump for Emily dykes or sierra anderson
Has onlyfans. Anyone got? Works at Chatt Twin Peaks
Bump Emily dykes
Any Nicole G? Last name rhymes with bladue. From the Loganville area
>>25929 Initials?
Texana Taylor? Replace first t with a r
Bump Emily dykes
Any Tori Girdn3r? Britt@ny Low3ry?
Yes someone please have Britt@ny >>27296
anyone got c painter blueyedbbygrl of
(347.88 KB 1244x2206 IMG_1018.jpeg)
got tons
>>27573 bump pls
Dayja Cameron?
D@ley H@rrison?
More Courtney!
If other people start posting stuff I’ll post everything I’ve got on Court
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K Morgan
Bump for Courtney.😛
Anybody got @shley mcdougal3? Heard she sells
Any Emily dykes or Kiley cantrell
>>28503 moar
Anybody got Cierra Guthrie?
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Anyone got M3rced3s R?
Anyone have Lîz Jøhñsøñ? She has an onlyfans.
@nn@ m h@rd3n heard she sells on TT
>>30085 Bump
>>30085 Bump Anna
any amber j3nkins
Bump for M3rcedes R0ss
Sam p has only fans as jupiteraurora. Could use some wins
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Anyone have Britt@ny Bl3vins ?
>>30085 Need @nna
Bump for Merc3des Ros$
Any Alexis Patton, Emily dykes
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I've got wins for br1@nna h@ll (clown girl) and r@1ney br@d1ey (red head) if anyone has t3hy@ r33v3s stuff
>>18635 >>35597 What's a man gotta do for more of the redhead?
>>35599 you got pics of anyone? I'll post some if you got anything
>>35597 Bump bri h@ll
>>35599 >>35670 >>35599 Share and I will
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>>35597 her older sister. S@ndy G
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>>35723 I didn't know she had a sister lol, but here's more since you shared
>>35599 Some of the red heads massive tits since you're interested
>>35731 Got any more of her?
>>35733 Yeah, I've got plenty of r@1ney (red head) br1, @ll1e and a handful of women for anyone who's sharing
Got @ll1e w@dll3 if anyone c@ss1e/c@ss@ndr@ c@ll@h@n
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>>35731 >>35730 >>35730 Yea. Older by a few years.
>>35789 Yeah they got almost the same body, but I'd say bri got the better side. Crazy we slept together and idek her family lmao
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>>35793 They’re the exact same. B just younger. I slept with older and mother. Whole family easy. Haha
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>>35794 Have to remember that
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>>35795 Definitely runs in the family.
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>>35796 Wonder if they're both cheating bitches too than
Almost guaranteed they are. S cheated on her husband with some guy name ju$t!n the whole time. B gave good head tho
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>>35798 When did you sleep with b? And head was the only thing she was actually good at lmao
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Only ever got head from B. Like 2020ish.
>>35802 Think ik you cause that's when I was with her brother. Imma fuck her sister and send her pics now
>>35800 Think they’re both married now but hey, go for it. They’re fun. Hah
>>35805 The older sis always cheats. Already divorced and engaged again. I knew her when she lived in Ross with her mom
Any girls from class of 2000/2001?
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Looking for destuny lewis wins . Or other chickamauga girls.
Looking for destiny lewis wins . Or other chickamauga girls.
Bump for Merc3des R0ss
Looking for Emily dykes or Shailynn Jenkins
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Someone please have her
Bump for chickamauga / forto rossville girls
