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Macon girls Macon wins 01/06/2025 (Mon) 14:41:16 No. 39314
Anyone have and Macon/warner robins girls?
Maybe now we can get more Morgan J pics or vids
idk but I want to know her….
Ash1yn UU got arrested for felony shoplifting. Don't think she'll be selling any nudes for a while
>>39388 Name?
Tell me you get no pussy without telling me you get no pussy… Oh wait, you’re all already here saying it. Yikes.
>>39451 I too get no pussy lol
>>39451 Who else up not getting pussy?
>>39468 Me:(
>>39451 Bro I ain’t gotta tell you shit, why do you think I’m here? Lol
Who’s that bitch? She hot?
Any M@ry F!reb@ugh? Sh@yn@ (used to be) Sl0cumb? R@ch3l Hu11et? (Red head big tits) Br!tt@ny J0r!s?
Morgan J bump
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Morgan j and many others, new ga group ADMINS STOP DELETING MY POST- THIS IS 100% LEGIT
It’s not letting anyone inside to view >>39888
>>39901 Ppl have been coming in all morning. Not sure what you mean. You have to READ everything
>>39888 they stay deleting shit for no reason.
>>39888 Oh it’s very legit. You just have to contribute
3mi1y f@ck1er? Macon
I doubt Morgan j’s in the group. Why not just post here?
>>39945 I've had legitimate posts deleted because they involve girls the admins know.
>>39314 >>39902 I’ve still been trying to get in and it’s saying invalid address. Am I missing something?
You’re not typing it in right. You have to type in the FULL address character-for-character. Morgan J is 1000% in there
>>40055 I’m copying and pasting it. Is that where I’m messing up?
>>40055 Post some in here then
>>40083 not until I get accepted back into that group or it gets fixed. A lot of us aren’t able to use it when y’all should be posting them in here anyways.
That link is phishing. Just post here.
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Accepted back into the group? Bro if you got kicked out it’s because you did something that was against the rules and a danger to the group. Stop crying because you got kicked out and making up shit like “phishing”. This group is legit. And btw, if you don’t understand why some wins can’t be posted on a public forum, you are part of the reason why they constantly get shut down. Grow up
>>39314 Rachel c14rk?
The group is legit, but not worth the time and effort. It’s pretty much the same stuff that’s been posted over and over. Nobody post anything new and the Admins don’t post anything worthwhile they just post shit that other people have posted and they find crackheads from the area and post them up trying to identify them. Don’t waste your time with this group. And before you say I got kicked out I didn’t. I’m still in the group as of right now just waiting to get kicked out lol
🔥 Emma t.co/9BPqJej0iI
>>40106 lol bro. Lotsssss of people in there that have never been posted before. Especially from the Macon/WR/Crawford area. And definitely waaaaayyyyy more than what gets posted in here. Idk why you tryna throw shade.
Besides the crack-heads that have been posted in there that nobody cares about. It’s pretty much the same ones over and over. There may be one or two new ones that I didn’t already have, but if you have been on these sites for the last 3 to 5 years there’s nothing new in there.
60 verified, contributing, happy members- 80% of which came from right here on this forum and are free to chime in on this at any time. You’re the only one in here trashing it. You definitely got booted and are salty af about it. Stop trying to ruin a whole groups reputation because YOU are unhappy.
You have 60 verified members that is just sitting there waiting for y’all to post something new they haven’t seen before. I have had plenty people message me separately talking shit about it’s the same shit posted only this time someone is trying to be a dictator about it and enforce who’s in there when they are clearly not doing a good job. oh, and by the way, if I am mad about being banned then why yall posting today about the same old Ashley S and Jenny S shit that’s always posted.
So is that link on Reddit?
Does anyone know about the mature slut wife Susan from Macon? Mid 30s male from northwest ga who would love to fuck her.
Does anyone have hailey amerson form macon
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Any of mary
anyone got ch@l3y h311i5
>>39314 >>40935 More like we need Chaley Sm1th
