/gf/ - Girlfriend

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Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 05:12:40 No. 14312
Anyone have stuff of there girl sleeping
>>14313 Have any more
>>14317 Any videos
sure whats your fb?
(67.52 KB 720x1440 Screenshot_20241118-002531.png)
>>14323 There it is
(588.97 KB 1093x1538 IMG_0486.jpeg)
Eat it
>>14323 Just in case you can't read it kings land
>>14326 You have more
>>14328 Some of us missed out
>>14332 I would like to see more and know more about her are you the one sending the video
And she is hot
>>14337 you have any pussy pics and Are you not the guy from the other thing
How many guys have fucked her?
>>14339 So you don't have the video you made of the picture from the laptop you took them from that's the vid I'm talking about
>>14343 That why I asked for the fb thing I was going to keep the video to my self and you asked me what my fb was
>>14346 Can you show my a bone I have had a shit day I will keep it to my self
>>14348 I just want to enjoy her whole body I will keep her a secret
>>14353 You have any pussy How is her pussy and blowjobs
>>14352 Dose not work yes but when nowhere
>>14354 What else do you want to know?
What are her kinks
Fingering her ass
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Sleeping wife, getting cum
>>15025 Oh my god she’s hot as fuck, please tell me you have more??
Yes I do
another one where we handcuffed and held her down.
993A524 mless
How is it sharing her ? I want to do it with my wife .
(17.29 MB 418x748 GIF_20240811_230517_670.gif)
>>15421 so much fun to watch someone without regard for her to use her like a cum slut.
