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Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 00:08:54 No. 1735
919 area
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They definitely exist. I’ve seen the folder
>>1774 Where????
>>1777 It was years ago on another site that doesn’t exist anymore. Used to know her!
>>1778 Damn wish there was more, this was on another anon site under NC.
Which one?? Were there More
>>1783 Just search the name of this site and there are other ones like it
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Few of these I’ve never seen before but the folder had a lot more in it back in the day
Bump for more
>>1879 What do you want to see?
Anything? Definitely videos
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Doubt you'll get anything else, everything is really old. Pretty sure she's married or something.
She’s not married but she did move away from NC. Used to be a whole album on another site. Was hoping for newer wins
>>1960 Do you know what site? From what I understand these are all from one person it doesn't seem like she was that loose
Damn. I used to work with her!
>>1949 Well that's something. Anyone have anything else? Stories even?
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I knew there were more wins
Damn these are a nice throwback. Remember when these first leakee
Does anyone remember what she used to post under
>>2166 Katiemedic something but I'm going to go out on a limb and say I don't think it was he posting.
>>2016 Those tits looks perfect for titty fucking
>>2207 Can confirm they were>>2207
>>2209 You fucked her? Heard she likes to be stuffed to the brim
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She has some amazing assets, would love to know how she is in bed
Damn. I didn’t know she could squirt like that
>>2226 There's a few from a website that just came back up that shows how bitch it a mess she makes
Which site
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>>2237 Look at the watermark
Can’t find the site anymore
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>>2241 some great pics of her on that wholesome site! ;)
>>2250 Holy fuck I want to bury my face in those tits I want to know who has actually fucked her and what it was like. She seems like one hell of a good time
That’s the photos I’ve been looking for! Lol. Wish I knew that’s what it looked like when we worked together
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>>2261 You would of been trying to hide that boner every time you were around her lol. I know I would of had to ;)
Heard a story she was no stranger to taking 2 at once
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Looks like there's definitely room for two back there. I bet her body takes it like a champ!
>>2263 Would love to hear that only experimented with toys >>2264 She can take three in the pussy but ass was off limits
Sounds like we may have both been in there at some point. We should talk lol
>>2266 I would agree but nothing I put up here stays. I'm not sure how to facilitate that
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>>2266 "Uhhh Katie, why does it feel like we're fucking in some other dude's nut?? Were you really just 'out shopping' this afternoon?"
$n@p is ltjason.dtr if you want to compare stories or swap
>>2278 god I miss the hole
>>2281 How long were you fucking her?
>>2282 Few months. You?
>>2283 Over a year lol, is that you in the pic?
>>2284 Damn. We need to compare stories.
>>2285 I'm down just how do we do that since this site removes everything it can to do without outside comms
>>2286 Look at 2280
Exchange the pics and vids! Then post em up to an open link where random strangers can enjoy them in all their big tittie glory 😈
>>2288 I'm going to guess that what's here is everything there is. Sadly I don't think we'll find anything new.
Wish the two who double teamed her could share something!
Don’t let it die
>>2293 Unless someone can get her to give up new ones I think we're all tapped out.
>>2296 any h(a)ckers out there? 😈
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this girl got hotter with age
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>>2335 Love Katie B!!
Where in the hell do these keep coming from!
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>>2344 spread throughout the far reaches of the slutweb. Once online, always online 😈
Love the recent selfie of her. She’s only gotten hotter. Looks like we found some more people that know her. Wonder if any of them worked with her like I did
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That's awesome you used to work with her. You must jack off to her daily. I know I would if I knew her! have any idea who was banging her?
I was for a little while lol. None of these are my pictures though
>>2348 Post them nudes!! Hope you pumped that bald pussy full. And no condom 😎
>>2350 I doubt anyone has anything else, I feel like she retired from being slutty.
>>2337 I would put my mouth right over that pussy as it squirts and such that cum off the cock that made her do that
>>2354 damn that's dedication! 👏👏
Bump. Knew her back in the day
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hell yea. let's get that Katie bump goin
>>2365 Good luck I think you asshats ran her off the Internet.
>>2370 what you mean?
>>2373 She erased everything, I'm pretty sure some jackass on here started to message her and begged for more nudes.
>>2380 Can't blame him for tryin!
>>2406 Pretty sure this is dead, I can't see anything new coming from her.
Here’s hoping someone got her Halloween costume for the year to post it.
Any more?
>>2519 What does Hime video Gw the shower mean?
Bump this ginger goddess, someone has to have something else!
Bump! Please someone find some more of her.
Bump for more
bump - any wins of OF slut alexandra? moved back to 919
>>2278 Dudes that porked this chick how was that pussy??? Gingers are just freaks by nature and she seems no different.
It was top notch
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she def settled down with some goon-looking dude but if they broke up bad maybe he's willing to supply some updated content ;)
>>2793 >>2794 I bet he shares her I mean she's too good not to. Also lucky bastard for hitting this. I bet she was a freak would love to hear the details!
That’s definitely not who she settled down with
>>2796 Well wonder if he has anything to share?
>>2168 Does anyone one know what she used to post under? This doesn't come up with anything
>>2870 Not sure if there's anything to bump if it's for Katie. The nudes that have been posted seem to be it. Doubt we'll be seeing any more.
Holy shit! My bro and I double stuffed this chick she was a fuckin freak sad she isn't around anymore to do it again
>>2926 any photos or videos of said gangbang? :)
>>2928 Nah it was all heat of the moment shit we knew it the pictures new she was a freak but after a few drinks she was more than willing she got naked and really pushed us to do it. We tried to get back in touch with her again but I think she started dating someone or some shit
I will say she knew how to take dick NGL she gave me a redhead fetish. Also wettest pussy I ever seen
I can also confirm it was top tier and wettest ever. The way she could squirt 💯
>>2931 Was she a soaker or someone who could shoot it across the room?
Could definitely shoot it
>>2949 Would pay to see that anyone got video of her
I want to find the 3some video
>>2953 Good luck, if you do find it share it!
Does she take it up the ass?
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Bump to the moon
Is this new?
Bump this
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>>3149 bumped
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More bumps
>>3154 exposure on point!
