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Prairie or Jefferson SW Cedar Rapids 08/24/2022 (Wed) 18:52:16 No. 11476
Anything from around ‘09-‘14 is preferred if you got it. I’ve seen some floating around but here’s 3mily $tod0la to get us started.
J0rd@n B0uze k '12
>>11552 Nice!
Mspam@n J?
(802.84 KB 720x952 Screenshot_20200707-091352~2.png)
Ella H3d3r?
Bump. Any cr wash? Preferably 2012-2014
>>11476 Got any more $tod0la?
>>11731 just these, she has an OF.
>>11733 If anyone has her sister $ydney that’s a huge W
>>11733 what’s the OF?
>>11736 https://onlyf4ns.com/emmybabyxo with an a other than the 4 obviously
(832.19 KB 1816x2560 20220904_143058.jpg)
Anything on M@dd1e F3rrie? CR Wash
Keep it goin’!
@shley S
Lots of Jeff in here. Anyone got Prairie???
Dont get that addy shit going..just keep this list rolling
M4rissa Smith, Hail3e Sch1ller, Cor4 K4hle or others from Prairie???
>>11741 Did anyone get this???
>>11936 man I would kill to see hail33
>>11955 she’s been on here before. Someone has them
>>11970 Who is that??
>>11970 Let’s g--!
>>11974 M4rissa Sm1th. There’s more floating around somewhere
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Prairie 12^^ ive got alot more people too. Keep it up!
Anyone have d@rr!@n fl3!$Not allowed3r
>>12044 Drop ‘em! …please? :)
Anyone have K3lli He4th??? Jefferson ‘11?
>>12060 Or her sister Sh3lly
S4mmie Gr1mes???
Bump for sammie
Anymore Jeff '10-'12?
>>12158 Okay now let’s get some Prairie goin’ please
Prairie ‘12
>>12215 Moar!
>>12215 not her
>>12254 Looks like one of her state pics from college, she had a few leak around that time. Post what you have of her
>>12306 I guess it’s possible someone stole her pic and used it multiple times as spam Twitter accounts. I doubt it though.
>>12317 It was posted on Iastatenudes and bubblebuttnation with her name
>>12321 Was this from the Not allowed story or twitter? Also, post her nudes!
>>12322 No nudes just thong pics I heard there was a lot of her dropped in the spam when it was still up
Any wins of N@t@li3 Bl@nk?
Does anyone know if it’s still up or have an PRIVATE TRADE NOT ALLOWED?
Keep ‘em comin’
>>12043 anymore br33?
Pls don’t let this thread die!
Any Ang3lica H4hn??
Anyone have the @ddy $ullivan DP video? I have a video of her being spit roasted I would tr@de
>>12544 I have the new video of her giving head in the parking lot of a bar
Lol no ya don’t
>>12547 This video was posted on 4chan, everyone has it lol
>>12601 so post it
>>12601 P-ost it, p-st it, p-st it! POOOST IT!
Her ex was selling a bj video, but he wanted way too much for it. For a girl that supposedly has a few GB and DP videos I am not paying $150 to watch her suck your dick
I have the video of her sucking off 3 guys after a party. Resolution is garbage as it was respamed on a iPhone 4. I’ll drop it once you guys post something decent
I’ve posted all I have so need someone else to come through for us
>>12601 Spent hours searching 4chan archives, can’t find it.>>12601
>>12714 I remember seeing it 6 months ago if that helps you find it. It doesn’t show much, it’s her making out and rubbing some guys dick through his pants outside Bushwoods. They go back to his car and you can see her head bobbing.
>>12601 >>12720 Still can’t find it :(
>>12720 >>12720 What thread was it in?
>>12720 Found it but the link to vid is dead
>>12720 https://spam-/d/dYGZjj Anyone else have nudes of her? I have a few, but I’m not going to be the only one sharing.
>>12735 Who is this?
>>12736 @ddy $ullivan
>>12737 I thought it was her, just wanted to be sure.
Thanks for sharing bro Damn that bitch was cock thirsty
>>12735 How do I open this?
>>12741 Are you trying to view it on desktop or iPhone? Desktop should have a way to extract data, on iPhone you will have to download an app, I use unzip
>>12735 Waste of time, no nudity She is just rubbing his dick through his pants, then you can’t see his dick, you just see her head going up on down.
>>12742 iPhone
Links dead
Fuck! Every time someone posts Addy I miss it Please repost
Addys freshly fucked asshole
I’m glad to see you fags stopped hoarding Pics Here is some from my collection.
>>12829 Only one I have of her unfortunately This was from one of the ISU Not allowed groups
Anything other than Addy?
>>12829 🤢🤮
>>13009 All her videos and pics are in the [Private trading not allowed] group. Lots of other Prairie and Jeff girls too
>>13019 Is the gangbang video in there?
>>13018 Where is this group?
Any K0nnor Gr1ffith? Or C0ra K4hle? More Prairie???
>>13037 How do I join? I have some very recent cuckold vids of her and her bf fucking guys she brings home from the bar.
>>11476 >>13081 I wanna see
Who dis!!??
Anyone have @utumn $tensland prairie 10’
Any Maddie and0rf?
Looking for more sex vids https://mega.nz/folder/CmZzVAAR#FHGhiufUlVcGmH4ztFWp_w Here is a sample of the what I have of her from my personal collection.
>>13303 Nice facial
>>13303 dead link
can you please repost - the mega doesn't load
>>13303 Bump for a repost of the link!
Why is no one sharing pics on here?
Anyone got L@uren N0@h from Jeff '10? I know she got around a lot
Sierra ott? From jeff
Bump for L@uren N
Bump jefferson
>>13647 I have a few.. Which graduation class should I post?
>>13664 2012!!! (please)
>>13647 Anyone have (H)either (K)Eller?
>>13664 Yeah '12 would be good
anyone have m@ddy l3w1s from prairie?
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@bby K0ch Jefferson '12
>>14271 NICE!
Bump Jeff 2012
>>14755 Anyone have more of @ddy $ullivan?
>>14870 Can someone share these? I have a couple of her friends, Jennifer J and Danielle R I will share in return
Can everyone stop asking for Addy on multiple threads? It kills the thread. Make a seperate thread for her if you need to wonder about her.
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>>14875 What’s out there of Jennifer J? I want to she those titties
Any Heather K?
>>14986 More Jeff ‘12 please Anyone still have the pics of Addy S that floated around Jeff? I lost the, a few phones ago
any wins?
>15005 I had a full frontal of Jenny L@frenz from '13 on my old phone long ago. Sadly its gone
Looking for Ashley Jh0nson. Fun fuck, hard to get pics from
Of spam
Of mydirtysecret69
Cierra m@@s tits anyone?
G-örg-@ or b@-len?
(750.79 KB 1050x1937 817.jpg)
^^ whos this?
Sara furman ?
Does anyone have any J0$!3 B.URR) I've seen her name posted but idk if there have been wins?
Bump Josie!!!
Bump J0sie
Anyone know how to remove stickers from $n@p? I have a few girls from Jeff ‘10-‘12
>>15772 No but you should post them anyway
You gotta have access to the original
Courtney 1cen0gle?
Bump Courtney
>>15772 gotta be the stupidest thing i've heard on this board. and that is saying a lot.
>>11900 Maybe someone should send the L@uren Goodl0ve pic to her brother L33 Goodl0ve and screenshot his response. I'd love to see it.
Dead thread...
Anyone got anything on her? Titties are massive
Lol tits are massive but too bad she’s too trashy for her own good. Bitch could have been it. Instead she went dirt cheap.
>>17584 Who’s this?
>>17598 Syd Stod0l@
>>17736 Sweet! Have any more!??
Its @ll!3 p@yn3, not whoever your trying to take credit for.
>>17991 I have a few of D3sara3 R3in3rt from back in HS. Do you have any of their friends?
>>18025 Do you have K()K? I don’t want to post her stuff here
Last of big tits J0rd@n B0uzek jeff '12
any Hail3e Schiller floating around?
@mand@ p1polo
Any Class of 2013-2017?
>>18198 I’ve seen them here before. Old ones though. Would love to see something newer.
>>18198 Bump for h@il33
Bump for some Prairie grads
>>19536 Double bump
Anyone have Tor! Lor!mer?
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>>20536 I have a few topless pics. Who do you have?
>>20537 would love to see her topless have her face in them?
(72.41 KB 480x640 IMG_0982.jpeg)
>>20539 Yes. Have any f the Addy Sullivan pics/vids?
>>20542 Sadly I do not
>>20542 Anyone else you'd be looking for?
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>>20557 I don’t check here often
Bump it up
>>20536 Bump tori
(373.80 KB 719x947 Ag.jpg)
Who is this? Are there any more?
A loot from her @thatiacowgirl
Bump more of her
Bump this hottie
I don't think she has an OF
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Any wins on either of these two?
Let's see some wins
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Let's see some wins
Any d. C. O.r.d. links?
Let’s hear some m@ri$$a sm1th stories and I’ll drop some never before seen wins
>>22827 Check the name
>>22906 she got around a lot. I busted her open a few times. She’s a good girl who can deepthroat like a champ. I knew a guy she gave head to on a trampoline lol.
>>22955 Tons of Iowa leaks shared
>>22955 On d. C. O.r.d.
>>23216 New ones in the name. Tons of sc leaks from every Iowa area code
>>23297 Shit group ngl not enough posters. Any other groups with actual content?
>>23300 you're just pissed nobody would fall for your pathetic scam.
Buddy used to bang m@ri$$a sm1th all the time when she was dating Al. Says her pussy started to smell the last time or 2 they were together.
anyone have R0x@nn€ B or Br€€c€ H? 2014
Any @lli$on W@rd?
Any s@v@nn@ f0wl3r wins?
Whats new dcor link?
prairie 2013-2017?
Any of $kyl@ @tk1n$
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any wins on Mck@ylA V 26-27y hottie?
Mck V can be fun when she forgets she has a fiancé
What the fuckkk. Sauce on mck v?
>>25990 Sauce on Mck V is married or not those holes still won’t be his when he is out of town and she needs dicked down.
I have some history with her but never seen her naked. Is there a video?
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Bump Mck
Bump Prairie
Bump plz
I know she is definitely a good piece to have on the side. I enjoy it when her guy is out of town. Always a fun night with her. Got any more wins?
>>25990 This image shows a bit of her nice tits. Would love to see more her fully naked
Wish I had more. Long story short that’s all I could salvage. The video was a good couple minutes long tho.
>>26180 Do you still keep contact with her? Any chance of getting some pics from her or taking some? Do you still have the vid to be able to share?
>>26180 also would love the video
Bump for vid on Mck V! We need that win
Bump for mck plzzzzz. I know that's a video screenshot. Cmon
bump for the mock v sauce
Anyone ever fuck little slut L@uren Ch@se?
Once again hoping someone has some h@ilee schi11er laying around. I heard her the other day complaining there were pictures of her floating around
>>26703 I have a few of Hailee I could drop, but what have you contributed?
>>26737 Hi I’ve contributed most of this thread and I would like to see Hailee.
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>>26746 0515ba26a18e53af9382561439eff13cc5b6a08b56ac8bd900efd1d06b90141b1d
>>26746 Not comfortable posting her here. Too many creeps
>>26756 This dude is solid
>>26756 Mostly just has Cedar Rapids girls, but he does send
>>26772 Thread literally says Cedar Rapids
>>26756 Let me guess, you’ll only send them if I send you some @ddy su11iv@n…
>>26793 I forgot about her. What happened to the golden shower girl from Prairie?
>>26797 She went to ISU and got ran thru, dropped out and went back home.
>>26757 Man up...
Anyone have any Jeff from '10-'13 ish?
>>26834 I have a lot of Jeff and Prairie. 09-13
Then post some shit. Theres no reason to hoard 10 year old pics to yourself. Less reason to be on here & not throw them up.
>>26841 I can’t find you 0559afc4ec95767728dada396c9d9a20733854c475da330f3836497700d4a0ee4b
H@nn@h D? 3mi1y B? J3nn1çå Ç? 2011/2012 I think
>>26178 Well she's married now but would still be great to get a win of those big tits
>>26982 Iconic
Okay let's quick the fucking around. Let's see that McKayla video.
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To the guys that have or have seen the famed videos of Addy Sullivan, are there any videos with any of her friends in them?
Yall beg too much. Just post what you have.
>>27560 I saw a video of her being throat fucked and her friend (C]assidy (F)lemimg was watching and playing with herself
>>27560 I have a couple vids of her and her friends walking around nude or dancing, but no fuck vids or anything
>>27560 I have pics she sent me in college, but none of her friends. Kenzie Mongar would be nice to see
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>>27562 Trading Cassidy if anyone has more 0559afc4ec95767728dada396c9d9a20733854c475da330f3836497700d4a0ee4b
how can i get my hands on this h@il33 Sch1ll3r
Damn. That's a nice titty
>>27996 What is that L!ink for?
Any H011y Sch0ff Jeff '10? Stories?
>>28227 bump
bump mck v’s amazing titties!!
she put on some pounds but would still like to see her nude and fuck her
Get peoples kids off this fucking website.
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Any wins of her?
Wins h3@th3r L@ch3r/Gl@ck1n huge pierced tits cheats on all her men
Ry@nne $tockt0n??
Bumping for $-ydn3y $-t0d0l@. I have more of her sister Emily.
Anyone got J0$i3 H0yt A$hl33 $p3nc3r M0rgan L3wi$
>>33976 Bump this. Josie and Ashlee were freaks
>>33979 What you know of for stories?
>>33981 Josie tried to fuck a guy at a party I was at in the middle of a room full of people and then went out to a different guy’s truck and fucked him in it. Ashlee used to send me nudes and she had a thing about spreading her asshole/sticking her fingers in it.
Anyone got any @DDY Sullivan?
>>33976 >>34031 I got Addy and Morgan 05b9bf1245f82edd0ff21f6f163f8ac3eb2ac0ec6b66d2c8daa1304fef1db72300
>>34036 My bad guys, he sent me vids back, just forgot to update y’all
>>34038 Huh?
>>34038 I originally made a post saying he stopped replying after I sent him a video.
>>34040 What’s vids?
>>34035 What is this?
>>34043 Someone please report this shit
Wtf is wrong with people? Don't post that pedo shit you sick fucks.
>>34035 Post pls
>>34043 Please kill yourself immediately
Anyone have @ddy $ullivan
Who was looking for J0$i3 H0yt A$hl33 $p3nc3r 05313a332015a27fdc51e363c646494c965985c383aa2b336c2a5e397b68abe910
>>34122 I have a lot of the stuff leaked from ISU
>>34123 I’m too dumb to know where to put this.. can I get a hint?
I have some from ISU KICK samsharing23
Anyone ever fuck Chl0e McC@be from Jefferson or have pics/stories?
Got a good amount of S@r@h @nt0n
>>34398 Sara was hot af
>>34398 Can you post?
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Here's a few of them
Anyone have more Alex? Meets up through this number
>>34408 KING
Sara had a cute ass
>>34408 does she have a sister? first name B?
>>11625 bump for more of her
Bump l@uren N0@h. Jefferson '10. Anyone have at least stories of her???
>>34631 >>34635 I have Lauren an other Jeff/Prairie girls.
>>>34636 could you please post some Lauren N?
>>34636 Hmu 052a47752ee5d76446584f3a647a1617486b18aab8d725fdc21c111b7b22ba351c
>>34662 Hint to string?
>>34669 S3ssi0n
who has wins on redhead s@r@h F?
Any 3rik4 Br0k0v1ch wins?
Looking for tori Housley and kylie Housley if anyone has seen any
Any K@yl@ Gl@ssberg?
(262.36 KB 914x1484 Snapchat-711947756.jpeg)
Anyone have wins? C0urtn3y Ku3h1 Bai13n Pu1krab Kari G00dwin J0c31yn W00d A$h13y K0ch
>>35812 Bump
>>35812 I have Courtney Koehler, Kari Goodwin, and Ashley Koch. I’ll share once you guys stop hoarding, I’m looking for Andrea Berryman, Heather Keller,
Any ¢am3ron ¢hri$tner?
J@misyn christn3r
Bring back @ddy $ullivan? Anyone got more nudes
Is this the golden shower girl Prairie?
>>35988 Yes! I have vids of her taking mouthfuls, someone make a gc and I’ll post
Why are posts being deleted of Addy?
>>35847 No you don't. Literally a thread full of ppl saying they have some but just don't post.
>>36002 I saw the pics before they were deleted, my question was why are they being deleted
>>36003 They have always deleted her pics, it’s been happening for years
There's sites or groups you can pay that just constantly monitor for anything with your face or tagged with your name an it automatically gets it removed I think pimeyes offers it
>>35766 Would love to see more of her!
Bump Addy $ullivan Lost my old sess for guys I was talking with, here’s new 051b8ec38c9d5190e6f4300389765924383481159c5219720cdd0f281adef53f50
>>36068 DM’d you, I have nudes of C@ssidy F and @shley K 054ab18ca1d0bb2b384e6ad6dca208bc5bc7acfd67079e9dfe4665637c5e9daa5b
Any Tor! McNe@l?
Anyone got Cierr@ M@@s
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Who has wins?
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Any class of 07 girls?
>>36597 I have 05-09, Wash, Jeff, Prairie
>>36601 Post some 07 prairie sluts
There aren’t any 07 priairie sluts 😂
>>36625 I have Sara and a few cheerleaders from Prairie
>>36632 Do you have S@r@ M?
(139.62 KB 647x862 IMG_0886.jpeg)
>>36633 Yes, Sara m and a few other cheer girls
Any recent Prairie grad Ella Cunningham? Shes sexy af
>>36632 How about Murphy C0nr@d or Br1 McGu1re?
>>36634 Damn those are nice titties, I forgot how nice her tits were
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Anyone have Abby Daywitt?
>>36634 you're just posting pics from their Instagram account lol
For every new win posted here of someone I know, I will donate $20 to flood relief in Eastern Iowa! You guys don’t hate our local communities do you???
Any C@$$ie B@tch3ld3r
Bump Abby Daywitt from Prairie. Shes got big tits!
Athlete Bailey Rima got leaked amaleaked [dot] pk/bailey-rima/
>>37801 Link broken. Post?
>>37801 Removed due to child porn
>>37801 Gross
>>37801 Mods!
Please delete this thread
This thread is gross Mods please delete
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Lots of Jefferson and Prairie girls, mostly 09-12’
Any K@rlee L0ng?
Anyone have K@tie Iv3s?
>>11476 Any of T@y10r $h3rr3ts?
>>16374 Is that S@v@na k.?
Does anyone have K@t W3bb3er? K@t m@ri3 sometimes. Huge whore n sends nudes to everyone n fucked half of CR. Ik she has an OF Hippiekitten98.
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From Jeff (A11ie Kr0usi3) where are the wins
Bump for a11ie wins
>>38755 Lots of Washington and Jefferson girls, mostly 05-12’
>>38798 Any D@kota Cr0sswhite?
>>38798 >>38799 I’ve only ever seen her modeling nudes
Bump for dakota
Emily¥ @lyassiri
NE of l!nz¥ e||!$ or br! b€nd€r
l!nz¥ e||!$ br! b€nd€r b€cc@ S
>>38798 Any $-yd $-t0d0l@?
Allie krousie?
M@ddie l@nger
Bump for allie
Anyone have pics or good stories about Jenn@ @nders0n from jefferson?
Bump for jenna amd allie
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Any wins of s4mmie out there
>>40000 PLEASE
Big bump
Bump for the last 3 girls posted
Bump for Sammie
Any wins on the brokovich sisters
>>34408 Anymore of Sara?
(1.02 MB 1080x1595 ok.jpg)
>>38861 Trash requests. Both are nasty
Bump for allie and sammie
Need S@mmie like I need air to breathe
Bump sammie
I have b@!l3y r!m@ Looking to swap for prairie grads year 2017-2020 Green app, s o m e a n o n g u y 3 7
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>>40821 I have B@iley Rim@ and some of her friends
I have b@!l3y r!m@ Looking to swap for prairie grads Green app, c a m p u s c r a v i n g s
Any Chey@nne Fergus0n wins?
Any 05 prairie? Any one here that old?
>>40908 Would you know 2006/2007 Prairie and Jeff girls?
Hell yeah! Bump for sammie
>>41238 Sammie?
>>41279 S-@mmie (G)rim3s. Super hot slut, has done buduoir shots and I know she used to send nudes. I got some from her a long time ago, but never saved. Hoping someone has something!
Share sammie pics!
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>>41300 >>41310 I’m leaking her vids
Who's this
>>41341 Nah he’s just looking for Addy stuff. Cap.
>>41515 Who did you offer to send him? He sent me a few pics and a vid, but I sent him one of Sammie’s friends that we both knew.
>>41515 Adrianne “addy” Sullivan set has been leaked on St@tewins
But no one will share them, just lots of claims
Isn't St@tewins down?
>>41554 It worked a week or two ago, but isn’t working now. I did see Addy on it as well. Looked legit this time.
>>41532 >>41567 Not sure who her white knight is, but statewins got shutdown the same day they posted her.
>>41570 It was the day after, but I heard it was definitely due to her being posted.
I didn’t buy it, but the previews were mostly just ass pics
Were they nudes? Did anyone save?
>>41576 Looks like someone got in her snap. It’s a big file, I’ll buy it, if someone has any of her friends they would share in return
>>41554 Is that on snap still? How is it found? Link?
>>41589 I have a Dropbox full of videos taken at ISU parties, I have videos of Addy flashing her ass and tits, and stripping down naked after losing a bet at a party
Can someone create a group for her? I feel there’s lots of people sharing her stuff, but it keeps getting removed
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>>41611 I have Jenna A and Bella P. I’m willing to share if others have equivalent
>>41593 Good idea. So people can stop cluttering up all the more broad threads with requests for her that go unfulfilled.
Is there a new d s c r d ?
Any E11ie B@rber?
Why do these pics keep getting deleted?
Any other cr area girls? Wins? Stories?
>>41898 What’s her insta??
>>41898 >>42404 >>42404 What’s her insta??
>>42406 she never posts but here
>>42412 someone’s gotta have something
Looking to swap for c@!tlyn st0n3m@n Green app: s o m e a n o n g u y 3 4
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Bump for older Prairie and Jeff grads. ‘09-‘14 please!
>>42701 I have lots, who are you looking for?
>>42703 Too many to list tbh. I’ll take anything lol
anyone got r@cheal herr1ck?
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I have H3ather K3ller, looking for her friends. Please give reasonable offers
Real winners don’t gate keep. Post heather.
Real winners don’t gate keep. Post heather k. Would love to see Sam kasha
(331.13 KB 1125x2007 IMG_2130.jpeg)
>>42749 Are you asking for H3ather K3ller and S@m K@ska, without offering anything in return?
>>15760 Bump
3m1ly b@rt13$?
>>43630 Bump!
Bethany Richards, Prairie grad, works at Home Depot.
>>43695 Bethany is an attention where with nice pussy
Any H@yley $cott?
>>43695 Oh hell yeah!
>>43695 We need more of this chick
(111.39 KB 600x1066 4836105-694093-6.jpg)
Can Confirm Bethany is EZ
Not trying to kill a dream, but just reverse search the image. It's not her. Sorry
>>43741 from her of
>>43996 Fuck I didn't even know she had one
Any more H@yley $cott?
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I’ve heard Addy is back on tinder and bumble, anyone pull some wins yet?
>>44439 Yeah, I matched with her on Bumble a while back. She sent a few ass pics before we met up to hook up. Seemed chill at first, but she started acting kinda weird after, so we haven’t really talked since. No idea what’s up with her now.
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>>44478 She’s been on dating apps forever, man. I’ve heard she’s easy as hell. Not surprised she was sending ass pics before even meeting up. Found this on her Twitter—she literally posts about matching with dudes on Bumble. I can only imagine what her body count is at this point. She’s for everybody.
>>44483 Yeah, no surprise. She was super easy. Honestly, it felt like throwing a hot dog down a hallway—she was so loose it kept making that farting sound… you know what I mean. Definitely not the first time she’s been ran through like that.
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>>44487 >>44489 She got even wilder in college. Hooking up with multiple guys, no shame at all. Heard plenty of stories about her doing threesomes and crazy shit at parties. That pic of her with two dudes at once was from a dorm at ISU
>>44483 >>13081 Post the Jennifer j
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>>44489 >>44495 Saw this thread and had to chime in, got a ton of vids of her, including some wild party nights at ISU. Not sure what links work here, though, what’s the best way to drop them?
>>44296 some more feom H@yleys OF
Who has the B3lla Pat31 leaks? Someone in this thread mentioned her
>>44540 . is decent
>>44540 go file (dot) io No spacss
Cora Barton??
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>>44712 Bump for Bella, I have Jord@n M0nk and L@uren H@gmeier
a$hl3y baluk0ff
Abby Daywitt?
>>44822 Post @ddy $ullivan and I’ll share the two vids and 17 pics I have of @bby D@ywitt
>>44823 idk Addy
>>44823 what kinda vids of Abby are they?
Post Jordan H@gm3ir & J0rd@n M0nK
How do we get in touch for d@yw!tt
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>>44847 I have a couple vids Abby D from a couple years ago. A strip tease and a solo bate
>>44902 shes got a great body
Any J3n Juch3m?? Seen her name here several times but no results.
Any more content or stories about H@yley $cott?
T4r4h J0rd4n?
