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Vinton/shellsburg Anonymous 09/15/2022 (Thu) 05:02:45 No. 12166
Looking for vinton/shellsburg area. Ive got a few to dump to my homies from there that have any. Also have 319s. If no one starts i will in the morn 🤷‍♂️
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What a surprise. Nothing to show
Easy chief, some of us have an actual life besides this board 😅😅
And yet here you are, contributing nothing
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Any Ch3ls3y M3rch@nt? Heard she sleeps around
Anything else?
Come on there's dozens, post it up let's get it going
Does anyone have Cassie Sl0@N,p@t@v@, p@ig3 b3rv1d, kryst@l b3rv1d, t@y@ w1tt3n, tr15t@ w1tt3n, k@yl@ br0wn?
If anyone has them I doubt they'll share, people are stingy
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^who are they,i have a few from vinton, id share if anyone had any off that list.
Emi/y R3i$Ch
Her breasts are disappointing. All nipples yuck
Show us something better then
Any ic 319?
>>12166 Got Her cousin? V@l
I wish, we just need people to contribute to this thread. I'm sure there's tons from around here
If anyone has v@lerI3 wh3l@n or her sis wins post them
Best way to get what you want is to upload something first.
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Cheyenne 0
Nobody else?
I second V@l
I've got em. What's it worth to ya?
Anyone got any of her
>>14389 Quite a bit lol
>>14466 >>14462 anon49#8068
(867.15 KB 1512x2964 FB_IMG_1669675580802.jpg)
Any A1i $tr33ter?
Bump A1i!
Bump Ali! She's cute!
Any milfs ?
>>15176 Any out there of Kryst@l @nders0n? Heard she gets around
(S)teph S
Anyone got h@lee w33ms
Heres halee
Damn, was hoping for at least her naked tits. Thx anyway
Bump for w33ms
We can’t let this die.
any of the girls who work at wh1skey r1ver? like h@rlee,bl@keley or k@elen hub3r?
>>18528 Dang. She’s a pretty hot piece of ass
any of @bby H0w€
Anyone have N@t Kruger,Mindey w@rning
Tess@ Mc@rt ????
Ive got loads of her, who do you have
>>19232 I really don’t have anything
Share the hotties from our small town if I had anymore I’d share them
>>18528 I am actually halfway surprised that she doesn't have an Only Fans. She was definitely on my list of "probable Only fans" anyone have more?
>>12173 Bump More of @sh
>>19391 Show us what you got first
>>19308 I would throw some $$ at that OF
>>19517 Hell yeah, she make fucking bank too
Anyone have a list of local OF?
Meggomaid is m3g@n h@wk
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Post T355@ already
Anything new a lot of request for Tessa if anyone has her???
>>19232 Post them then>>19232
Any from class of 04?
Class of 07?
Just anything? Please?
Anyone have some of those hot fareway girls
K3lcie h@rril?
5ara h? 2007.
chubby cheater
>>13404 Any more cheyenne or Marcie?
>>22580 More of this slut!!
Cheater or not I’d bang the shit out of her
>>22580 Gotta be more bump
>>13404 Bump!
Any wins for L1nds3y t@f@
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Any of @bbie porter, h@leigh b, k@tlen n3@l
@bbie would be a good one, seen here in a bikini and never knew how big they was
Anymore kelsie? God knows there's more
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Mon3t 3lwick, M3rc3d3s Ph3lps, M3g@n H@wk
Bump ali need that one
Keep kelsie coming
Megan is so hot!!! Her content is pretty good
Anything at all of T355@ mc@rt0r
She has one big pot belly
Any of 5h3lby R05t3r
Anyone got C@ssi3 0w3ns
Any wives or milfs?
Li$@ or 3ric@ h@mm3r??
Bump the hammar sisters. Do they exhist ?
Bump c@55! 5l0@n
Bump t355@
Any M@ndy p3t3rs
Bump Hammar sisters
Any Sierr@ Higgins (wheeler)
@uen twins ????
M@cey $st0ut, C@$$ie p@t@v@, te$$a w!tten, Kelli c0x ???
>>12166 Anny j3ssica vin3r??
Anyone have An@st@sia D@witt from Shellsburg?
Bump Anast@sia!
Rhyl33 St0n3?
Any s@r@h g@lk0w$ki?
Any tiff@ny Au£n , Abbi€ p0rter,
Who got em?
Shay rice ???
>>24828 If someone had M@c3y $t0ut, they would be my hero
What 319s do you have?
>>27648 Second this
@$p3n h3pk3r, I know she's sent a bunch
Bump a$pen
Anyone gotten anything from the staff out at (w)hisk3y r1ver grill
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Anyone have b@ylle j0hn$t0n3
@udery Th@rp
M@cey $tout?
I know there’s @udrey wins out there
Any of 5h3lby R05t3r or @bbie porter I'd look at more of that (S)teph S
>>29973 Would pay for 5h3lby>>29973
>>29909 Shes so damn fine
Throw money at 5helbey I'll bet you get tits
I have @duery th@rp and Meg@n fr@nks
>>30093 Let's see!
>>30093 Talk is cheap
(138.42 KB 2048x1215 received_1236998127201508.jpeg)
Meg@n fr@nks
>>30400 I'm not sure that's really her...
@lyss@ v@rn3r?
Looking for $Sophie $elk in Vinton or Iowa city.
@l3xis or bri@nn@ dight0n ?
@lexis or bri@nn@ dight0n?
@lexi$ or bri@nn@ dight0n?
>>30774 Bump this.Heard those nipples are pierced
Let’s see Audrey’s
Anybody have more from the chick at the top of the thread?
>>31698 Post some wins first
Is Pam l3wis from this area?
Hard bump on this page
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>>26938 $hay ric3
>>33186 Goddamn, would love to see more.
>>33200 If more people start sharing ill post more
B@ilen pu1krab?
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Any more Sh@y?
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>>33240 more of her plz
Anyone have t355@ mc@rt0r
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Anybody have Ra3lynn Murr@y?
Anymore of raelynn?
I’ve got a bunch. Nudes and sex tapes
>>33367 share the love
Be a hero!
Doesn’t matter who it just post whatever you got from Vinton area
>>24371 where did you get this ?
Bump for Ra3lynn
>>33211 Need more of her
>>28819 who is this?
M@ri@h E@ly??
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Another P@m Lewi$
(5.14 MB 1125x2436 IMG_1393.png)
Milf Whitney
Anyone got any t@ylin Th@rp or he@ther Lovell
Any chelse@ h0lid@y
Used to have h@l33 w33ms mad I don’t Would loooove audr3y th@rp or k@ty d3vl1n
Who's got $helly $pangler I hear she has some big nipples
Anyone have J3$$, I would also look at $h3lly $pangl3r'$ if anyone has those.
>>33357 Damn you got anymore raelyn?
Any p@ige schuelk@,G@brielle b@rns or Lilly kerkm@n
B3cci slo@n?
@mamda valentine, K@tie Hurst, brinkley s@rgent, Devin sherm, tiff@ny Fritz, gin@ h@rrison, @shley m-sen, Gabrielle Simpson
I've got b3cci, old gin@, @shley, and brinkl3y and newer g@bi if other people start posting shit also
I've posted all I have
>>34774 No Shelly but have some of her sister Stephanie
I'd love to see what her sister looks like let's see it.
>>35090 Let's not talk about it let's see it!!!
Let's see Stephanie would love to bust a nut all over them tits!
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Face is meh but she's got a solid body, well did before getting preggo
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Damn she's got nice tits
Any Br00klyn mich@lec
You got any more of steph@nie
Looks like I need to look her up. Mom bod or not I’d hit it.
Anyone have any more Cheyenne O?
>>33225 Who is this hottie? Face looks familiar
Who still has what? Maybe if ppl say what they all have everyone would share.
Everyone just lies about what they have so they can collect from people who actually share.
>>35085 I've got more steph if you post any
Name them, I got it
>>35580 Prove it
>>35580 Cheyenne gray???
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Who is this big titty girl?
Somebody had to have b3cc! 5l0@n and t355@ mc@rt0r
>>35621 Whitn€¥ Fl€ming
>>35668 also, why wont it let me post a nude? Tf
>>35663 you got a face picture of her?
(1.03 MB 697x1239 Screenshot_20210822-090511.png)
I've got alot more if people post what they have
>>35718 Who is this
Becci, I've got tits also
>>35720 Post it all
Bump for more ra3lyn
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Keep them coming and I will
>>35735 How are they? Need names!
>>35783 She posts on Reddit once in a while, these are the only ones I've seen
Somebody has to have t3$$@'$ wins
>>35785 What's her reddit username?
Any class of 2009 ?
Bump $h3lby r0$t3r
Anymore sh@y@nn@?
Bump for more steph@nie s
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>>36471 Who is that????
Whos plump pussy is that
Who's got t3$$@ m or n@t@lie kb
>>36491 Bump
Anyone have v@l w?
Bump for Val
Who has this slut heard she sent out a lot tit pics. $h3ll3y
Really no one has them come on now.
Anyone have steph@nie Spangler
>>37622 I do but it won't let me upload. Who do you have?
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>>37622 Post t3$$@ m if you have her
post some of her sisters
>>37642 Post who you have
i posted the steph pics of above from may
The fuck you did, you parasite
Let's see if you have her be the man we need!
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Anyone got Chelse@ holiday?
>>37809 You got any more of Abby??
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Damn I was hoping there was more than her old Reddit
Who is it?
Drop more of the Spangler sisters lol someone I actually know posted here!
Any k@tie Hurst?
Bump for val
Anyone got this?
>>38143 Her OF is $50, shit ain't going to be free
Devon Burroughs?
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Whats her name ^
>>33367 Tapes of R@elynn?
Eve kiesling (Hunziker)
>>38349 more?
>>39033 I can get alot more. Post something.
>>38349 She's cute! I knew she had an of at one point but I forget the @
@spen h3pker? Had a threesome with another girl at uni. I know shes got wins
>>35735 any vids
Any of t@y@ w!tt€n br! B€nd€r n@t@l!e c0rnw€ll
>>36471 Damn who is that
Anybody got v@l wh3l@n?
>>38349 please more
>>39247 Share something when you ask or you ain't getting any. Share or go away. Thems the rules.
>>39279 You act like you're posting anything
>>39294 Already posted what I got. I'm not sitting here begging though.
>>12166 Any R@yna Breitb@ch?
Carly Mark, from VH?
Chr!$t! T@yl0r
>>39718 Love to see more of her with face
Any one have Chelsea freyburger ?
She has an onlyfans
Forgot her name but think it started with a bit meet her last year over by Kirkwood and this is the only thing I had on my phone I just found so I am wondering if anyone knows her
why does it keep getting deleted and now it ban
Anybody able to get Chelsea freyburger? Kind of curious how big they are!
T@3 m@ri3 anyone?
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Let's get this thread going again!!!
>>41522 Who is that?
Any brunettes married
>>41555 Younger just got married don’t know her name
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Who is this? And who are all the other ones? Anybody know?
>>33186 Bump we need more os sh@yanna
>>41678 Definitely wanna see more of her
Anymore ra3lyn Murray
Anyonr got Br00klyn st@@bs big ass tits?
Who has huge tits pics? Let's see who has the biggest!
(4.65 MB 1179x2556 IMG_0472.png)
Who ever post cand!s thank you been wanting to see them
If you want the full c@ndice videos. Search l1nda midwest fre@ks. You'll find it.
Any cheaters ?
Any 319/cr? Didn't see a thread for it
Any Laporte city dysart on here
41679 I used to date her in HS a lil crazy but fucked and sucked good
Any kelsey harrill or Courtney Harris?
>>41685 Photoshop princess. Do miss that throat though
Nothing more?
C@ss@nd@ p@t@v@, ik they exist come on
>>23913 More of her plz
Anyone know if she has an only fans at least a nudie What
>>42808 Oh god no
If anyone has some of her sisters or friends I'll drop te$$a m pics, if you want to swap else where let me know. I have a bunch
If you say you have a bunch then drop one.
01iv1a or Ny0m1 L4nh4m? Br1tt G0od3l1?
Any ra3lynn murray
>>42824 I have some more @$hley but that's about all
What are we waiting for just put what you have.
>>42892 Lead the way you salty cuck
The guy above me sounds like a little bitch
>>42898 Says the leech
Oh man looks like we have a cry baby.
>>42903 Yeah the guy begging for nudes that he can't get himself 🤣
I got jess and tiffany
Says who you. Be careful I'm going to sleep with your mom and post her later tonight.
You mad bro? I'll send to everyone but this loser ass bitch above me. You feel better now?
I'm with that one guy up above this guy sounds like a douchebag
>>42907 Tiff who?
And jess back when she had an OF
Tiff no way my guy! I've put up 3 and that's all I had anyway you could post her?
>>37809 Anymore of Abby or Kayla?! What’s her old Reddit?
bump for L4nh4ms & Go0d3l1!
Let's get this going again start dropping.
Whos tits ? ^^
Ki13y Ru5k?
>>43082 Nice nips
Who said they had Tiff? I posted now you.
Who are they?
Got better wins of her but here's something to show I'm not bluffing
How are you don't you share there's been at least two people that have uploaded why are you holding back my dude
Yeah that's not a win 😆 not much showing
What green app?
>>43159 Just added you
'05-'08 class?
S. R0ster??
Message me on the green app. Still swapping
Who all you have?
Just load and let's all share
K1mmy K34rn5?
Any more of steph@nie Spangler or Chr!$t! T@yl0r
>>43703 definitely wanna see more of Steph!
no k1m K34rn5? really? figured there'd be tons
Any h@nn@h p@v@0?
does R43lynn have OF?
>>33357 Please more Ra3lynn Murr@y Or how to find her
let's not let this thread die! gotta be more out there!
>>43892 Bump
Anyone got tr1sta chab0t heard she's a cheater so there's gotta be something
>>44210 Lol only on her husband
nobody has more L1v?
Looking to get this started again
Looking for R@ey1n Murr¥
Anyone got m@cey Stout?
>>43892 Bump 4 h@nn@h
>>44430 She's such a babe
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Aly55a R00T
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Er1n C0x Nata1i3 Wad3
bump Wh1tn3y flem1ng
K1m K34rn5 (K1mm)?
Anyone have An@st@sia D@witt from Shellsburg?
>>44547 bumb an@st@sia!
(4.05 MB 1179x2556 IMG_0087.png)
Does anyone have anymore @n@staisia nudes that’s great by the way
I’ll pay for @n@stasia videos just reply with your cash app
>>44584 Cash app is (Letzdoittt) if you want me to pay what I got of Anastaşiá
Lets see her!
Check your cash app
Any An@st@sia???
Any @lesha brunssen ?
bump K1l3y Ru5k
Anyone have Natalie short girl drives the camero
Bump @lesha
(70.46 KB 960x960 FB_IMG_1710376573585.jpg)
M@c3y $tøut?
Anyone got @lyss@ pric3
@lex @ldrige?
>>22854 There’s tons of Kelsie around
Bump for Alex Macey and alesha
Any of $tormi L0kenvitz
Any @ngela @hrenstien
Ch3y@nn@ @lbr3cht?
How about em h0w3
How about anything?
