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Tell City - Jasper - Santa Claus Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 18:18:36 No. 12096
Let’s see what see whatcha got…
Looking for l@tasha Gayleeeeee She got a dump truck
Any Ashley guil3eme?
Jess (B)unch, anyone?
Who has OF
Any R@chel M00re?
Where they at
I know she used to sell
Caitlyn coyle?
Looking for ssam Adam's
HHHS chicks
R@ch3l M00re? She has a fat ass
Figured this thread would be packed anyone got mackenzie jones
(1.54 MB 709x1237 2023-01-17 10_55_32-Window.png)
Someone has to have some of this hot chic
Aliyah van ?
Naaaataasha neeewtonnnn now? I have others
Anyone actually have anything or is this just gonna be like every other time
>>17028 Who u got
Any p-rry c0unty te11 c1ty?
Any me@gan king
Anything on Darian?
I got Miranda G if anyone has Taelor or Tarynn (R)eeves
>>18142 Same M1randa wins from the Evansville thread?
>>18169 those and some others.
>>18181 Got any of her friends K3lli or C@rlie?
I have Miranda, Kelli, Darian, and Tarynn’s friend Lexi. What do you have to share?
>>18190 Unfortunately the only thing I have is the M1randa ones from the Evansville thread, I wish I had more I’d love to see K3lli
>>18190 Share Darian!
>>18190 Will you drop some K3lli wins?
Contribute something and I might. Worked too hard to give anything away freely.
>>18220 I wish I had something to contribute
Show that it’s the same Darian…went to ISU with her. Just trying to see her
Post Darian
>>18220 Be a hero and post some K3lli!
>>18190 you got miranda besides what was already in the eville thread? I'd love to see some Lexi. I got some Kayce E. Had an onlyfans for a hot minute.
Post Kayce and I’ll post Lexi
Bump for Kayce
>>15588 Bump for her
>>18375 bro that pic was on her VSCO. Not exactly what anyone would consider a win... >>18375
(166.84 KB 1130x2102 Snapchat-1677249871.jpg)
>>18391 from Kayce's OF. I have plenty more. Let's see Lexi.
Please drop some K3lli or M1randa
(1.06 MB 3024x4032 1667869849900.jpg)
>>18470 Who is that?
Megan S esa r Anyone have perry central girls
Still waiting to see Kayce
Still hoping to see K3lli! lol
Anyone have @lly w@ninger
Can you post the M1randa G ones from the last evansville post i missed those.>>18195
Don’t let this one die
This one is always embarrassing
Really wish someone would drop the K3lli and M1randa wins! I should’ve saved the ones from the Evansville thread
Kell1 wins even exist?
Yes, they exist. But I’m not posting unless someone else actually shares something. The last chump ran off without posting any Kayce so I’m done until I see something worth keeping this alive for.
>>19341 If I had any I’d post, I’m just at the mercy of the people willing to share
>>19341 Yeah you don't have kell1 wins
Anyone have any D@nielle @utry?
>>19354 You don’t think they exist?
Kelli wins absolutely exist, but you’re not gonna bait me into posting them for nothing. I know what I have. If you have nothing to share, I guess you’ll never see them.
>>19409 Could you at least drop some Mirand@ wins since they’ve already been shared, I didn’t save them before unfortunately
>>19409 I know they exist cause she's batshit crazy. I'm just saying you don't have n e.
I just wanna see them!
So there is t anyone with perry county wins
>>19441 I think they are out there, just nobody willing to drop them unfortunately >>19441
>>19409 Just drop the miranda wins at least then if you dont wanna drop the kelli
Somebody please just drop the Mirand@ or kell1 wins
K@yla C0ll1ns wins?
>>19603 If M1randa and Kell1 wins get posted i will share.
Someone please drop the mir@nda or kell1 wins!
@lexis schwoeppe
Please drop the kayl@ wins
Anyone have any Washington wins, looking for A11is0n Hun$ing3r
>>15588 Bump for her
>>19990 Leigha K Washington wins??
K3ll1 please
Mir@and@ Anyone have k@atlyn
Can someone drop the K@yla C0llin$ wins?
Any M@di L@wrence wins out there?
Someone please post the K3lli wins
Any Courtn3y Jon3s from Huntingburg wins?
Anybody have @shley chapman
>>20569 I got m@di too but tired of posting for no returns
I got m@di but tired of posting with no returns
>>20625 what you looking for see what i can help with?
>>20658 Any perry county wins
Sorry i dont have any from there but please share the m@di wins and I will share some others.
>>20732 Who you got
>>20735 I got K@yl@ C0llins for M@di
Can we get off the randa and kell shit lol, kell has a nasty dangle beef puss and there’s no high quality pics of mir. Especially recent
>>20808 Still like to see them both. lol
>>20794 anymore of Kayla?
>>20808 >>20831 Lets see the puss then if thats so true? And i have more K@yla if the M@di gets posted!
>>20837 Does K@yla have an OF?
>>20865 No not that i know of. But i do have more K@yla if the M@di L@wrence gets posted.
I’ll post another K@yl@ but Madi needs to get posted
Bump for M@di L@wrence
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>>21822 God damn shes so fine! I bet her pussy is bomb!!
If k@telyn hugh3s gets posted ill post m@ddi
Anyone have either of the Sellers girls? Madi or Logan?
Post more Kayce and I’ll drop Kelli.
Surely there’s more out there than this lol
I have m@di l ill post for perry county wins
>>22226 Which madi?
>>22319 Lawerence
Thats all cap lol
(1.20 MB 1721x3060 Snapchat-464656922.jpg)
cute little slut and i heard she meets
Someone please drop the K3lli wins
Looking for S1err@ K!ng
Where they at thoughhhh
(1.20 MB 1721x3060 Snapchat-464656922.jpg)
cute little slut and she meets
Anyone have her
What’s the cute little sluts name lol
Kayla’s got nudes for sale right now lmao
I have Miranda, Alyssa colli., Kendyl, Taylor bram, all sorts of goodies. What’s anyone got to -?
>>23068 I have more K@yl@ and i have Chl@riss@ H0lm3s for those
Anyone have Tabby Crockett?
>>23068 I have Kelli, Piper K, Shaydan T, Emily H, Lexi G, and more for some of those. Especially Alyssa, Kyndal, and Taylor.
^Callin bullshit lol
Why’s everyone always so stengy with them anyway lol
Post something and find out.
Already have with nothing in return
Lol you got that pic of Miranda from me. Try again.
I didn’t post Miranda lol those are the same 3 pictures that have been going around for 2 years lol old news af I have 3 from the weekend but no one else wants to share so fuck it
Nothing else has been posted so I don’t know what you’re talking about, unless you mean Kayla, which is laughable. Everyone’s seen her bad tit job. If you actually have something reach out, if not then fuck off.
>>23215 Drop some please
Darian. Now someone actually post something.
Any front shots of Darian?
Not gonna lie that thing looks beat up in a bad way lol
Glad to see I wasn’t wrong in assuming no one would actually post anything after legitimate wins were shared. Only more begging and criticisms.
That dudes funny cause she 110% does not have that forearm tattoo
That thing has been blown out be alot if BBC
>>23238 She does
Dollar menu pussy. That shit looks stinky
Emily H would be nice bet she looks good naked
L@ur3n B?
Where’s the boobs at
Damn this thread is sad
If you have something worthwhile you can find me on 5n4pch4t at locals812. I’ve got plenty to share for Kyndal G
Or you can just quit being lame and post them?
Class of 2013?
Someone Please post M1randa and K3lli wins
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Looking for S1err@ K1ng anyone??
Any body got kya michelle from Santa claus
Jealous of all the other threads where people just post shit lol
Someone bring this to life
As many whores as there is around those towns someone’s gotta have something
Still hoping for some K3lli or more M1randa wins
We can do better than this lol
If you know perry county OF names I'll share the wins.
If you know perry county OF names I'll post the wins
Can we get the K3lli wins already???
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Anyone got Dallas Jones? Would love to see those huge tits.
Olivia chick is a freak!! I know she has tons out there.
Anybody got Brooke Huff from Birdseye? She's fucked half the county. Someone has to have her.
>>27353 Bump
(1.40 MB 1068x1489 Screenshot_20230816-030516~2.png)
What about this girl?
People talk shit about Kayla but we’d all eat her butt let’s be honest
>>27783 Hope she restarts her OF, TT getting thirstier l1vswrld99x 1 to i
Darian front shots
Anyone have her??
Anything Kosha W3tzel?
Bump for more Miranda G
Bump for more Miranda
Bump for more Miranda
>>22536 If you want to buy the m@di l@wer@nce go to bayoubabes dot com and post them
Would the one with more mirandas swap for @lexa @adms
I got some Kayce if anyone has either of the Reeves sisters.
Anyone have Courtney Bender
I don’t know the Reeves but I’m dying to see Kayce. Can you post a little of her?
>>29985 Who you got to match?
Anyone got any of the Dudenhoeffer girls from Pike Co?
>>29992 Kellie Y. Sarah B@rry. Ashley T0dd. Some others.
Anyone got Aspen S? Or Kaitlynn M? Jasper class of 22.
Got some leigha k washington pics
>>27300 Bump
Why is this thread always so embarrassing? I got Kayce, Emma S, Jocelyn F, some others but I'm not dropping just to drop shit. Somebody gotta drop some shit too.
Everyone’s always waiting for someone else to post shit lol. Post what you have or move tf on lol
Kaitlyn $chn@rr
(164.17 KB 884x1600 2023-10-14 05.36.09.jpg)
>>29970 Bump
>>31411 I've got a toooonnnnn of Leigha from Washington
Post them then lol
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To the guy who has Kayce wins, how do I get in touch with you? Wanting those bad
Post what ya got and I’ll send em here lol
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Kellie. Post some Kayce
Someone get Taelor or Tarynn and I'll post all the Kayce you want.
Moving the goalposts every time. This guy doesn’t have shit.
Different guys my dude. I have tons of Kayce. Sent to me personally. If the other guy claiming to have her wants to post his then more power to him. I worked too hard for it to give it up for girls I don't know.
Any L@kot@ Jone$?
Well I don’t have Taryn but I have tons of her bf Lexi. I’ll share plenty of her for Kayce
“I worked too hard to get nudes” what a loser lol
>>32738 I don't see you contributing shit. They were sent directly to me and would make me easily identifiable so you can go fuck yourself.
Lol take your 3 pictures you got 2 years ago and go somewhere else with em lol no one gives af. I didn’t have to work very hard for your moms nudes
>>32759 Oh you're so fucking clever. Trying to insult someone's mom on an anonymous website. What are you like 12? Careful your mom doesn't find out you're on this site or she'll take your Xbox controller away again.
You guys are both acting like little kids lol we’re here to see titties. Post what you have or shut the fuck up about having them
Anyone want to see kindr@ ren@e from Bristow area?
>>32877 Lets see her
(1.11 MB 1080x1882 Screenshot_20230710-152350~2.png)
>>32921 I have more, you got anything to send?
Anyone have meredith cline?
>>32933 Ghost app me sleepy_j9
Anyone have any local bartenders
Still hoping for K3lli, M1r@nda, or C@rli
(1012.82 KB 1080x1894 Screenshot_20231215-220218.png)
Milf slut with huge tits n perfect ass. Does amazing custom vids
>>33567 What you got to share?
>>33616 Unfortunately nothing that’s not already been shared
Anyone have Mackenzie Tarvin?
I have a fuck ton of ol!v!a c but I want to see Last@sh@ G@ley/H@Edison ass
>>34095 Snap me sleepy_j9
Please post some K3lly or M1randa, or C@rli, that’s the only ones I know from here
Any T@yl0r Br@mes?
>>34115 God I wish. I’d give anything to see her friend Kyndal
(160.65 KB 1080x881 IMG_0339.jpeg)
Here’s K3lli, who got M1r@nda or C@rli
>>34095 Love to see some 0C
>>34142 Didn’t know they were pierced!
>>34142 Last name?
>>29970 BUMP!! I'd give about anything to see her
T@yl0r Br@mes? I know they are out there!
@lex 3versmen from Jasper?
Bump for more K3lly H
Anone got $arah $pires or @utumn l@ne or j@de m@dden
Anyone got olivi@ cl@rk
Olivi@ L from tellcity or Santa claus
Need more M1r@nda please!
>>34393 I got miranda for anyone who has $arah $pires @utumn l@ne or j@de m@dden or k@telyn hugh3s or other perry sluts
>>34400 I wish I had ‘em to trade you
>>34391 She lives in st Anthony but hangs around tell city, blonde with big tits
Anybody have M@ddie L@wrence?
>>34915 Bayoubabes . Com has tit pics of her
Duedenhoeffer girls would be nice
>>34918 Is there a way to find them besides paying for the monthly subscription?
>>34976 Not that i know i searched everywhere use to have them but lost them on my old phone
H@ley Mull1s from Perry?
I’ll pay shes so fucking sexy
anyone have w3sli3 ann3 from hburg?
Come on gentlemen
Olivia Carwile?
(3.49 MB 1080x2340 Screenshot_20240228-174628.png)
(1.87 MB 1080x2340 Screenshot_20240228-174625.png)
her snp pc252020
We can do better
Anybody got Mackenziejones8 she sells
Damn I second that ^
>>38976 She’s just got arrested doubt she’ll be doing anything force while
Gotta pay them lawyers somehow lol
Don’t let it dieeee
>>12096 Any s@len@ dr(e)w from Jasper
Anyone have any old Mich@
Any T@yl0r Br@mes?
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China Durst. Anyone have any luck with Mackenzie Jones?
Those are fucking nice!
Anybody got H@ley Thewe5?
X3 on Jøňëş
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Jul1na T3rry
>>39945 Anymore of her? I've wanted to see her for a while
>>39966 I have a great video. You have anyone else you can post first?
>>39971 Nothing that hasn't been posted already. I've posted a lot of what's on here. Be a hero man.
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>>39971 Cheyenne W for Julina vid
(1.78 MB received.mp4)
Would love to see all the others you have of anyone in the area. >>39975
Damn I thought this was gonna pop off
Somebody has to have Taelor Reeves. Dying to see those tits.
Fucked her a few months ago, you’re not missing anything lol. I’ll try to get some though if she’ll still talk to me lol
>>40167 Bro you would be a hero.
Anyone have any Olivia Carwile videos, Alyssa Baur or Kiana R??
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>>40239 Name?
Any luck with Mac Joneș
Bump for Taelor
I got kayce if ol boy can pull Taelor's tits
>>40554 Post kayce and I’ll post taelor and Taryn
>>40570 Show me one first and I'll post all the Kayce you want.
Summer moxon?
Come on people. Just share what you have. If you do then others likely will too because that's how it works. I'd share more, but already posted the Jul1n@ stuff
>>40177 Post pics ill post a couple vid - OC
Any m@ddi Bri3em wins? From tell city
Thats all i got of 0livi@
>>40633 What else you got to share?
Any M@disyn Hunt?
>>40822 Chris rail, Jill....
>>40650 >>34095 all my posts get deleted for no reason and all pictures of mine get banned. Where can I message you guys?
Bump for Kayce
>>34095 Any chance I can get some OC from you??
>>40948 I got plenty of Kayce. Pics, vids, you name it. Just waiting for someone to post Taelor
Anyone got Nelleigh Harker? Huge tits, turned into a EDM slut.
>>40650 >>34095 Anyone still got 0I1v1@ C videos? I wanna see that 🐱
Damn just post your shit or quit talking about having them lol
Bump for anything. Literally just anything.
>>40990 Would love to see her too
>>27300 Anymore ivia?
Any cord?
>>41724 Unfortunately everyone seems to talk about her but not one single video or anything has been posted
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Brook G before the kids.
Any br3 und3rhill
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Clarissa Holmes aka claralizel pre tit job. Anyone have luck getting anything from Taelor?
>>42096 From Fort Wayne?
From Fort Wayne?
0livi@ C@rwhi1e
Any Micha from the old k brown?
>>39631 Got anymore?
I do if you got m jones
Anybody got M1randa Ge0pferich?
Still no mack jones
Kayce. I have tons more. Fucking post something. Somebody posts Taelor or Tarynn and I'll dump everything I have.
>>42981 That’s what I’m talking about. I don’t have Taelor or Tarynn, but have many others. Would also pay for more kayce
>>42985 If you have others you should post them. I already posted what I have months ago
Someone has jones come onnn
(284.97 KB 1008x1792 IMG_0795.jpeg)
Plenty of Miranda for some more Kayce
Anyone have Kayla Collins? More Miranda!
Anyone got A Knies?
>>43304 Dump Miranda and I'll drop Kayce
Somebody gotta have Taelor's big fucking tits
(2.70 MB 1284x2778 IMG_9280.png)
Shit keeps getting deleted
Anyone have Kayla sex videos?
I have one of her and a dildo lol what do you got
>>43304 Please drop the M1randa!
What's kayce's onlyfans?
Bump for Miranda
Post one more kayce to confirm you’re the one offering that deal and I’ll dump Miranda. >>43370
Santa Clause
Just post them like damn lol
Everytime we get momentum someone’s always gotta have “just one more” before they share. Dumb as fuck
Darian M?
Bump for TC sluts
Shit bump for anything
Bump for Taelor or Tarynn
>>12096 Any interest in b@1ley 8ry@nt?
Bump. Anymore Kayce?
>>44608 Tons. I've dropped half the shit on this thread. When people start contributing I'll drop some
He’s only posted 4 pictures so plenty of others have contributed lol
>>44663 4? I've posted 6 of the last 8 alone trying to get people to post literally fucking anything. When people start posting shit I'll post more. Still have a ton.
Olivi@ l@wson?
Bump. I've dumped all the local I have already.
I think some of these dudes have just never had nudes sent directly to them lol you should just help them out and post what ya got. Clearly no body else wants to share but damn it I wanna see more lol
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Damn when did she get so thick lmao
>>44487 I’m interested fs
Kaylin mckiññêý?
>>44487 Still got that b@1ley 8ry@nt?
Interested in more of chyna host I got Mary bry ant
I’d pay to see dayshas tight ass
>>45301 Post something and I’ll show it.
All I really got is Kayla’s tits man. And a couple ass pics of random pike county whores
(235.64 KB 1242x2208 IMG_9684.jpeg)
I’ll go pic for pic with you though I only have like 20 lol maybe we’ll get the thread going
Good luck buddy. Anyone who says they have something usually doesn’t lol
>>45117 Anyone still got 0l!v!@ C or B@!l3y 3r$@nt?
>>45515 Or any girls from TC?
Where’s her butt at lol
Bump for Taelor's huge tits. Somebody has to have them.
Anybody got Keiara B from Southridge?
Anyone got M@ss3y Dr@k3? From TC/Louisville
Any1 have j@ylyn m0y3r??
Still have those b@yl33 bry@nt? Post em
>>44487 Can drop a few Es@ r if we can get some b@yl33 wins
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Smr mxn, now let's see more of d@ysha or anyone from TC
Have a ton of Olivia Carwile if anyone has any old ones of Tori Peter, Madi Embry, Mary Grace Alvey, Emily Olberdig (now Seibert), or London Malone
>>46541 I’m interested in OC
You got any of the girls I mentioned?
>>46570 I don’t believe so. Anyone else you’re interested in or what do you want for OC?
Yessir, what’s the name
>>4658>>46589 ndrake1422
>>44627 There's been 6 photos posted since you commented this. You should post at least one new one or share her Kayce's OF name if nothing else.
>>46541 Bump for these girls!
>>46541 Whats a guy gotta do to get those Olivia C content?
>>40650 Let me buy those oc vids
Anybody got Raven Payton, Morgan Guffey, Tori Peter, or Kailynn Hawhee for the Olivia Carwile pics and vids?
(334.89 KB 1242x2208 IMG_3143.jpeg)
Just so yall don’t think I’m bullshitting about having any
>>46811 Let me buy that content off you homie
How much?
Just hit oc up on snap she’ll send them for free lol she’s a fucking whore
@nn@ f@ucette heard she had OF
>>46832 Depends on what you got man. You have a social i can hit you up on?
>>46891 What’s the link?
46998 it won't let me post it I seen it on Twitter
>>46995 If people start posting some girls ill just post em on here
>>47028 What’s her @ on Twitter?
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@lex 3versman
>>47310 Drop more of herrr
@ 3v3rsm@n?
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Anyone got this stuck up bitch chey@nne DeJ@rnett
She’s kinda trashy but I’d hit it lol
Bump for the Reeves girls
If someone can get Tarynn's tits I'll dump all the Kayce I have. Pics, vids, everything.
Anyone got any of Taylynn Smith or Emily Olberding (now Seibert)?
Anybody have any Mary Grace Alvey?
>>48151 Can you just post what you have then maybe if someone else has stuff they'll post that too.
Any katie kurk?
Mac3y G?
Macey G from Ferdinand?
Any Kailynn Hawhee or Tori Peter
Courtney gr8thouse?
Bump for literally any tell city girls.
>>49076 I got a couple TC girls if you got some to share too
>>49217 Who do you have?
I shared katie z and kylee with no return.
(15.70 KB 300x308 onlyfans-dm-me-YXMRcm.jpg)
Couple more K@tie Z
>>49217 Just post ffs no one else is going to share shit
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Liv carwile Started OF back up XxWickedRosexX or yourlocalbhaddie get some wins
Any Peyton Litherland or Sarah nguyen
Makes post. Gets deleted. No wonder this shit is dead
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This is everything I got of Liv Carwile, someone hook us up with the OF content
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💗Paty💗 t.co/hqsLX9Umdc
Macey G from ferd?
