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Fort Wayne 07/24/2024 (Wed) 23:04:13 No. 42443
Any wins from Allen County and Zfort Wayne area?
Anyone got Tay my3rs?
>>42700 No bro you've been asking for that busted bitch for like a year now. You don't have any T myers.
Any K3ndall l!ttlefield? She was sleeping with a bunch of married men in the area in the past year.
>>42454 nobody does, bunch of claims all the time but nobody has ever came thru
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Any one got K@t B3ssler?
any one have kendra m@nlov3
Not a single win posted...
There's a group?
>>43352 Still a thing?
Anyone got anymore on this chick or any vids floating around?
Any madison lynch?!
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Any D0m B4rva? Used to have an OF
>>42443 Anyone for H@leigh Cl@rk?
>>45570 Yeah, I’ll have to find some. Used to be on there. I’ll see if I can dig em up
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Any Ju1i@ or C@r01in3 S311
>>45614 Yo bump I would like to see these too if they exist
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>>45570 >>45614 >>45666 This is from her OF before she deleted it. Would love to see some nudes of her if anyone has em.
>>45682 Ove replied a few times and it keeps getting deleted. Saying image is banned. Guess this site isn’t what they say it isn
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>>45690 Easiest way to get around that is to SS picture and crop it just a bit and repost it to pass the filters
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>>45692 I got several old ones. If they don’t post. We can swap Keepitanon07.
>>42443 Bump
Looking for Br00k3 ((G))0dfrey
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>>45969 Oh hell yea
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>>45972 More pls
>>45979 Once someone posts more of her I’ll keep posting.
>>45994 Do you even have any of her bare tits or ass or all bikini pics?
>>46013 I guess no one will know until someone posts something else
>>46013 I do. HMU
>>46016 Where at? How?
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Anyone have any of this slut Kayla from C.C but live in kendalville has sexy body
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any Sam H...arter?
>>42443 From the 260 but now in the bloom attending IU.... anyone with some yummiest from L@ur3n B@u3r?
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Thalia H anyone?
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>>42443 46056. - I got you
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>>45972 Bumppppp
>>42443 Another bump..... ft wayne wins?
Anyone got L3xi Russ0?
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@le@sh@ c
>>46621 Is she still trickin? I remember seeing her ads online, s3x for m0ney
Anyone got S@m Jeffries?
>>47650 That name sounds familiar, have a face pic? I might have something
>>45692 Damn anymore of this girl?!?
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S@m. If you got wins ure a hero
>>47744 nice freckles on her. whos got some redheads to share?
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Any new M3gan Murphy? Sugar baby slut. Always on Seeking.
>>47771 I have tons. You have any other sugar sluts to share?
>>42443 Thathottmomma on tikt0k ft wayne My@h hidd@rd Gotta be wins of her out there Total slut
Anybody got 3m1ly Byrd???
>>47841 Yeah I have quite a few of them, from past couple years
>>47887 Who you got?
>>42443 >>47887 Post em!
>>47898 I have some of M3gan, @mber B1rky, Jess D1az, Chels Thur.man, a few girls idk their name just usernames lol
>>47900 bump for birky
>>42443 Any of this hottie
>>47900 @mber seconded
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Anybody have h@leigh?
>>47900 We might be Eskimo bros! Ive smashed Megan n Jess, wish she didn't move away haha! Share Amber and Chels?
>>47977 Hott af. gotta be more around
>>47988 Know her?
>>47997 seen her around. definitely would like to see more of her
>>47998 3 letter app name?
>>48052 Contact name?
>>48054 Slingincarrots
>>48054 You?
Karlee W@rren? Who got em
>>47986 Def are haha. I’ve fucked Megan a lot and Jessica too before.
>>48060 She used to look way better before the drugs :( I didn't get much time with Jess because we met towards the end of her stay in FTW. What other sugar sluts have you been with?
>>48059 I have some before she got married. Who do you have in return?
>>48059 She sucked my dick the first time we met. Such a sugar baby and a good slut when she’s drunk
>>48069 Older Tiff Harvey for you
>>>>48068 Megan def was more fun in the beginning. Figured she was on something. Used to go to her apt and fuck her while she was in a relationship. Getting dicked down while wearing a necklace with his initials on it lol. A few others that are on the site frequently. If you got three green letter app. I can share more.
Did someone post and delete Karlee?
>>48077 I got kicked off the sugar apps so I don't see anything anymore but what's ur 3 letter app and I'll hit you up and we can swap
>>48090 Bigdogg2012
>>48069 Who you looking for?
>>48125 Just post some of your best and I'll hit back with Karlee, simple my man
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>>48142 You know Ashley?
>>48145 Why did you flip this and put it in black and white?
anyone have jasmin ¢a$tro?
>>48142 I got some Kristina McTarsney, pawg
>>48155 That’s how it was sent to me?
>>48173 She's not even from Ft Wayne?
>>48182 She used to dance there. And she’s a baddie
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Let’s see some Karlee now
>>48198 The bomb is going to drop soon, bare with me :)
>>48098 Hey big dog why not just drop @amber and j3ss for all of us?
Where is the guy who said they got br00k g0dfrey? Why you lying?
>>48216 Just post
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>>48217 @mber b
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Kaylee & Her Mom
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>>48242 Nice, that’s Karlee and her mom? You said Kaylee and her mom
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More K McT for you man. You got better KWarren?
>>48247 SMH Yeah Karlee, idk why I put Kaylee >>48245 I have videos somewhere, trying to find them, will upload when I do!
>>48249 Hell ya def tryna see them That all the pics you got? No nudes..
>>48245 Any others of Hope?
>>48255 That's all I've got, might have one or two stashed somewhere but nothing too exciting.
>>48237 My man!
>>48249 KWarren got any nudes? I can drop more KMcT if so lmk my guy
>>48274 I have two videos of her but can't find them. Here's a picture of the video
>>48278 Damn, those videos would be gold. No more pics then?
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Another KMcT for ya, def tryna see KWarrens pussy or tits
Bump for KWarren
>>48281 You have her snaap?
She's got some of the ugliest tits, you aren't missing anything...
Oops forgot to attach
>>48245 who's this?
>>48295 Nah, but we used to fuck back in the day.
>>48296 Lol she still hot tho >>48297 Hell ya. Keep em coming bro. You got any pussy pics?
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Another KMcT for more Kwarren
>>48307 This girl isn't even hit, please share someone else :/
>>48304 Hope Delgrange, think she moved out of state though
>>48309 Hot*
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>>48309 I think she’s way hotter than Karlee, you don’t think she’s hot? Her pussy fat af too from the right angle which I have alot
>>48310 She's nice. Any more floating around out there?
>>48312 If she's hotter than Karlee enjoy the pix and stop asking for Karlee lmaoooo
Is K McT back on onlyfans or where can I find more content? Used to follow her when she was a cam girl
So you don’t want anymore K McT for Kar?
>>48368 What?
Where can we find more K McT??
I have more K McT but the dude said he won’t give up anymore Karlee for them so that’s really all I’m looking for
Does she have a Snap or link to content?
>>48449 I've asked for her socials already and he won't share
>>42443 Je$$ic@ $heet$ had some noodle pics here once.... any one able to post again?
Kylie Ann or Brittany Huggins?
>>48237 Any more Indiana Tech sluts from the mid-late 2000s?
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anyone seen her lately? looks to be using...
>>48646 You hit it?
>>48647 Ain’t touching any girl on STG. Text her about prices though since I knew her and she’d serve me drinks. She’s cheeeeeeap
>>48648 So you browse STG for fun? LMAO Stop it
>>48654 Lmao, heard she’s on there so checked it out. Everyone of those chicks is gross or fake
>>48628 Megan
Anna Holland spotted on sugar sites, any wins or stories?
>>48698 That’s a nice dick
>>48736 Thanks. You want it from behind too?
>>48737 Not your dick gay boy. Thanks for trying to take credit lmao
>>48712 I think she's a big bullshitter. Claims to have an OF but won't give the link. Prefers you just pay her direct. Yeah right lmao Pretty sure she never meets up.
>>48740 Complete BSer. Mid too
>>48712 We met once, she stinks. Bad hygiene and laundry hasn't been washed in weeks. You aren't missing anything bro
Sydney Ne@l?
Or S@r@h Stevens0n
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Anyone here know or got any Lil1y J0ne$ wins? Shes well over 18 in case anyone asks.
>>48789 I have, you have any one else from HHS?
>>48888 I do yes
>>48892 Cartmanwheel on k*k
anyone know and alicia lemons, went to elmhurst
>>42443 >>48922 Anyone from Elmhurst Please!
