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North Vernon 11/09/2024 (Sat) 14:15:34 No. 45704
Let's get some wins posted! Plenty of sluts in the area
Shacey R
Margaret E
Random NV
(172.57 KB 894x1345 Ashley 11.JPG)
(272.93 KB 1080x1920 Ashley 14.JPG)
(269.38 KB 1080x1920 Ashley 13.JPG)
(334.81 KB 1242x1481 Ashley 9.JPG)
Ashley D
More North Vernon I have a bit but nothing that hasn't been posted
(426.32 KB 1290x2189 IMG_2940.jpeg)
Have a lot more where that came from if y’all share more.. class of 2018-2019
Tr1nity K1mbler anybody?
Any more shacey or others around that class?
Anymore north vernon chick's? Around Shaceys class??
Serenity L. Class of 2019
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Christy langtang please
Angel cross or Jada lynn?
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anyone have Shea P?
Tr1nity K1mbler?
>>45704 >>45704 I’ve got multiple wins pics and vids for anyone with goods on her or an other good ones. Why’s this post dead? Also my comments keep getting deleted of this post why?
>>47283 It’s dead because of people like you..instead of just posting the wins they have they always gotta have something first. Guess that happens when they can’t get nudes the old fashioned way and have to pay bitches for them. Y’all are the bullshit ruining this site.
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T@yl3r Br150n
More Taylor please
Who has Hailey Marie? Or Tangela young?
>>47294 Why does my comments or wins get deleted or vanish every time I post something? I’ve posted several here and other threads? Am I doing something wrong?
Anyone know of anybody from the area with an 0F or Redd. it?
