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Eudora/lawrence Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 22:04:18 No. 4435
Let’s get a Eudora/Lawrence area thread started up!
Anymore of MW? Nude? OF?
Any more morgan
Any of taylor zakaras
M@ggi3 @d@m$?
nice....any of her nude?
Unfortunately no
>>4969 Damn. They gotta be out there somewhere. Been wanting them for a while. Any more in those sets?
Any wins for a13xis 8uck?
>>4976 Fucking PLEASE!!
Any wins of kyndr@ w? m a j estic_ruins on of
That’s all I got
>>4976 Bump. There have got to be wins.
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@shley R0thwell
Anymore of MW? Any good stories?
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Any OF? More of M@ri@?
Any k@ti3 b3rgm4n
Bump! We need more!!
Does anyone have pics of Ashley Miller
Bump any 2014-2016
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Anyone got more wins of a1m33 m0s3s
I would love to see more of that >>5988
Bump I have some I can post for more momentum
>>6210 got any MW?
>>6210 Post them
Any Lyr!C T.?
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K@t l fever
K@mi W!sd0m wins?
will post T@r@ $hrum for more 14-15 wins
>>6713 Yes please share
This may be a silly request any hailey or Maddison davis
Anyone have @dr1@n@ 1r0n-wh1t3m@n?
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>>6713 B1ll13 j3@n for t@r@
Any more morgan monroe
Bump any 14-15
Anybody got some wins of Luna? Used to strip in Lawrence area, and had an OF, so I know there are some floating around
Need someone to dig deeper on MW! Got to be some good stories out there
any wins on Megan k
Bump $ydn3y p1ck4rdt or any 15-16 Eudora
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Any Ci@r@ S? Goes to university of Kansas
Bump for more t@rynn st@cy.
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Anybody got Krist@ Hob@ugh? Big titty chick works at maximus/gdit.
Any wins? Went to ku
>>6713 Wheres the t@r@ wina
Good luck, I am still searching high and low for M@ri@.
Long shot any one got br@nd0n d@vis or his brother
M@ddi d@vis
Who has Shauna knapp?
>>6552 Any more tarynn? She's hot
M@di$on Rud3r
anyone have the girl on the left? stripper at The Flamingo Club. Think her name is M0nt@na B3ll
>>9715 What is her stripper name?
>>9730 Dallas
Anyone got more is@bell@
El@yn3 C@r3y?
Someone post @shley Ikenberry went to baldwin..
>>6662 Any L@uryn Spl!ch@l?
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K33ley W@rnick, K@yl@ St3ff3y, or N!c0le Z3rr3r?
>>10052 bump for actual wins of kami. Gotta be out there
>>10231 I think it’d be more likely someone has her twin Chey. Those would be nice too
>>9715 >>9748 bump. would love to see her tits and pussy
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Someone gotta have this ho
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anyone got br1tt@ny wh1te?
>>10554 bump
>>11565 Damn bet she feels nice as hell inside, got any face on her?
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She lived in LFK, anybody know of T0ri or have them winz. Worked with her for a short bit would always dream abiit them fat ass tits
>>11578 bump for those
Any K@mi Gib$on wins? Went to KU
Ant Taylor lister
>>9635 Bump
>>11584 amazing tinder hoe
>>8355 anyone got any of her?
>>11578 Yoo got s c ?
>>12042 Sybrevv
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Who has Indîgo B wins?
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No wins but this
Tr1n1ty $011@r$??
Any of ho11y V3s3cky
Hella bump for Holly
>>12231 Don't think anyone has holly but would be awesome
Someone has to have her she’s been around
Any old T@l0r dudl3y or k@t3 d1x0n
M0n1c@ st3ff3$ lhs/pitt?
>>12314 If it’s the same Kate I know, I’d love to see her too!
Anybody have Jessica Hurst?
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Jess hurst
Any Katie Maitland, I know she got around replay alot.along. or any girls from the 2014-2017 graduating class.
Lizz M@ples? H31ina M3k0nnen?
C@rolin3 Cu1b3rts0n?
anyone have @bby 3v@ns or n3lli3 h@ll or is@ab3ll3 h@milton
Crazy hot milf
Any for c0lb1 cr0mw3ll or k3lc33 r33s3 or h4nn4h fr13nd?
Anyone got Dyl@n (olem@n, makyala @tterbury, or maranda mackall?
$uzy or Tr1n1ty $011@rs?
Smol L1v win from insta awhile back
K@t13 B for yall, how many girls i gotta post for t@r@ or $011@rs sisters
anybody got h@yley sm!th
Who got $hyl@h - aka P1p3r. She worked at allstars for a while, pink or red hair usually???
Bump for some KU
>>12482 Anybody got more t0ri
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Any m0ri@h l3sli3?
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Some of Paige from KU snap Lfkfunforsure
Does anybody have any of Holly?
Bump for more t0ri payn3
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Lookin for m0n1c@ S. Was on LHS dance or cheer and then did the same at Pitt State
looking for @nge1ic@ M.
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>>13693 Dam she got a pretty face. More!
Anyone have Kenzie c?
Lexi S petite ku student
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lil more sexy petite
Anyone got old pics or vids from Miss Phoggy Dog?
bump for Angelica Mabitazan
any one have any of her stuff? she has a of think it's lillyaustin
Anyone have here, they were on here before.
>>14030 used to sell on snap r m0rr0w
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She had an OF a while back did anyone save them greeneyesgal
Anyone have taigen tilton
Any on Mady Boydstun I know she had a OF Luxx.lexi
More T0ri Payn3?
>>14145 Yoo what you got
>>14162 used to sell, her and friend
>>14031 No fucking way, I wanted to see those tits so bad. Someone please post
Any heroes able to find more or M@ria?
Any wins from Haskell natives?
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Plenty of fine girls I see working in the downtown shops and restaurants. Gotta be some wins floating around.
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Anyone have mck3nna r0se?
Any on Allison o’tremble Katlyn ormsby, Taigen Tilton, or Savannah Newman
Anyone have Suzy $0ll@r$?
A milf I have been fucking is up there for a conference. She is easy after a few drinks and I would love to get some videos of her being used. She might even go for 2 guys at once. I will post pics for anyone that’s interested in trying.
Hell ya buddy. Let me see them and I’ll keep an eye out and try to move in on her. I’ll share went I can get of her
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>>15626 Her name is C@llie. I think she is only in town tonight. The conference has her booked at the Hilton on Indiana Street by the Football Field from what I was told.
Socials for Callie so I can reach out?
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They keep deleting so let me know if you are getting them!
Let see more pics or vids of her.
>>15642 >>15625 Got anything more!
>>9715 Bump i have a tit pic and bare ass pic
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any nico1e w3y3r?
t@yl0r c0v3rt?
Any dyl@n c0l3m@n? Floating around
K@yl@ 3st3s?
>>16194 fucking bump
>>16207 She had an OF for a while but seems she deleted it. Wasn't much on there but I'll dig around. You got any?
Anyone have more of the first girl
>>16222 damn she had OF? I talked to her for a short while. Don't know if that was before or after now
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know of any girls with OF or Fansly?
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Khristen B Lawrence
>>16264 anymore of her
>>16248 x0x0iris
Bump for more khristen she had a lot leaked. And know she has several tapes on guys phones
>>15627 Anyone ever hit this chick and get pics?
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J3n Fr33m@n
Anyone have J1ll1an Ph1ll1p5? Blonde with huge tits, posts stuff on IG all the time
Anymore Khristen B
Any k0urtn3y c@mpb3ll from tongie?
Anyone have C@llie L0ng? Pretty little thing that works for KU and is known to cheat on her husband
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Anyone have wins of @sh sp0on3r? Her OF is spoonloops
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s@br1na h3nd3rson
