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Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 19:48:01 No. 72213
New Lexington Thread
C@rly @dkin$ anyone?
@lison M@rcum?
Any K@yl@ e@ds
Anyone got B@il3y W00d? She’s short af but has the fattest ass I’ve ever seen lol
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For the love of Christ, tell me one of you has these sweater meats.
B.B horse girl Been trying to post pics but days file is banned. Anyone got a fix?
>>72269 I’ll post all the 0livi@ c0les I have to see one of the cum shot vids of her. I already posted a bunch in the last trying to get em. Whoever has em bless us
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Can’t say the name, but iykyk.
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Any one have
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I can just about guarantee there’s wins of her out there. Br00klyn Figueroa
Emilia Fr@ngredakis (sp)
Steph@nie L3igh really knows how to suck a cock
Looking for real nudes of Killi@n
(218.64 KB 2048x2048 IMG_6202.jpeg)
Anyone got Emily S and her huge tits? She used to have an OF, don’t know if she does anymore
>>72415 I know she sells on sn@p, but I've never paid for that.
>>72417 Well if you ever do def post up bro! Dying to see those tits
>>72404 Oh, ill bump to that. I swear i saw something years ago. Her or K3ndr@ R1ch
Any H@l3y B@RL0W?
>>72415 Major bump for this one. I know a dude who smashed her and he said her titties damn near suffocated him. I’m jealous, lol.
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Mg also used to have an 0f
>>72423 Rich floated around a long time ago. No sign since
>>72447 You remember her 0F name?
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>>72425 I had posted them in the old lex thread but here yah go brother
>>72461 I think it was like glxd0ll or something
>>72462 Hell yeah. Those are definitely older. She's is all covered in tattoos now. Incredible ass
>>72462 beautiful tits and nice backside
>>72462 I feel like there has to be more of her around. She's a freak.
>>72462 MORE !!!!!!!!!!
>>72462 Huge bump
(207.56 KB 1170x1693 IMG_9072.jpeg)
Ca$$i P3rry
>>72404 Bump for more
(363.45 KB 1204x1599 IMG_9066.jpeg)
Works at Neon Moon
>>72608 Bump for Z0e who’s on the right in that photo
>>72662 Bump!!!
>>72459 Ill bump for Rich. She used to have some nice stuff on her tumblr in her underwear even.
>>72685 She’s cute and all but idek who this Olivi@ chick is
>>72686 She has pictures of her pussy tattoo on there and better. Tumblr nsfw ban was a huge loss
>>72749 I know. Thats when i could no longer find her page. Should have saved them 😓
Any Courtney bowling?
Did Nari delete her OF?
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Kord link?
Any Le@h Bai!ey? Can trade some local milfs
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Any wins of R@chel?
>>73004 She has an 0f it’s rachrhythm
>>73008 Someone post some of the pics then!
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(993.91 KB bj.mp4)
>>72938 got sex tape and masturbate videos too, what milfs do you have?
>>73022 No fucking shit, i didnt know she had tapes. Thank you sir! Any more?
R4ya Hrist0v, fine ass worker at Hamburg El Charro?
>>73022 bumping for more from this kind sir
Any j@$mine w@rd wins
Anybody got any s@rah winn
>>73181 Bump
Ch3yenne J? There was a pussy pic in an old thread.
>>73279 Bump for Ch3yenne
htt ps://./.2360 8 Hurry before link is gone forever
>>73315 Wtf is this link supposed to be ????
>>73279 Last name?
>>73022 M@riana S. Kri$ty G. S0phia G. Ke!sey H. Meg@n L. Tin@ R. H@ley M. Em@ M. Tiff@ny L.
>>73327 Jo1ner
Anyone know who the ginger is at the boot barn
Looking for k oshe@ wins. Missed out on the bdsm ones when they were up.
>>73433 Feel like whoever posted em must have gotten her attention, talked to or something. They were diabolical
>>73433 Someone posted about another video of her on her blowjob page. So if someone has that over video link of 0’shea. Please drop it
>>73443 Do you mean the one on pornado or is there a new one? Search ksuck on there
>>73469 The pornado page has a comment that looks like there is something else posted if I’m reading it right
anyone got more angi3 w1lls? tilted kilt girl who does meet ups
>>73022 I would give my left nut for more Le@h
Anyone have K8lyn l3wis saw her on a old thread went to uk
>>72897 Holy shit bump for Lexi
>>72462 I fucked her once. She is a filthy whore. I guarantee she has tapes out there.
M@dison C@son anyone?
Anybody got some Cynthi@ who works at pearls?
>>73575 She used to have an 0f wish I still had all that stuff. The name was l0litaslut I believe
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Who’s gonna be the hero and post the j0ndr@ content?
Any wins of Emily Keene?
>>73591 Enough with that mid
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>>73022 >>72583 Bump for more Le@h & C@ssie
>>73598 BIG bump! Girl thicc asfffff
Get that k@ti3 b@i1y back that ass is top level
>>73630 God she’s so hot. Would love to see those tits
Bump. Will post more milfs for more Le@h & C@ssie
>>72213 >>72415 Fucking BUMP. I know for a fact these exist! Someone post up!
>>73022 NEED more Leah!
I got the two bail3y sisters (l3ah and k8y) but really needing some more lexington nudes posted before I share more
And this is why threads dry up and die for periods of time
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looks like ana and her fiance broke up...
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>>72213 Any wins of Amy Votaw?
>>72399 Pippi-Leigh on Reddit tons of stuff up there. Bump for H@l3y B@rlow
>>73022 Refuse to believe thats the only b/g video of Leah. What else is out there?
anybody got M@dison C@son or K@yle@ Fish3r
(149.42 KB 960x960 IMG_7388.jpeg)
Anyone know this plump whore? JènN!fer C011in$?
Let’s see some girls in the restaurant industry. Doesn’t matter where.
>>74336 Thank you
Bump for more Leah, Cassie & Amy. Got local milfs for them.
From nicholasville?
(201.26 KB 1125x1500 IMG_7513.jpeg)
@llie bry@nt???
@alis0n M@rcum?
Lisabeth elks?
Any Dylan pr@ctor
Any dyl@n pr@ctor
0’shea bump
>>73847 bumping for moar plz
Bump for Ch3yenne J
Bump for K Ferrell dropbox
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Anyone have her? Had class with her at UK. Very hot.
Any Ann@ M0rris out there?
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>>75452 YES post more Amy! Let’s see those tits
Bump for more Amy
>>75452 I don’t think she has an OF anymore. Seems the name is taken from someone else. There’s some good stuff on r3dd!t x@myl3igh
>>75465 Yeah her 0F is gone and I found her Reddit, but I’m sure there’s definitely her nudes out there somewhere. If anyone has em plz post up!
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>>75472 Need Leah dropped moree
>>75482 Huge bump for more Leah and H@ley
>>75482 If I had any of either I’d drop for all the Amy you have bro. Drop more Amy and maybe more people will drop more of who you’re asking!
>>73630 Damn that’s hot. J0ndr@ with a dick and a butt plug in her.
Any wins of Isabel Torres? Them titties be craaaaaazy
>>75546 All good bro, keep it. Shes mid AF
>>75509 Bump! Hot af
>>75509 Bump x2. She’s super hot
>>75553 Speak for youself, J is one of the most requested in this thread. I know I'd like to see some vids of her.
Anyone have d@n aka emer@1d (dancer name)?
I know @nge1 k has some wins out there - anyone save some of hers from of or anything?
>>75660 Yeah, the same 2 people begging everyday.
>>75663 At least 2, but fair point.
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Savannah columb1a? Hot little slut best tits and ass I’ve ever seen and the horniest chick I’ve ever met works at uk
Syd B3cr@ft?
more l3ah for more @my
>>75750 Oh snap! Thank you King!
>>75670 Bump for this bitch she’s down for 3 somes to
Can we plz get that k@tie b@1ly back? That ass is fire or her friend m@riss@ meece
>>75750 Oh fuck yeah! Need more Amy now too
Anyone know B@il3y W00d? Went to EKU, works at Baptist??? Fattest ass I’ve ever seen at parties. Let’s get her in here
P@ig€ H£nr¥??
Alyssa Hallman anyone
>>75753 Bump for this
>>75750 Please sir, can we have some more Leah?
>>75753 I know there’s some of that tatted ass out there
Does anyone know Filza Mutaal? Goes to Berea, total absolute slut
any @lli$on M@rcum?
Any wins? Gotta be some
Any of @llyson (@lly) Dunn? Nurse in labor/delivery at UK
Any wins of jaylan Cummins
>>76600 The goat
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>>76330 get her big tits on here, she 100% does send nudes out
Any wins of Kryst@l 3ppl3y? Blonde Big titty bar hoe
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@lly j0rd@b
>>76708 Yo post up more of @lly!
kywinsss we back - WCBvxfUK
>>73999 Opened a new OF. Anyone have the leaks?
>>76790 Name?
>>72213 >>75670 Huge bump
>>76790 MORE!!
Let’s see some Haley B@rl0w videos!
>>76831 Somebody be a hero and post them tapes.
google the title and you'll find Lex1s' vids
Samantha Bright, now Samantha Bailey?
Bump for more Leah or Amy
Any Sherri R.?
Anyone got j3ssic@ sh3lton?
anyone have G4brielle l0ve? she sells on sc
K stivers
I got some lvdi@ p0rt3r for some M@di st3w@rt
>>77936 I don’t have m@di but I’ll post some h@nnah c@sh if you post lyd1@. H@nah strips at spearmint rhino.
>>77997 I’ll drop for some sydn3y b3cr@ft
>>78036 Any others?
P0pe twins? K@ti3 or Ju1i3?
>>72897 Bump
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>>77936 Don’t have any of what you want but here h@nnah
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some |yd1a for more hannah
@licia R0pp?
>>78209 Here’s a screenshot of h@nn@h playing in the car. If you tell me how to upload a video (it says file type not compatible when I try) and post more lvdia then I’ll post the car video and a dido riding video of h@nn@h.
>>78230 needs to be mp4 and maybe h.264 encoded, just google how to convert
(31.65 MB H. Ca$h 2.mp4)
(1.16 MB H. Ca$h 1.mp4)
>>78238 Figured it out. That all you have of Lvdi@?
>>72213 >>78127 Please have more
(3.67 MB NariTheSlut.mp4)
>>78267 do you have the full video on the right? it's one of the few PPVs i don't have
>>78267 nari and mack makeout for your generous contribution
What’s the deal with the Ana girl in thread?
What’s the deal with the Ana girl in the thread?
>>78275 Bump
>>78275 Nah someone else made that, also looking for the full vid
>>78357 that's a shame but thanks for letting us know. the quest for more nari continues mack's big tits for some content
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3m!l!e M@e
>>75750 Bum for more Le@h & @my
>>78357 What site did you find the edit on?
Any L1zz13 R0$3? From Versailles but has lived in Lex for awhile.
Any of R@ya Hrist0v's massive tits?
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anyone got m@ry @lice
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>>78885 yes more of her please! sucks she closed her bunny page
S@rah m@rie th0mpson, c@ssidy green, or more emilie mae?
>>78967 cass gr33n
>>78967 i got more em!l!e m@e who you got in return?
Bump for the missing nari vid
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>>78958 She's active on OF now
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Anyone have b@!ley m0rken old 0F stuff I lost my files
N1amh d3nny?
0'shea bump. Its a 3 thread tradition at this point.
Any @bby H@milton
(217.16 KB 1080x1350 download (3).jpeg)
Bump for the missing vid
Looking for M@ri@h Sch@ffh@us3r if anyone has any
@lli$on m@arcum?
Any wins of 3mily S@lyers? Those tits are crazy
>>78209 Please tell me you have more of Lvdi@, I’ve been looking for her forever.
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So nobody has this bitch?
>>78359 We need More Mack
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>>79012 you getting her ppvs?
>>79328 I only have a little bit
>>79347 Damn these are good. How do you know her
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>>79362 found online with the nari leaks still looking for that vid
(389.86 KB 626x884 narippv.png)
>>78275 >>79096 i have to figure out how to compress it, but i've got it more mad lewis, 3milia ma3, or @llison m@rcum and it'll get posted
Someone plz put @llison m@rcum in here
>>79385 Post erome or gofile
>>79385 I only have a small amount to contribute to this but I'm dying for nari. If you've got anything else from her that hasn't been posted I'd love to see it too
(1.61 MB 1748x1610 gofile.png)
okay its up on gofile appreciate the 3milia but some censored pics won't cut it lol >>79390 agreed some mar-cum and i would post it instantly
>>79409 >>79402 lol my b your post hadn't loaded when I replied, thanks for sharing those tho
>>79409 link?
yea both mad and emili3 have easy to find leaks, i'm looking for ppv content that's worth sharing a new 5 min nari vid for (which was like $50 btw) or any of allis0n marcum because god damn those tits need to be shared
>>79414 nari's stuff was all stupid expensive, I bought a bunch of the others but not this one. Sorry I don't have anything else you want man thanks for your sacrifice in buying this one
>>79414 ppvs of em and m@dison. link earlier got deleted
A little extra mack to sweeten the pot
>>79433 legend Got any other nari in the archives that hasn't been posted?
>>72608 Bump for Zoe who’s on the right in that pic, I know they’re out there
(1.54 MB 1290x2265 IMG_1984.jpeg)
This one should be easy to get.. Abby Mcclell@n
emmaline atwell?
>>79522 I’ll fuckin bump for this
anyone have any n1cole 0wens content?
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any nudes from del@ncy m0rse? she was really slutty before she got pregnant and became a single mom
Who’s got @llison m@rcum huge tits??
>>76766 Th3v3ronic@v00rh33s anyone got the pics and vid?
st@si@ n@varro?
>>79589 I may have a few of her nudes. I am not sure because she did not show her face, and someone else claimed it was her.
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>>72447 Bumping for her
(1.67 MB 3024x3156 XDHlQQw.jpg)
>>79694 post them. Do her tits look like this? Does she have an ACAB tattoo?
>>79694 how did you get her nudes by the way? did you fuck her?
>>76790 Any more hb?
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Anyone got Mary B? Used to be some that went around.
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3mma g. Sm1th. Anyone have anything more? Or her friends tbh
Anyone have ella davison?
>>79522 Bump for @bby
$herri R0bert$???
@llison M@rcum?
Anyone have M@di M3i3r? Goes to BCTC, super tall w massive tits
>>78212 I’ll post everything I have if somebody drops new lydi@
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>>81504 Not the one who asked, but pretty sure most of those are posed already
>>72387 marie renner I would like to fuck the shit out of her
Any one got $arah N@pier?
@llison M@rcum anyone??
Anyone have new Zoe west? Saw she started OF
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there's way more. will share some for someone worth it. a m@rcum is one
>>81886 Name/@
>>81886 Fuck this bitch is sooooo fucking hot!!
Who's the girl with the green phone anymore pictures of her
>>78127 More
Drop em if ya got em.
Anymore meg?
>>78127 Do you have more?
>>81886 shes got a bad ass friend too
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>>81886 Is z03 worth sharing more?
>>81886 Can I get her name or links
@amana Lem0nd?
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>>81953 More Zoe. Anyone have Marcum??
N@t J3W311?
Looking for some M@rcum myself brotha
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>>81946 for those
Thanks for sharing those wins! She got a p@gE?
Mega n used to sell sex tapes i seen a few of them.
you're a god! got anymore?
>>78971 you're a god! got anymore?
>>82049 What’s her name or links
>>82125 No fucking way!
Bump for more meg please.
Will post a Haley B sex video for more wins of her.
>>82239 face pic of Haley B?
>>76790 This is Haley.
who has more del@ncy m0rse?
>>82239 Absolutely need that Haley b tape. What can we do here.
Any more Zoe?
>>82344 I got Zoe for Haley b tape
>>82362 Holy crap dude, things do exist. Thank you sir!
>>82377 Use the website translation
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>>82362 >>82362 Here’s some Zoe. Let’s see that Haley b tape!
>>82405 God I hope they actually pull through
>>82414 Me too. Bump bump bump
Can we not get the m@rcum?? What’s been dropped is for sure worthy
>>82414 I will pull through but I need more Haley B wins! I don’t know Zoe.
>>82462 More incoming. Let’s see that vid.
(166.13 KB 2556x1179 IMG_1845.jpeg)
>>82467 Screenshot of video.
>>82462 What is Haley’s last name?
>>82474 B@rl0w
More Zoe keep em coming
How about them meg vids 🤪
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>>72213 Have more of N@ri or z0e if anyone has Marcum
can post more m@dison for some z0e
M@rcum is a necessity for this thread
>>82362 Name or OF?
Any meg P out there (elton)
>>81430 Bump
>>82555 I have quite a bit more Z0e and others but M@d freaks me out
(1.32 MB 1776x948 2023-02-19_18.49.42.png)
>>82555 would share more meg m vids for some of mad's ppv
>>82628 What’s Megan’s last name or link??
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>>72213 Cmon guys keep it up, here’s Em1ly
