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Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 16:31:51 No. 38325
Who’s got wins on the Ch@1k sisters? V@1, J355, or @ng31@
I don’t think they exist
>>38567 Why do you say that? You know them?
Nothing? Wanting these for years
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I’ll be a hero. @ngel@.
>>38811 amazing nips
>>38325 >>38811 You’re a legend. All three are so hot. You think there’s any of J355 or V@1?
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>>38325 I know they were sluts
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So glad to see I’m not the only one that wants to see these slutty sisters exposed. V and J both have such great tits
If they’re anything like @ngel@, they won’t send to just anyone
>>39018 Sounds like you might have stories. But I know J355 is a lot easier than her sisters.
Bump Jess. Been busting her for years
Bump for all three of them
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>>38325 Willing to do anything for J3ss or V@l
>>38325 >>39012 Bump these slutty sisters!
J3ss went to Salisbury. Ik damn well some men saw those fat tits
>>38325 >>38567 >>38567 >>38811 So glad to finally see wins for a Ch@lk sis. They’re all so fuckable>>38811
>>38811 Bro you gotta have more than that. Don’t hold back, we need all three of them!
There gotta be more out there
Are there old Salisbury threads? J3ss has to be in there somewhere. Bitch flaunts her tits like a lifestyle
I didn’t know people knew the ch@lk sisters like this. I know they had quite a rep, but not enough for a thread dedicated to them. Guess I can’t complain, lets get those tits boys!
>>38811 I guess we know who has the smallest tits of the 3 lmao. Not even close, and she’s the oldest!
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>>40405 Size difference is actually insane. Need them so bad
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Don’t let this die, we had somethin going!
