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Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 08:53:54 No. 39708
Where’s all the Eastern Shore, OC/Berlin wins?
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anyone have r@ch3l r wins? ocean city
Bump OC and Rachel
Bump, wicomico county checking in
bump, I know there are some Salisbury wins out there
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>>39919 Got a name?
>>39924 Donk 😱 you have anything else of her?
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>>39930 Ask and you shall receive
Seacrets or OC bartenders??
>>39932 Name of the booty? What year did she graduate?
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>>39946 Here she is
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>>39932 Which hole are you using
>>39962 Well with an asshole ready like that, easy decision
>>39962 Anymore pics/vids?
>>39981 Bump bump please more
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>>39981 She married, but stayed a slut
>>39925 check out the mirror in the first pic
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>>39991 what are those socials?! Asking for a friend
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>>40039 That’s a wet ass pussy and pucker whole. Fuck me
I am looking for wins from Kristina I think her last name starts with either O or W. I think she is from Princesses Ann or Salisbury.
Longshot but any Crisfield wins?
>>40039 One of the best I seen on here my gosh. Bump to the moon. Bump morr
>>40061 bump on crisfield, poco, princess anne
Bump for Salisbury and OC
>>40084 Id love to see Mich31e Schr1efer from Poco. I know there has to be wins
>>40061 Any wins between 2008 to 2011?
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Taylor R. Salisbury student, lives in OC
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>>40092 K@telynn H, Class of 2011. Heard rumors she had wins, if they still exist.
3Mily H any of this slut?
Sydney Patrick wins?
>>40181 Yes please!
>>40058 I want to see that!
Bump OC/Bury
bump sals/OC
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R@gen R, now D. Always wondered if she had wins, slim chance but hopeful.
>>40181 BUMP
Any wins of R@che1 We11t0n or other K-Coast girls?
>>40657 She is too much of a cock tease to have wins. On top that she was always a huge bitch.
Bri br@dley???
Any Cierr@ Thomps0n I’ve always wanted to see her big titties
>>39947 Lets see more
Any Salisbury from 2012-2017
>>41501 Bump. Who did
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Who’s got Sawyer c@mpen from Salisbury??
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Ke11y Cl@rk Cambridge area??
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Who has Liz from Cambridge
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@shl€y 0ri0n. She has pierced tits and she is smoking hot. Sleeps around like nobodies business. I know she has some wins out there.
>>42068 Iv wanted to fuck her for years. Id love to see some wins
>>42068 Bump
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>>42068 Bump!
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>>42453 Bump a wedding slut
bump for sby
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Anyone have the Lindsay C@ntler stuff? She deleted her FetLife.
What does Lindsey look like?
>>42556 Short multicolored hair has tattoos
Are you a friend of hers or an ex?
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>>42618 Yep that's her! Do you have her FetLife name? Not sure it's searchable anymore.
No its deleted but I have a few
>>42640 I'd appreciate more if you want to post them. Any more Kent Islanders that you have?
I can post more of her. How do you know her?
>>42650 I saw her in here a while back before the threads got rebooted. But I don't know her irl
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I know y’all got more Salisbury girls than this
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Any from P@rkside
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@ndi Tuck3r from OC. I know there’s vids from her ex out there.
Taylor Bromley?
She's back on the eastern shore anyone got anything
>>42068 Bump
>>40181 Bump! huge flirt
>>40061 Bump
>>42068 Bump!
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>>40180 I remember her, she also had a hot friend, Rachel. Would love to see wins of them both. Rachel had a fat ass.
>>44073 Rachel is her sister. I think she moved dowb to FL or something. She had some insane tits too
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>>44075 Yeah, she moved to FL years ago, has a son too so she got that MILF status now.
>>44077 Socials?
