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Saginaw County 03/10/2023 (Fri) 06:16:34 No. 23605
Let’s see some saginaw county girls!
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I would personally like some HHS sluts from the 2010-2012 era
>>23648 Wish there was more Amanda
Any of the urbaniak sisters or sledz
>>23843 Katie sl3d5?
Katie sl3d5?
any pics of hannah P?
any tori novak, I have some jordan sayan and sarah fredrickson
>>28765 Don’t have Tori but very hopeful for Sarah drop.
Anyone got some Ry@h h0well
>>28765 What’s a brotha gotta do to get those 2 posted?
>>28880 Wouldn’t get your hopes up. These Saginaw threads are always empty in terms of wins but full in terms of beggars.
Bump for Am@nd@. Anyone got l€x Th0mps0n?
I got Mary z
Mods keep deleting
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>>30226 Dayum!
>>30226 where did u get Jordan Sayan? I almost banged her for some weed years ago. Sge has sextapes out here.
I got loads of Jordan and some of her sisters, I want to see Tori Novak or Brianna Henne(Lambert)
>>30546 - / - - / -/ -/ -\ - -\ - \ - - \
>>30546Take away the As in last post do you have that
I don't understand what your asking
>>30546 Can I get a sneak peak into what you have ?
I posted some of Jordan I'd like more activity in the forum before I post more
>>30546 do you have another app I van - pics with you I dont like to upload on here some girl snitched on me be it was a whole thing I sont need any legal rrouble again
>>30546 can send you
I don't have any other apps to use no, sorry.
Just post what you have, stop this secret - shit
>>30560 t o b e r s o n 2 3
>>31160 I agree. I understand wanting people to contribute but this may be my only time to see Sarah and there’s nothing I can do :(
J t r o u g h P r o t o n me
>>30772 can u post all your Jordan s wins ill send u what I have of saginaw girl cassie chritz
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>>31363 >>31364 Who are these goddesses from saginaw? Never seen them
Brittany M works at a spa in flint and does full service. Its pricey but worth it.
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S@r@h and J0rd@n
>>31702 🤤 Now that’s what I’m talking about! Any more of Sarah?!
A few more yeah
>>31712 I’d kill for them! She’s so fucking hot.
Pro ton
She’s lived in a few different places with different last names but I figured I’d start here. Anyone have any Ashley Mayhew/Lang/Morris.
Looking for tori Novak or Sarah Marie Stout
Of j.alexiusx
>>31702 Does Jordan sell sextapes? I almost was gonna bang them both she stayed down the road from me I used to smoke with her. Never got to bang them though :( Where did u get these Jordan? I seen Sarah ones. Can u post the rest of Sarah and Jordan. Ill get her content for a month if its worth it.
Sarah bump
(9.30 MB Ryan.mp4)
Any R!ley Koepf? She was a huge freak.
Still want Tori Novak she's gotta have some somewhere
>>34129 have anymore Ry@nn M? Almost banged her when she was closing the bar but she wanted payment I dont do all that. Does she have any like fsce view videos she never shows her face when I buy
>>34468 damn I didn't know she would do that I might hit her up now lmao
Any Jessica G? Bartends at Mac’s, used to sell.
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Tori novak
>>34129 Only fan name? Looking to post the content possibly
>>35707 xoxo.ry ill be honest with you there isn't a lot of shit thats worth your time
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$helbi Pugh
Any of the Mckell@r sisters?
>>34129 Disgusting
Need more $helbi
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Who has these sisters?? They love to share and show off !
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Madison red mer Aka Trinity red Stripper Gives dat good head Need to see here blasted on here !!
Oh man need more Madison big time
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Yea here you go bro, here’s one of her with that nasty ass niglet growing inside of her.
It really is too bad. We really need to see full tits and that pussy spread. I know they are out there
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Trinity giving some head during that pregnant pic time , her tits with a friend and ass too She a ghetto lil hoe Be scamming and escorting Keep it goin
Love Alex!!! Best pussy I’ve had from an e(s)cort.. this is how I normally contact her.
reupping Alex. That’s number I use too ^^
>>37864 Lmao for all the fbi types out there the number for this whore is 603-681-5881
FBI types? I’ve met her too and it’s worth it
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Good one with stripper Trinity Who has this tease? Courtn ey She is a huge cock tease I wanna see naked and taking D
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Here ya go best I can do all she ever sent me I know there's more out there though
>>37864 She travel to NJ often? Saw a post with that number on the /es for an escort
Bump Alex… yeah she’s real and I think she goes to NJ every once in a while. I use that number too^ she’s in Saginaw last I knew. BEST ESCORT IN THE STATE IMO
>>38154 Bump for more of her
Bump Alex. My friend said he met her through that number ^^
>>37862 who is her friend I wanna buy her content
Anymore on alex?
Fake trys to scam don't fall for it.
Bump Alex.. met her a few weeks ago same number. gives crazy head. Wanted deposit tho
>>35948 More shelb!??
Bump Alex. I’ve met her from that number too ^
Alex is a lie don't call idk why they keep deleting my posts but allow a fake to keep posting about an escort the same person keeps it going don't lose your money on a fake that isn't real
This guy is lying lol.: I’ve met her. Must have pissed her off or can’t afford it. Text that number to hookup lol
>>37862 Do you have any more pic of Trinity
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Should be tons of her being a hoe but idk people be hoarding She a dirty slut Doesn't even give good head.
Damn man love to see more trinity. Love a video of her sucking dick. Anyone have Hannah M. Has an onlyfans but never showed anything. Would love to see her pussy
Any more Alex? Met her last month… crazy ass pussy. Meets through this number
Bump Alex… I meet her through that number too. Have a video but won’t let me post it… hit her up for content/ to meet up^^
Bump Alex…. Met her for services a year ago
Does this Alex have any other way to setup shit? Some sort of social media or something? Can’t do numbers but definitely wanting to link up if anyone could help me
(1.21 MB 1080x1230 Screenshot_20240115-152803.png)
Here’s Alex…. Met her through that num.ber a few weeks ago.. also reachable on snap via Cpitpai
Would love more Hannah. Got to see that pussy
>>40155 do u have the photo of her and ryann m together at garden of Eden they made hella content in Florida but I couldn't afford it they want to much but if someone has money they worth it Hannah sells sextapes for a lot ryann sextapes cheaper
>>40210 How much is a Hannah se tape and on what platform is she selling them on? Her OF is pretty dry.
I got Hannah's tape I $ell for 20
Here’s Alex C. Can confirm she meets through that number.
mittyblue0507 -OF
>>40642 Mods ban is fucking fed and/or pedo
This is Alex. Heard she still meets through that num.ber^^^
Crazy pic of Alex. Got head through that num.ber a few weeks ago
Bro Alex swallowed be senior year was the best I’ve ever had lmao. Heard that number still works
>>40309 can I buy it whats your kyk
>>40499 can you post misty content does she have sextapes available
Alex posts are obvious p0lice phishing for retards.
More Alex… she’s still meeting up I think. This guys just cautious^ lol
Bump Alex… met her a few weeks ago through that num.ber
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Anyone have her or the other Midland Street Bar girls? S@r@ Cro3l (on right)
Any Alex? best head I ever had the week of new years.. same number^
Where is all the Leo girls blonde milf or that other girl with tattoos?
>>41282 I would love to see the young blonde with tats in trying to save like 500 to theow her as a tip
>>41238 There’s a ton of Sara out there, used to be all over the Clio/810 threads on the old boards
Ai is fun lol >>34813
Anyone have the unedited version? I met up with Alex through this number and she gave me amazing head but wouldn’t send nudes.
>>31364 Anyone have more of her?
Here’s that Alex pic unedited. Glad to hear she’s still doing meet up’s lmaooo
No one does meet ups you stupid fucking cop bitch. Fed ass pussy. Stop fishing and kill yourself.
>>23605 Thought for sure Saginaw county would have a lot more than this. Thread has been dead for awhile
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Let's see Courtney !! We all know she isn't just a tease ....show her off boys ! No more fake escort crap post real girls !
Someone's gotta have amalyah C? She just started hooking in bay city. Or her friend Maddie L?
>>42300 who is amalya c I got money for her
Any wins for Ch3ls34 K4y
>>23605 Anyone have any wins for J33sica Swan
>>23605 someone please post some H3ml0cok wins
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Anyone have this drunk slut
>>23605 Looking for some J@mie N@gels wins
Who’s got Lauren Leddys giant tits
Bump paleeeaaassee
Any sluts from chesaning
Anyone have Emily S?
Need @lyss@ p3r3z, and m3g@n Mc3v0y
>>45617 Have both. Couple sextapes with alysa. Do you have Kay eye kay
>>45625 rightone779
Still need tori Novak, nobody has
Sierra r svsu?
I know a couple of Sarah fredrickson were posted a while ago. Anyone have anymore?
Find Tori Novak for me I'll post a bunch of Sarah fred, shit ask her ex husband
>>46807 I mean I can try but I don’t think I’ll be able to find anything. And I don’t really have anything to offer. Just really need some Sarah
Anyone got any of Arie@nn@ H3rn@ndez
>>46807 yo I dont know who tori is but I have a ton of saginaw girls wins and some sextapes if u can hook me up with Sara fred ill send u my whole collection
Doed anyone have Misty Tadeki or Alee Duwe? Someone snet me misty of content and I lost it only time I ever had her wins
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Kat S
Any wins or stories of the girls on the SVSU dance team? Used to have some good ones of @lex G and M@r
47441 what her of name it cuts off i almost got a bj from her in public
Someone decided to delete all the Kat S content I just shared so rip any more that I had I guess.
Most of that Kat S would be dope
Any wins from M@ck3nzi3 Cr@nmer from Chesaning? I know that whore is out there
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>>47607 Looking for more of her and 3mmee H
>>47976 >>40309 I’d buy hannah’s tape
>>47977 who has hannahs tape ill buy it as well or i have tons of saginaw girls wins Alysa Perez Hayleigh Hare Cassie Chritz Megan Mccevoy Brittany Mahl Etc
>>47995 who is she
we need all of them pls
>>30546 do u have brianna henne I used to have a bra nip slip thats it she almost fucked me at this park across the street from where she lived years ago
>>48188 "I don't wanna post because I gotta case, but I'll post on an app that has a trackable username" what stupid ass nonsense is that. Just be like everyone else and say "I won't post mine because no one else posts"
>>48198 Not to mention that sending them over another app is no different than posting them legally speaking lmao
>>48005 What’s your Kay eye Kay
>>48714 His kik?
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Anyone have Hannah f?
>>48714 leave your username ill add u
>>48803 tricitytim92
>>48005 Lemme get cassie
>>48813 I messages u but i dont know if it went thru
>>48921 Hey sorry tricitytim94 send me a message
Lemme get cassie Kay eye kick is lilplaymaker420
anything recent of jordan Sayan? These are from over 6 years ago? >>30558
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>>49350 I have recent Jordan S wins
>>49352 she got bob job? I liked her natural look.
>>49352 Anything for Sarah?
Anybody got that j3nny S?
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>>49625 who’s this?
>>49625 Fuck, is she shelling again? I know she went away for a while
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Any k3ls3y M?
>>35948 Got a few Shelbie, will post once more of her are posted.
Glory hole on the island is up tn
Shelbi must be back to selling since her marriage failed.
Got any full nudes of shelbi? Showing pussy?
Somewhere I do gotta find them. Have videos also.
Post em up! Really wanna see her pussy!
>>50553 Where she sell at I’d buy that shit
Anyone got Daphne from the vu?
Any Saginaw nurses?
Anyone know the emo chick from sozo?
Where are those shelbi pussy pics ? Let's see em
Lf Andrea Decker. Big slut. Should have a lptnof wins
Who is the last two pics
Anyone got Paige from TJMaxx?
Any Morgan J@ck$on?
>>51012 >>50917 I would also like to know who this is. Looks familiar
>>51185 all the more reason to tribute her
>>51260 Lol someone doesn't know how this works. Nice theat though
>>49618 Last name?
>>51244 Cops don't have jurisdiction on an international website. Only thing they can do is track down who they think posted them.
>>51375 Don't forget Metadata is a thing. Look it up. Educate yourselves. Download a free HEX editor. Buy a vpn they are cheap.
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L3xi j0hn$0n birch run
>>23648 Anyone have more of amanda?
>>51468 Start a Birch run thread. The old one died out.
I can’t seem to figure out how
looking for c@$$i€s & @ly$$@ p
>>51619 have both unfortunately I dont know how to contact u cause I'm not putting them on here but id get u their stuff
Did Shelbi start selling again
Did Shelbi start selling yet
Anyone know the names of and have content of the black female twins that work at Walmart behind target? Also a white emo style girl that works at lowes her name tag said Emma W and a latina goddess named cordelia that works there
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Anyone have more of @lyss@ j0ne$ from birch run?
anyone have any on v1ctor1a br3wer?
>>52297 More? What’d I miss??
>>52601 bumping
Yeah wait...more????
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K0urtn3y from B1rch Run
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Someone’s got to have @ddison stim@c from st charles
>>52971 damn id destroy her
>>52601 bumping
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Anybody have Dena? She had an OF but deleted all the good stuff
>>53317 >>53317 Bump! What was the OF?
It was maryjane23241 but she’s not active on there anymore
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Dr3w S used to work at hooters and Logan’s??? Any wins?
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>>53317 Her ass is ridiculous
>>52601 bump
Anyone have N€v@eh H0lli$t€r?
Love to see some SVSU girls!
Anyone have Liz f0gg?
Would love to see B€cc@ Gu!ld€n$t€rn's big tits!
(5.60 MB 58865e468152d.mp4)
Me11issa 1ee f1ores getting a train rain her by me and the homies. She got some good ass pussy. She let any one hit it. Even her family
>>52601 bumping
>>53920 Bump
Any S@r@h Fr3dr3ricks3n. She’s so hot.
>>53920 fuck off with this beastiality shit.
>>54116 Bump for that hottie S@r@h
Anyone have nude photos of motti Molina or real name marisol molina
>>52601 heavily bumping
Let’s get Saginaw to the top
If tbro is still on here I need your k eye Kay I got some new saginaw girl. Be anyone complains I give wins to this person and he can do as he pleases with them so yall will get to see as well I just myself dont upload got caught up b4
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>>53920 who buckethat nigga think he is? Batman? Take off that fgtass cape next time
>>55017 I herd somewhere she got them cans reduced
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>>55033 >>55033 You got some shitty sources cause she posts on insta and tiktok all the time
>>55034 Who does those melons belong to? Anymore?
>>55037 S b3lling@r
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Does anyone know this girl?
>>55043 Bump
>>55034 Please tell me there’s more?!
>>55091 Oh yea there’s more. I got em for some more posts
>>55043 is it br1ttn3y m if so I got some stuff possibly
That’s A Fl0re$ from bay city
>>55196 DUDE are you talking about angela f from bay city or Adriana f cause if it's angela f10r3s I've been wanting to see her for years I used to chill with her friend cassie green they was both so fine used to have pics of cass
>>44042 I wish cant seem to find anything anywhere
Any De3 D3e or de@nN@ mc/@r3n also looking for ry@nN@ r@y
Anything from A. Terian?
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>>55091 >>55128 This is why all the threads die.
>>52601 bump!!!
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Anyone have Grace?
>>55903 I wish we did lol
@łÿ$$@ nudes?
Any wins of m@risa s0uthern used to have an of
Any C0urtn3y 5ayan?
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Any S@mmi K
we need a Thanksgiving miracle for turkey day
>>52601 massive bump
Whats sammi k last name I need to get some content of her in that outfit
>>52601 anything? bump
>>52601 bump!!!
Any of S@r@h fr3dr1cks0n? Would be a nice Christmas gift!
Anyone have - @lyss@ p3r3z PaYt0n RoSs Ja3ci McCullUm KrI$$y SpaulDIng sex tape HaYleigh Har3 Or any HHS 2012-2016
>>58790 I have 2 of them do u have Kay eye kaye
What 2? Post them.
Any Beth T out there?
Can't post them on here. If u have Kay eye kaye ill send u them and u can post them. These bitches ce crazy try to get u in trouble and shit for posting their stuff no thanks man
Bump 🥺
Courtney N3v1us? She sells and used to be on Chloe K’s OF all the time
Alexi$ l@forest Angel@ flore$ T@ylor fro$t
Need angela f and Alexis l used to have Alexis not as fine as she used to be
Bump for S@r@h fr3dr1cks0n.
I’ll drop some ang3la Fl0res for j3nny st3wart
Someone's gonna have @ng3l T3rri4n.
Don’t hoard those @ngel@ flore$ be a true homie that way maybe more people will drop what they got
>>61035 Bump
>>61045 I'm from saginaw ill give u a bunch if saginaw girls for angela flores I don't know any bay city girls except her cassandra green misty winters a couple saginaw girls who work that way ink if interested
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N@t@lie B0l!n Chesaning
>>61508 Dayum, more where that came from?
>>61035 I need S@r@h so fucking bad. Please
Content of saginaw girl initials A P for sale if anyone interested Kay eye k
Lets see Misty
>>61542 Bump
Anyone got Kimberly W? I hear she's newly single and been fucking around
>>61542 Bump
Hit up lochnessgoonzter on Kay eye k. Has best saginaw wins girls ive never even seen online. Sextapes and solo.
S@r@h fr3dr1cks0n Bump I’d give my left nut to see her nudes
K I K Hotchips96
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>>62877 who is she holy fuck
What’s ur username?
In@-m@ri3 Lynn
