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Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 13:59:32 No. 44808
Kourtney S
For the love of god someone HAS to have these.
Forever super bumpin this
Bump bump
anyone have any stories about her?
I dated her for a while and have quite a good amount of stories. Can’t post pics unfortunately or it will expose who I am, but she’s an attention whore and still acts like a stripper till death
Fucked 3 times her during her first week at players back in the day. Fat pussy and sucked dick like her life depended on it. Her tits are incredible
Her tits have gotten lower with time and pussy is a little musty, but she still sucks and takes dick like a champ. Her nudes are out there but no one wants to be a champ.
These are out there who’s gonna be the savior lol
If she is a dizzy, and as slutty as everyone says, there is no way she would know who posted the nudes unless the guys face was in it. Don't hoard, share the love!
Unfortunately my fave is in a majority of the pics I have of her nude, and how I look is just way too obvious, or else I’d be posting. But I do know she has to have sent a mass amount of nudes out in the time we weren’t together. The girl is an absolute attention whore and pic me bitch. A few days without validation and she would wither away
>>45624 Crop yourself out lol
>>45695 >>45624 for real, use like the marker tool and take out the parts that are you. easy peasy!
Bumping this
Just one pic of her tits. Someone just be a hero already.
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Bump! the dude in here that said he had em was clearly bs
Or you’re clearly an idiot that can’t read cuck
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She’s such a thirst trap it’s insane
Shout out to whoever posted those, means she’s for sure still sending nudes out because those are new. Wonder if she’s selling nudes yet
>>47117 All from her Twitter lol. Bitch loved attention and will do anything for it
Share that Twitter then. The bodysuit was right after me and her stopped talking. So she clearly moves her waves of attention!
_ hey honey b remove spaces
>>47142 Post anything you have
She had my boy pick her up from Robert to immediately top him off
Need to see these hangers unleashed
>>47224 Wishful thinking. People are hoarders
Looks like the dream is dead boys. No one has anything.
>>47637 Share a sample
Who used to pork this chick let’s hear about it
Double teamed this girl once. She didn’t have all the tats. I know someone for sure paid for how she looks now and she acts like she’s too hot, but this girl exists to take dick
Someone post those hangers!
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Bump this musty slut
Weird ass coked out stalker hoe
she’s simply too slutty for me to give up hope
Bump! Someone tell us bout this dirty broad
She knobbed me once in a bathroom at chilis when we were out to eat with her dad. Blew a load on her forehead she loved it
Lmao ^ stfu
Bump til they dump
Sounds like a really pissed off ex
^the girls a walking hole. I doubt any ex is treating it as an L lol
bump this fat titted slut
Super bump I gotta see this bitch naked
That’s cool dude we just wanna see her tits
Big bump, she’s still so hot and I miss this pussy. Best sex honestly
bump this slut
Don’t know if she still strips, but she does extras. I heard she blew someone for cash when she was behind on her bills once
god damn! she fine.
Bump this retard!
Major bump for this attention whore
Bump this easy slut
My name is Kenny Forsgren and I am bumping this dumb slut to the top.
Someone here should target her to get them nudes. She's fucking someone new every few months.
She used to suck dick in the VIP lounge years ago when she was a stripper. She sucked my shit for 60$ while she was dating that Kenny faggot.
Bump let's see some wins!!!
Will pay for wins (videos, etc) lol
Courtney is as sloppy as the head she gives. She’s fun for a night but super annoying. Just good pussy and good head game. Poor girl will never be wife material lmfao.
Never ever let this die. BUMP!!!!! Consider making an of Courtney! You could be rich!
Honestly how is there not an OF lol
She’ll never make one. Too afraid after letting her ex’s take videos of her sucking and fucking
