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Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 22:56:25 No. 49600
906 Houghton area
Bump need more houghton wins
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>>50642 who dat?
>>50791 Rhy@n 3lys3. STUPID hot just like H@1ly J3@n
Any S@M @h0? Willing to pay.
>>50792 Does h@1ly have wins? I’ve always thought she had an OF but never found it
Anyone have Rachelle from the soo? Or Whitney w00d from garden ?
>>50961 Idk man, i grew up there but moved. Wins from her would be fucking GOAT status, just look @ her insta ffs
>>50961 >>51036 Gross lol
>>51077 What’s gross?
Sonja neher vids?
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Fuck she’s sexy what about the vids? Ur a legend
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Who got Megan riutta
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>>52027 MTU. pm if want to tr@d3 more mtu
Bump for more Sonja
Who's got Eden S wins or stories? Or other girls from the Library
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Heard she sells and likes to suck dick in the s1g rh0 sauna. Someone has to have w1ns
>>59559 Whats her name or socials? If she selling ill buy
>>59632 ig @d3lin3fr@zi3r Lmk if you get winz
Any wins or stories of C0r3y Nic0l3?
>>59807 >>59831 Mindless bumps get these boards nowhere. Share stories or pics or request someone directly
>>59746 She has an ig post with stickers over her nips but that’s all I’ve seen
>>59834 I don't follow her on IG but my buddy used to fuck her. Said she was super tight and fun. Someone gotta have pics
>>59832 Stories are useless. Post the wins
Looking for k@r@ cl@irmont or l3@h l3mus from Calumet amyone have wins?
Anyone have c@li s l33
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Wins of M@y @m31i@ 5hap7on?
>>60315 I have a lot of c@li if you’ll post
>>61561 What do you want?
>>61563 3d3n S@nb0rn or C0r3y N!c0l3
>>61563 MTU students if possible. Who do you have?
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>>61627 can drop my whole J3nnifer S collection if someone has any more recent wins of her
>>62924 No wins of her but I’ll post some wins if you do
Bump this shit with more mtu sluts
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>>63075 another t3ch girl. let's keep this going
T0p@z Ur1@h?
>>51208 who this
>>51750 who is she
>>52027 who is this? Why dont nobody put names how can I ask about purchasing content if nobody lets me know who they r lol
>>63097 who she >>63200 who she
Post what you have and I’ll drop some names and more
>>63292 if that's your thing try to get C0r3y N!c0le, 3d3n S@nb0rn or K!er$t3n K!3v!t or @bby @rbl3
>>49600 Anyone got J0rd@n Lis@c?
T@yl0r W!tte?
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Esky Gladstone area used to have a video of her getting fucked in the ass
>>63823 Post this in Esky thread
>>63823 So bummed that she stopped her OF, she’s so sexy!
Any more tech students?
Right, the vid of her giving head is great. Her sister was a good slut too I hear
>>63937 Who is that?
>>63823 Her and her sister. Both sluts
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Somebody buy this full high res set from her 1G: (Syl_@ros3)
