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(1.74 MB 4280x5350 IMG_2194.jpeg)
Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 23:29:32 No. 10513
Pick a work wife. You get a night to do anything with one. Who you picking left or right? Got undressed to follow.
Left. Definitely hotter hips from that angle!
Right - tighter body and seems like way prettier although can’t tell for sure
Love 1s waist to hip ratio. Prefer 2s shoes. Need more pics to decide.
(2.04 MB 4280x5350 IMG_2174.jpeg)
Sexy underwear.
Both very sexy!
>>10524 But you can only pick one.
>>10525 Right. Definitely the woman on the right.
>>10526 Haha. You seem certain. Any particular reason why?
>>10531 Because she's the full package. Beautiful face, sexy body, GREAT tits, nice ass, and a gorgeous pussy. The other womans face isn't as pretty. Nice body on her but her face is second to the woman on the right.
2 needs to show the tits. Got trust issues with bras.
I'd have fun with both women but my heart goes to the hottie on the right. She looks fantastic.
>>10563 Thanks bro. She’s pretty hot! Wish she’d move her arm though.
>>10579 Ask OP to post some more of his beautiful wife. Maybe he will give us some more full frontal nudes without her supporting her tits.
>>10513 >>10523 Id plow lefts ass all night long and id bury my face in rights pussy till I pass out
>>10683 We need more
Bump for more of the hottie on the right
pre-milf /d/HcfVZD
>>10884 What's the site?
Hopeful bump for the milf on the right
>>10563 Gorgeous woman, i;d love to part those lovely pussy lips with my tongue.>>10563 >>10563 Gorgeous woman, i;d love to part those lovely pussy lips with my tongue.
