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Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 07:04:29 No. 15187
Blaine thread Starting with Ver0nica Mann1ng who gave blowjobs for weed money at Blaine hs.
>>15187 Any Amanda S, Bri G?
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Veronica should have her own thread, I got loads of content on this slut.
>>15205 any R@chel Zin$?
>>15224 post more!!
Bump more veronica!
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>>15236 I'll keep posting, but it's slow uploading. If you want vids and stuff msg me on kik shotgunaffair
>>15187 Does anyone have the vid of her being fuckd from behind by her dealer? It was on mless but got taken down.
L!ly 0?
>>15352 Bumping this
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>>15187 She's got some nice titties
>>15510 Fuck yeah post more!
>>15187 I'm fb friends with her, I should tell her how nice her boobs are XD
Bump for more blaine girls
>>15510 Nice pair got anymore?
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>>15921 Fuuuck there is no way Holy shit
>>15187 Lmfao I'm glad this slut is getting posted again She totally deserves it XD
I went to hs with her, I'd pay for more seriously! Please post
Kat1e Ol$rud?
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anyone have v4n14
Any E1izab3th 01s3n wins out there?
