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Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 12:53:43 No. 23378
Any wins of this tight red head from minot?
🥵 name?
>>23379 Tia Delorme. She goes by Tia Mock now
*big bump*
>>23378 Bump!
Bumping bc there’s gotta be some!
Give her a bump she will give u a blow frequents minot bars
whats the snap
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Perfect face for a giant load
Works at cookie shop downtown
I have videos with her. Pictures. Everything. She’s my ex.
>>24812 Please share! These wins would be legendary!
I fucked get a few weeks ago. Absolute tightest pussy ever!
>>24827 Tight and very tasty!
I’ll hit her up again and try to record if anything else gets posted
Damn! I use to have a ton of her but lost it. Hopefully someone posts something!
Where’s the wins at that this dude claimed he has?
Anybody that says they have wins but won't post them definitely does not have them.
bump this cheating slut
Big bump! Expose the hoe
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Oldie but def shows off her tight body.
>>25482 Definitely not
Bump! Need more Tia! She’s so tight
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You should post them bro! Fuck her she manipulated you and played with you!
I think my post was deleted
post her without anything in the war or at least try to bro.
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fuck man that sucks! you have any other way of sending them?
bro? do you have erom?
Damn! Keep trying! We need to see those wins!
Screensh0t and repost
Sn@ p maxxj907 and i can try posting
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Quit the bs and just post the wins if you got them. That’s what this site is all about.
Always gotta be one stingy mf trying to make money
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I’ll post mine for free since the other guy won’t.
Love to see more of this whore
Post em!!
Bump! Neeed more wins
hit her up on snap! she sends pretty easy after you talk for a little bit
What is her snap???
>>27506 Tiamock
Bump the sexy redhead!
Bump! Need some more fire nudes of her!
