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EMS Wins Anonymous 01/03/2023 (Tue) 11:15:32 No. 12817
Gotta be something out there.
Lol oh this would be interesting but no one’s actually gonna post
Don’t know name does anyone recognize her ? Let’s post nurses aswell
Easily the most disgusting thing I've seen on this board in a while. Fucking ewww.
Any of Lee from Stafford
Alexis D Toms River
I’m not gonna lie…. I didn’t think we’d even get this far lol
>>12932 Not even close to the same girl Girl on left is from a porn video
>>12934 Definitely need more of that. They still on that squad?
>>12945 Yea she is but she’s a dyke now. Looks a lot different
Such an oddly specific page…hmmm
Cecila sev works for Hackensack meridian
(3.68 MB 1268x1586 EMS.png)
anyone got her?
yo is this actually going to take off?? K1m or M0n1c@ anyone got?
Would love to see Molly’s tits
Cady is a emt im not for what squad though
Anyone have Carly g? Tricare eht/ac area
>>13027 Any nudes of her??
Just posting them here she is toms river
There's gotta be more from sq85. That place has quite a history.
There has to be plenty more...don't hold out people
There has to be wins of a number of nurses and residents/docs from the north Jersey hospitals - including joe’s. Salute and hats off to healthcare workers.
>>13154 ThErE hAsTo Be WiNs.. shut the fuck up faggot, either post or cuck off
Nic0le K3lly?
Any Inspira chicks? South jersey EMS.
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Any Carley Mazzeo? She got AROUND.
lol probably because she’s friends with Gianna Didn’t they both get gangbanged ?
Looking for Ally P wins. Hackensack area. Her ass got FAT recently
Leah C. She's a redhead.
>>13588 Yeah I think so. Any wins of Gianna either?
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found few years back - anyone have more T?
>>14176 Whats her name ? Where from ?
Any Inspira wins?
>>12817 Bump for m@źž30
Who got jfk they got some whores there.
katelyn cadigan from monoc nd jfk??? Had pics nd vids out there but cnt find them
>>14586 Fuck i had no idea she had an OF i so woulda subbed that while lookin at her in the bck of the rig who ever got leaks post them uppp
She never posted nd but has since deactivated it
>>14586 Niceeee Looking for 1zzy M
Anyone got Reiley T from Keyport Squad?
>>14586 >>14586 Who got more?
Nicole M nurse with inspira
>>14586 Bumppppppin this hot mess of a cheating whore
Anybody have any of Kayleigh S?
>>12817 Bump for carly
Bump katelyn the whore medic
Anyone got Jackie K from Nutley?
O shit I kno of this chick. Got any more?
shr eya kac hroo from jfk ems?
>>15096 would pay high dolla for these if anyon has them
>>15844 what was the story
Bump for C@rl-
Who’s got C@rly or Gi@nna?? Will -.
Bump these EMS hoes!!!!!
>>15844 I fucked around with her in college. Wouldn’t mind seeing some wins.
>>12817 ont!m3 tran%p0rt fat ima with the fat ass ?
>>16464 I call bullshit on that
What nurses / emts / medics are on OF? Willing to post the wins if there are any
Any Le@nne Spears?
>>16753 Did she ever send stuff out that you know of?
>>17055 nice who is this
Bump for the Gloucester County EMS hoes. I know there’s a bunch of wins in that place…
R@ch@el Lynch wins?
how about some K@yl@ Al3xis from AC EMS?
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Susan S
>>18815 Post nudes fucker
Any JFK?
>>19367 he dead
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Every one of these medihoes has posted this at least once before. Guaranteed.
Bump shreya k jfkems
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Bump katelyn cadigan n Now shes single sone one gota come thou
Angelica? Big time whore, has no ass but will do anal. Jersey city fire.
Any wny union city NB and cliffside wins?
Who has her from WR EMS?
I got @nastasi@ C from H@zl3t if someone got more from that town
Where’s the north jersey girls at
Bumpin for shr eya kachroo ems and katelyn cadigan both medics jfk ems they gota be out there kat had an of
Any McCabe/Bayonne girls?
Any S@m Big0s? She’s baddddd
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>>18815 >>18818 susan is such a slut
>>21549 What’s her last name
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Bump for C@rly or Gi@nna.
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Br00k3 0nc@y, Gloucester county EMT I believe. Heard she has an OF
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Caitlin Dougherty. I think she’s with northeast Metro
>>22013 For the love of god do not post that whale again.
Where’s Pennsauken EMS ladies at? I heard there’s alotta wins outta some of those ladies…
>>22007 what’s her Of? I’ll pay and post here
Bump for S@m Bigo$
Bumppppp the jfk whores kate sam shreya we knoe they out there
>>12987 She lived in that house with the Superagent guy on T ik T ok & faceb ook reels there has to be more pictures of her. That guy has all these great looking models working for him. A lot do n udes Look at her f ace b ook if you don't believe me
>>22486 What guy u talkin bout
>>12817 Anybody got kåıt m?
>>22493 That guy. He reps like 200 models. Lots of O F ppl. Idk his name. Key Port I think. Agency in NYC
I don’t have any association with the guy I rent a room from other than paying rent every month. What he does if his damn business, I’m not fucking involved. Have fun looking for an OF that doesn’t exist.
>>22593 Be careful. That dude was a major sports agent than got arrested cuz he was involved w/ the m afia. They pulled his licenses.
>>22611 2 things. Email the company ask if she models there. She doesn't. Simple. 2 he has a f I b a license. The NBA stopped recognizing them. He is still an agent for international players. DO SOME RESEARCH AND DONT TALK OUT YOUR ASS!
>>22611 You threate ned releasing nu des of his wife & d aughter or some shit before it was pulled. I don't even know him. I know him on social media like most. Like you are not threatening me.
>>22643 I told you had his daughter. I told you not to mess with me punk ass.
Whoever has info on this guy, do me a favor and email me. Would like to know who I’m living with and if I need to look into moving.🙄 Ridingislikebreathing at g mail . Com
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>>22643 I have more of his wife if you want more of the fat jew btich
>>22679 I don't think that is even her. I don't think that is even his daughter either.
That isn’t his wife lmfao. His wife is an old coworker that I moved in with, no more no less. I lay them rent every month, what they do with their time is on them.
If you two idiots want to suck each other off by all means go for it, but post some nudes or shut the fuck up
>>21549 Any more Susan?
Ok can we get som fkinnn jfk wins up here they gota be out there these hoes arnt sleepin around but not sharin pics
EMS is still hoe city. Bump this thread damnit.
Bumpppp 🚑
>>23922 Your a god now. Iwish the new stuff was out
K@iť m?
>>22013 Please post more
Anything from Northern NJ?
(1.21 MB 3264x2448 Photo Aug 10, 00 21 12.jpg)
Bump cady
>>24901 haven't seen this one before!!! Please tell me there's more!
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I have plenty more of Caitlin D. Anyone got Crystina B from stafford Ems?
>>24901 BUMP IT!
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Kristie gibson /rowe? Anyone was middlesex rescue she was deff sluttin it up for a bit
Who's got Kæitlyň metź
any br1t b?
Je$$ Campbe!!
Bump it
If u kno u know
>>24901 Need more
>>26046 Wasn't there a thread of her? Anyone got saves of her before the thread was nuked?
Can someone hit up Bella Capri on FB and get OF link, us the live near mystic
>>13588 Whats the story? Did C@rly n Gi@nn@ get banged together?
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>>12987 bump
Were those huco/warco EMS slammies at?
Any more monmouth county?
>>25502 Bump. There’s gotta be some out there for these 2
>>21161 Tr!$sh?
getting close to this again....
Agreed…. >>23577
Bump for b3cca P
Bump A$h W.
Any more Monmouth wins?
>>12817 any @ll13 f3rr@r0?
Any one know cady sn@p?
>>28116 Maybe. Whats in it for me if i give it?
>>28137 just post it lol
Linden has a smoke show Spanish girl and a ghetto white girl with a body
Lots of good at Lanoka
Any L0g4n B4t3s? Waretown
Anyone know a b3tty v4rgh3se?
Need C@dy stories
Bump b3cca P3pper and her old of content
Someone post up c@dy grossm@n shrey@ k@chroo s@m big0s or k@telyn c@dig@n Nic0le K3lly all jfk wh0res
>>12817 I've got videos of katié ǰfƙ, anybody have ķ@itľyʼn m, juliå ż or olíví@ ĥ?
>>28893 Post them thn
>>12978 Jod1?
bump for more Monmouth county
>>28859 any nicole ?
Bump C@dy
Still hoping for some Gianna Vulpis wins tho (:
>>29229 bump for nic0le k3lly
>>25501 bump for crazy brit
Any one have c@dy snap?
>>29367 What u gunna give me for it??
>>29328 Gotta see those tits in action
Last name?
Would still kill for Gianna or Carly wins
Anyone from Inspira with wins? Ashley J? Kelly L? Marissa S? Susan L? Carley B?
Anyone get b3cca P content she sold on her of?
Bump for OC ems
Anyone have any McCabe girls?
Kelly L wins? Last name similar to lasagna.
Bump for any south jersey wins…
This chick Latin Stephanie Hackensack ems had blue hair I forgot her last name but she was a 4”9 hottie
E Glenn from Inspira? Emily
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Anyone? Eiry from Warren County
>>12817 I spoke to superagent Hoops on his live tiktok. He said she doesn't work for him but she is a good person.
Bump C@dy
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>>30171 My time has come...
Randee Cameron from Vailsburg - Newark,anyone?
any n1col3 k3lly chics hot as hell
any nyc ones?
>>30332 damn! Anymore?
Any Jersey City ones?
Shr@ya k? Jf k?
>>14700 anymore on nicole?
Dest!n! T from Gloucester County!!! That entire agency has plenty of wins to share.
CAdy g made an of someone get those wins!!!!!
Ya’ll can buy my nudes instead of stealing them. Thanks for the free advertising.😂
>>31169 Not for 25 a month lol be real
Just say you can’t afford me, it’s okay bb.
What’s the onlyfans username? One in photo didn’t work
>>31228 Hey Cady show your ass for your broke fans here, pleaaaaaase ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I don't think I have ever had a woman self post here.
What about that transgender woman ang in Jersey City? Anyone have her?
Any Inspira wins?
Amy Cole, Gem Lakewood? Any wins?
>>30175 He reps half this board, bruh. If they have an OF. He most likely reps them.
>>31318 Yet on tik tok he is on lives with his dog. Talks about sports. Sells his merchandise. He does a lot of paid ads. His models are mainly on his insta. Like he separates it. Never does lives on insta just all pics and videos of his models. Sort of like a rock star really. Reps all these huge following OF accounts. I sort of envy him. He's been doing this shit since before I was born ngl lol
>>31319 Inbox him on insta @neilyhoops he will tell you if his models will are putting their OF on special. He has a lot of great models on his page anyway.
Anyone got any Jackie K from Nutley? She was fat and lost weight, huge slut before and after
>>31319 Snag this shit off Twitter before he had it deleted. Full nudes available of him if interested lol. The so call $uperagent N€!|y H00p$
>>31386 Why would we want to see this?
>>31387 I'm a girl lmao. Idk who's on here. He's tik tok famous
>>31386 Heard he had a tiny dick
>>31393 Actually the exact opposite 😚
>>31386 His agency handles 712 OF accounts his office said. Like he has it all. BTW he has that chick named that works with him. St. Rose HS. Monmouth U. Id love to see wins.
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>>31396 Best I got of Luxury
>>12817 >>31242 >>31242 Not one ass sample. Wow. I see how it is lol
>>31398 Bump
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Most ya’ll shady desperate fucks will ever get from me for free.
>>31438 Just one uncensored lol. That shows nothing. Just a button pic nothing more.
>>31442 ** butt
>>31398 Bump
>>31436 Who are they?
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>>31321 forgot to attach the pic
>>31427 Bump
>>31398 Does she speak or post here? Does hoops?
>>31465 I spoke to Hoops to hire cady last night on insta. He says he doesn't rep her. I'm so confused.
>>31465 his name one word on ig
>>31465 Nah neither come on here that I kno
>>31467 I asked him for c@dy tonight for a champagne server event. Gave me a girl name patsy instead. Six hundred fifty well spent. Popping bottles at the yacht club
>>31479 What did she do for that m o n e y
>>31480 It's a Christmas party so not yet. Look pretty. Serve champagne. Dats it.
>>31478 Cool chick I spoke to her for like an hour
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>>31477 Sum mer is a model for him. Former Neptune squad member. Middletown north grad
>>31477 On a damn commercial on News 12 selling weight lifting powder for women who tf is this guy lol
>>31477 Another one of his models @nast@ci@ Howell HS was Jackson EMS idk if she still is
>>12817 >>31442 >>31438 Cmon just one nice butt pic
>>31477 Ladies or I guess gay or bi men he has his own content. Good stuff. I can tell you where. Female here btw don't start with the fag shit me lol
>>31477 K@yssi she is one of his big time models content creators. From Hamilton I think
>>31479 There is a connection. Idk it. They are connected tho. Someone on a live once asked him about her and he said she's a good person.
Really, none from 19-21? D W has got to have wins
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>>31477 Staten Island S1mone his biz partner and very active model. She has a lot out there
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>>31467 My friend lives on their street. I'm not going to dox and say where. My friend says that h00p$ is her dad. If that's the case why doesn't he rep her? Something is off.
>>31676 Would sort of make sense. He doesn't talk about models on tik tok live. When asked about her all he said us she is a good person. When asked another time he ignored it. Usually he says go to my insta to talk business about anyone else. Idk tho. He knows her for sure.
>>31677 Do they live in the same house????
>>31678 Friend says she visits a lot 🤷‍♂️
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>>31698 Big bump
>>31676 🤣🤣🤣 its literally not her dad at all. Fool yull believe anything
>>31702 It wouldn't matter if he was. Seems like a good dude. Idk.
>>31702 Funny bc the neighbor who told me is a cop. Thought it was facts.
>>31706 Any of her getting pounded?
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>>31477 J@de Gl@$$ Keansburg
>>31477 It had to be you fuckers from this board. You're obsessed. He was on a radio show talking about the day Cobain died and a caller asks him what's c@dy to him and he answered "uh a person". Lmao
>>31726 She shells. Not cheap. Go thru H00PS insta to buy or book her.
You fuckers have it SO wrong lmfao it’s actually hilarious. I worked with his wife, we became really close, we’re now roomies and I rent from them. It’s actually insane how obsessed ya’ll are, and how twisted you’re tryna make something that really isn’t. Have fun staying this obsessed though, it’s really quite funny.
>>31780 Seems like they are keeping your friend's agency busy lol. I guess that's good thing that came from this.
>>31780 Good. I'll go back to asking him for jobs I have for you then 😘
>>31782 >>31780 Yeah me too. I wanted you. I'll keep a spot open for the yacht club gig. Talk to your roomie. I wanted you first not a backup. I'll still keep her too.
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any of Ari (B)asdeo? shes a nurse now
>>31780 Imma f from CO. He had streamed radio show yesterday. A caller asked about you. Ask if he loved you. He said of course i do with a grin. He's cute. You should adopt him. Imma fans of his that heard about this. That's why I'm here.
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>>31801 Imma big fan of his too. Got his autograph a few weeks back. Good guy. Friendly.
>>31477 Kh@d€$h@ aka K!k! Neptune. Any wins?
>>31847 Lux ury above is dating her. Ask her on her snap which is also above. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
>>31801 Facts facts. He is on the radio overnight helping people EVERY night just about. Helps fill air time. Yall ask about c@dy every night. Why? I want to hear what he says about Alice in chains or whatever they are talking about then someone calls in and asks about her. Wtf?!?!
>>31867 This happened this morning. He was a guest on a show. Someone called and said she was a cu nt. He replied something like says the man who never seen one and called him a low budget incel.
>>31871 He did it again on the radio. He shut down the name calling about her.
>>31884 Lol he may not be the dad she wanted but he is the dad she needs.
>>31871 He did it again. They called her names. He defended her. He was doing sports the guy from W F A N came on with him and the usual girl he does it with.
>>31902 He just said on live. He is not her dad. This is like when people say he is someone's baby dad or dating someone. It's wrong. In this case he'll take it as a compliment bc it is showing that he is doing his job as a man.
>>31904 He just did it again on the radio. Someone made fun of C@dy's appearance & he defended her. He told the caller next time he uses the bathroom to 💩 on the floor & flush himself. I ❤️ him!
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>>31477 His current IG story. Hmm. I wonder who does it and what we can get as wins from netcoast
>>31917 They called again H00P$ said he will be antifungal cream to get rid of them. 😂😂😂
J£ss F@gella Manalapan-Englishtown
R@chel L0w£ Marlboro
>>31934 IG post
T@r@ T@zul0 Morganville. Love her huge tits
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M@nd€€ D0w Toms River. Total multiple hole slut
@my J@ym€s Freehold Boro Such a sweet pussy
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L@ur@ W!lkins Farmingdale-Howell
>>31959 Br€nda b@bb@ge Farmingdale-Howell
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>>31937 I called myself today. What fun.
Fl3ming from Jackson
>>31834 Bump
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>>31967 J@ime F0nten0t. Jackson
>>31970 Damn can you imagine what she tastes like? I'd love to bury my face in her for hours. Those pussies are extremely wet and squirty.
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>>31968 I contacted their work line. She lives in Mexico now. What a great fuckin asa
>>31971 The aroma must be intense too
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>>31477 Ch3$$i3 B3@r any wins? She's like 6'3 lol. Top model & boss for H00P$ Wall Twp.
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This is my @unt. Iykyk. My buddy was a T in Der match lmao. Name her name and squad and I'll see if I can get more pics
Who ever hmpostib allcthese lics dkys
>>31917 A caller called in said she was an inbred mutant. Tr!n said she is a ninja turtle. H00P$ said his family tree was as straight as a ruler.
>>31987 NO ONE CARES
>>31477 K!try Brick
>>31998 J@n@
>>31997 There are wins of her when she was younger.
>>31982 @c€v€do last name? Lakewood?
>>32006 I think it's @lv@rado
>>31987 Called in just blasting her. All really nasty names. H00P$ shut it down.
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@!mee Gr@nt Atlanticare
@imee atlanticare
I like this trans who is this?little cute boy
>>32032 Paid freehold ems service
@|th£@ newark Beth israel
>>32027 Her dick is tiny
>>31997 Bump
>>32053 I asked H00P$ if I could model & he encouraged me. If I'm heinous just tell me.
>>32056 Notta f'n chance modeling.
>>32056 Ug Lee but get nekkid anyway so we can all see your fat body puss ass and tiddies
>>32056 Ugllee fat bitch stop posting. Jump off a bridge
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>>32056 Baybay gurl. Don't listen to them. You look guud. Do you 😘
>>32057 😪
>>32058 😓
>>32065 😒😞
>>32068 Thank you
>>32066 i like her how can i see more? and does she have any socials?
>>31477 Is this m@ryanne from keyport ems? Heard he knows her personally and was trying to sign. She also works at that Russian bar in keyport too.
>>32089 Probably wish it had her face
>>31477 Hazlet resq
>>31477 >>31478 Sent them an event hostess job for c@dy in New Brunswick. High $.
>>32089 >>32095 I'd say it is
>>32089 ❤️
>>32102 3 0 0 0 dollars Rutgers alumni event hostess
>>31597 Spoke to H00P$ this is one of his top of people. I hired her for modeling. He said she got a got hired for a few jobs today.
You are all fools for thinking any of these chicks are in nj or ems. Literally they are off sites. Stop postin them
Old bridge paramedic J€n
>>32114 40k of followers
>>32089 Bump
>>32095 It's her facts
>>32023 He stopped it no call ins. Just text ins. No conflict now
>>31970 Omfg it's my au ntie lmao
>>31966 You're a f a t W h a l e
>>31792 Middletown north, right?
>>32145 Yes and Neptune squad around 2015
>>32101 Ug Lee B I t c h
>>32024 More? Snap?
>>32293 Don't have a snap. She's a friend of a friend.
>>32311 I would put my dick into her butt and dp her. For sure.
>>32295 Freaky bitch. She don't live no more but I worked with her in lakewood for a bit. She was married and pregnant and wanted to fuck me 🤪
>>32324 I actually fucked her when she was pregnant. I wonder if we know each other lmao
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>>32294 I’m a fan. She’s hot. I’d fuck her.
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Save the cheerleader. Save the world.
>>32418 Save the cheerleader. Save the world.
>>32451 Save the cheerleader. Save the world.
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>>32582 Wow what's her snap? I need that in my life
>>32605 Inbox H00P$. I know you have before. That's not just his model. She is a personal friend of his.
>>32613 He doesn't give out information like that lol. At the best maybe he will relay her message but for a hookup idk
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>>32668 Sexy bitch
>>32605 H00P$ says she lives in Florida now. He will relay the message. I asked if she was bi and he said he said thinks so. Like yall said he wouldn't give me her contact but is relaying the info
>>32700 Indeed
nic0l3 k3lly
>>32732 The one from Brick that's like 21 and alive or the one Bayville/TR wgi is deceased? The one who is deceased has a lot of wins? Or is there yet someone else with that name lol
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Idr her name. Manalapan Englishtown squad. Works at Englishtown Walgreens. There are wins. They are through her ex husband. He has them. Guy at her job told me.
>>32840 D@wn lol. That's literally my friends mom. So BUMP! LMAO
Anyo e got shrey@ k from j f k
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Any Hunterdon, Warren, or Morris County wins?
Idk her name but this beast is from the Somerville squad. Legend has it that she often has the train run on her.
