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M€/@n!€ P Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 01:54:18 No. 32397
Does anyone have this lunatic either pre or post all her plastic surgery. Manchester. She had an OF briefly. She sold newds on social media briefly n
Her lips are so ridiculously huge now. Ever see her rants on F B? The plastic surgeons won't even work on her anymore. She is complaining. They turned her away for BBL.
She went from pretty before plastic surgery to now pretty fake.
I think she broke up with her 70 year old boyfriend finally. He was abusive af
Crazy bitch you'll ever meet. She had an OF then told people not to buy it because she was top fat.
>>32397 Was a tinder match. I feel she was under the influence of something before she arrived. She drank a ton and was pretty much passed out at the table. Bartender got her a ride home. That's the last I saw of her.
>>32434 Was a tinder match and was brought back to her home where her 70 year old boyfriend was sitting in his boxers. You can't make this shit up. I got the F out of there quick. She and the guy are psychos.
Her before all the surgeries
>>32449 She looked better natural
>>32821 Wtf is that? Omg? Still like to see wins lmao
>>32827 Bump
>>32397 Bump
>>32397 Bump
Oh my her lips are getting bigger lol
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>>34549 Getting closer. She sold for 5 minutes. When i went to buy she said she didn't sell anymore. The opportunity came and went quickly. I think I saw her ex bf sold her pics currently or something. I just never saw wins
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no wins, but she used to post some wild shit
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>>34558 I've seen some of them. Never the cum on her face.
>>34560 Anyone have wins from her short lived O F or when she sold?
Posted today on F B
>>34601 Wow. Now I need wins!!!!!
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>>34753 Huge Bump. Who knows the old man she was living with? He was se l l i ng Wins
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>>34812 Bump
