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CO Female H00P$ Fan 01/12/2025 (Sun) 17:02:52 No. 33645
Well my thread is gone. Thank you. I guess lol
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Their top model 😁
Iykyk 😅🤣😂
The toothless cunt sent me a present
>>33656 For the love of God stop posting this fat retched ugly ass bitch 🤢🤢
>>33665 I don't think they rep her. They have some crazy O F accounts they handle, but I don't see her anywhere on their social media. Idk who she is.
I might be confused but I think they said monmouth county. Never got a name. I'm sure you could wins though based on this video.
>>33656 Iykyk
This whole thread is fucking awful
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D0r0thy From bergen co
Since they pulled it. Here's the toothless cunt again
R@quel from Ru ther Ford She got a contract with them just now. She's a great hook up too
Model applicants & hiring models goes through his in s ta Most of the time he's nice but more down to business.
These are some of the nastiest gross cows...
Neilyhoops is obviously a fag....
>>33700 They are that's why most go with me. We run f a c i a l a b u s e . C o m
>>33701 For sure
>>33707 Number 2 in that agency and great model. Marlboro
His cousin my model lol Film in E orange
>>33710 She's a cunt hair. Don't listen to those who say she is nice. She pays models $1000 for jobs that I $20 for it fucks up the whole business
Y€liz@v€t@ Manalapan Trying for Playboy from what L u x u r y says I'm trying to get a shoot with her myself
The toothless cunt just sent me a present. Delicious 😋
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CO Female H00P$ Fan M@ddie your friends with benefits had a price. At least it looks like you got a good sized dick. Good for you.
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>>33734 OMG Peter like I shared my nudes here before no biggie. Now you are showing I have sex like every other human lmao. Glad you wasted your money. 🤣😅😂
The toothless cunt sent another present
>>33762 Well M@ddie I don't like who you work with but I can say your tits are nice at least
The toothless cunt sent this on Sn ap ch at Fucking huge
>>33764 Yeah my tits are twice the size of your dick. What you don't tell people is your middle name is tiny.
>>33768 Bump
P€t€r D!ck we worked together. I'm a photographer. You cut her from your talent roster. H00P$ picked her up and made her a ⭐️. $6000 min for a shoot. She earned about $200k in 2 months. Talk all the 💩 you want here. You did nothing for K@ySs! They did!
>>33768 Lmfao another fake pic, those aren’t what C@ady’s tits look like Biggest fucking loser on this site just stop posting you pathetic, small dicked fag
Didn't get her name but she is with them. Essex county. I wanted a milf for a Playboy style shoot.
I ❤️ J@de she is their main cam whore. Always gives a good show. She also works in their office. Does contracts or something.
>>33778 All she worth is 20 cents on the dollar.
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The toothless cunt just left me a package and they smell as good as they look.
Asked about her on H00P$ i n s t a Her name is 0l!v!@ farily new with them from Hudson County. She is 🔥
His goddaughter. My model. H@ley from Edison
>>33853 Share more
>>33856 She's a good lay. I had her on the set a few times.
>>33859 Halohals is her onlyfans. R u sure you're not just stealing her images lmao
>>33861 1000% H00P$ goddaughter and he doesn't rep her. I asked him. As far as being repped by Dick no one knows. There is a rift in the family. Btw she is well known on OF P0rnhub etc as Dabofhalo. H00P$ partner said that to me. I checked out the OF and it's free and has a lot and then there is a premium version.
>>33873 One more thing she hasn't lived in Jersey for a while. She was in PA and now I think FL. Dick uses a motel he is affiliated with in Edison as an address for all his models.
We represent his goddaughter and his daughter. This is Dur@j. She is from Newark.
H00P$ and the toothless cunt went shopping today by themselves. Haven't seen that before. Wonder what that was about.
>>33876 Bump. Love to see more!
He's a miserable father. Ask any of the women younger than him in this thread that are in his family why he doesn't rep them or why they dont work for him. Dur@j, H@ley, Little Green Men (the blonde Peter posted) who is his cousin, or even the toothless cunt. None work with him in any capacity. Think about that!
>>33885 I'm not his daughter. I was a fan of his social media & radio stuff. I asked if I could model. He made it happen. This is how he acts when he is the person in charge of the job you are working. He asks do you have enough food money for the day, if not he finds some for you. He tells you to text him when you get home. If you don't text he will text you. I don't have a dad so idk what that's like, but what he does actually care about the people he works with. Those seem to be parent like qualities.
>>33914 Wasting police $ tracking a sports and talent agent. Good job 🐖
This is L0l@ J@de told me on R ed d it that she is from Lakewood.
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J@de told me on Re d d it that her name is Bl@in€ and she is from Bergen County.
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Dinner is served
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New friend
>>33964 Me too! Me too! I'm rooting for it.Knock some of these assholes out of business!
>>33971 A toothless and a dirty jew knocking me out of business 🤣🤣🤣 It will never happen because he only takes 10% commission and I take 75% commission from my models. I get paid way more.
J0l@nt@ polish immigrant from bergen county. H00P$ said she is trying for Playboy. there will be wins soon most likely.
Arguably the best webcammer out there imo
Tonight's activities. No name needed.
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>>33988 Casual shot of her i obtained
>>33999 She was 🔫 right?
>>34000 Yes but she is ok.
>>34002 When i asked H00P$ he said he didn't want to talk about it but it was here on the thread that was pulled then I didn't hear anything else.
I was told this is their models D€st!ny
Today's package. I don't need to tell you from who
Wtf! I might as well post my gf. You'll all see this soon enough if things go her way. Does she have any prayer of getting a contract with him for modeling? What about content? She already applied on her own she is confident me not so much 🤷‍♂️ Jersey Shore area btw.
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>>34029 No fucking prayer
>>34029 She's a fat wart hog! No!
>>34029 I do it and do well. So can she.
>>34033 You are both fat wart hogs. I guess that's what he hires.
When the venue doesn't have a changing room 😅😅😅
>>34062 How did you get this?
>>34064 I'm a valet. Being truthful their security had a bus for them to change in but this girl is think named @nj@l! was being difficult. She was pretty much naked in the parking lot. Same girl wouldn't eat anything H00P$ team put out either. I ate for free that day at least. This was in Paterson by the falls.
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Just signed on with them. Hmm maybe I should've posted in the ems thread too. Middlesex Co
If c@dy really likes H00P$ she should come out and say it. I think everyone hates him just make money using his service. I mean everyone who is in the biz and is his family is with another agency.
>>34089 Not everyone hates him. I like him. Look at my name. I was a fan of his on social media and the radio. Then became a model. He makes sure his models have food. He checks up on them even if there is no work. He is genuinely a good guy.
>>34090 Why is his goddaughter, daughter and cousin with another agency?
>>34091 Ever think they might have issues?
Their best model
>>34092 Do he or his People come here?
>>34094 I don't think they even know about this site. They say they hear "gossip" and think it's on re d d !t
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His daughter dur@j has a nice ass and pussy
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Iykyk 🤣🤣🤣
The toothless cunt came for a visit
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J@de just posted her on Red d it I asked where she is from and she said Woodbridge area. Goes by Ranessa
Their newest signee
This is the worst thread on the entire site, Peter Dick just posts random pics off the internet Get help you fucking weirdo
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CH€$ B@€r aka G0lden B€@r is a newly minted partner and CMO in the agency. She told me herself she is around 6 foot 3. She also models with them. Idk if there are wins. Maybe from her younger days from Wall Twp or Monmouth Sororities. Id love to see them if there are any. Warning if you approach her she is bitchy AF.
The subs they run on r e d d it & j@de's user name. J@de pretty much runs things alone it seems.
>>34177 She sprinkles in wins throughout those subs. Even the non wins are excellent. It's them running it themselves unlike here which is randos putting up stuff and stuff that isn't even real n
Their newest model 😅😅😅
I love getting presents
0lg@ from M@n@l@p@n i think. She is one of their better models. A Peter Dick refugee that H00P$ established to a big time model. Doesn't do much nude work more banquet jobs. H00P$ assistant said she is majorly booked up almost everyday.
>>34229 She isn't worth the $3000 jobs she is doing now. She was worth the $20 we were getting her.
One of my models. We pay her well $20 a job. H00P$ could never sign her. She is my guest this evening too.
I guess H00P$ knew K0b€. E S P N radio in AC just interviewed him since today's is the anniversary of k0b€'s death. I forgot sometimes H00P$ is a sports agent besides model agent.
My m0m just applied to work with them. What do think? She should get the job right? 🤣🤣🤣
>>34268 I'd fuck your m0m
>>34268 I would hit your mom with a baseball bat.
>>34269 Drive up. We are in Ocean County lol
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🧊 got her on her back to Colombia i suppose. Bsri's lawyer says she had a work visa. Adios Chica 🤣😅😅
>>34277 Goes by Temptress
My current situation
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>>34277 Treasure was picked up in Paterson. Thick Dominican. They lost 2 now 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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>>34303 Moar
She's a content creator
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Du t ch ess Newark
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Belmar???? K@t€lyn ???
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>>34424 Wtf to be mistaken for a whale more likely.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 ICE took their best model. That $300k she made in the last few months isn't going to do her much good when she is back in Cuba 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fuck K@yssi that kunt!
I hire their models often. I share their reddit posts to put them in a more positive light. Idk why they have so many haters. They are a legit good biz.
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Current situation
>>34501 Ugly ho
Just on a conference call to hire their models. Someone started attacking c@dy on it and j@de handed them their ass. Saying you fuck with my good friends you fuck with me called him a needle nosed dick and so on. J@de was the highest ranking person from the agency on the call. H00P$ himself wasn't on it.
>>34513 Nobody cares, stop posting about these fat pigs
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>>34513 So she is friends with them. Got it! Never knew that! Makes sense!
M i l f from brick
>>34408 Anyone know more about her?
>>34570 Not much was told from J a c k s o n Idk much else
Well my guest has arrived
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Where's Waldo? I know he has to be someone from this board. Thank you for your service! You are doing a great job!
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>>34657 These are the s u b s J@ de runs a good amount of wins in them on R e d d i t
Ch@dr3s3 Neptune
@mber from squan
>>34513 If worse looking models are making so much $ with H00P$. Why isn't c@dy making that $? They both admit they know each other. It doesn't make sense.
>>34710 She is wealthy on her own, apparently. There was a $6000 brunch host jobs I asked for her and got a substitute. Dress up a 1950s waitress and sit people in their seats at a banquet hall in holmdel. Simple work. Oh well the sub, 0lg@ worked out well.
>>34725 Make sense then. She doesn't need $ to do that type of work.
$ummer is back in Jersey from Miami. Huge x x x I guess doing local jobs now.
>>34726 I work for wils0n's leather. I know we asked for her. $ 1 2 5 0 0 0 for a one shoot. We are getting a sub named B u n n i e $l0pe.
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>>34762 Bitch is hot at least. I asked Lu x ury on gh ost app for a pic of her. She says she is so new with them she doesn't have a lot of pix yet. You did good my boy. That's a good sub.
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>>34781 The job is done bud. She did a great job! Great replacement for c@dy.
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Who is she? She looks so familiar.
A l ly From Pa ter son
From what it seems. They sign mainly thicker girls. Their o f girls make no less than $1000 a month. They have an entire plan which gets them to that point. Their models are averaging $8000 a month. They have models making like $125000 a month. A lot of thick big boobed, big assed girls. They do have other types of course. Idk how they do what they do but I asked a lot of their models and it's true. It's remarkable.
>>34956 Yeah. The in person models are doing six figures in a month in some cases. A lot are just banquet hosting jobs seating people at college alumni events and bs. The o f people are doing well in their own right. A lot are at $10k a month.
>>34963 Who tf cares, this thread is horrendous
Nobody about these fat whales, fuck off
>>33688 I was going to fuck her once. She stunk so bad I bailed out.
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>>34727 Bump
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L!l! M0nmouth county
>>35011 She doesn't take care of herself. No teeth. Walks around shop rite or Walmart stinking like hell. It's a damn shame.
>>35037 Is there moar of her. Like wow!
>>35090 Whats this girls @?
>>35096 The agency would never give that only an OF which I don't think she has yet.
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Newbie for them, J@de says.
>>35082 Stop knocking H00P$ daughter like that
>>35077 Bump
>>35109 Bump
>>35111 Is it really his daughter?
>>35116 Bump for h@l0
>>35131 I thought it was his side piece
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>>35158 Am I stupid? I can’t get it to work pasting that
Idk much about them but was told they are from barnegat. Love some big a$$ wins tho.
While you are making fun of H00P$ he is selling soap on News 12. I just him doing a commercial. Call his girls names all you want.
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>>35290 Tonight's guest
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His agency more than doubled. Close to 6000 models/content creators just in the US. When I figure out who is from NJ I'll post them.
