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Who got more of Julia, clifton '13 Anonymous 08/16/2022 (Tue) 22:02:43 No. 8702
Heard a rumor she made vids
I’d pay to see the vids
have anybody else from clifton?
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>>8702 She sexy
Someone get this chicks squirting pussy on here already
>>8742 Didn't have the nickname Squirtle for no reason
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400 bucks to the person who posts something unshared
>>8723 where's this second one from? looks like a video
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Biggest slut on the planet how tf does this not have more
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Bump for a throat queen
Bump cmon
What’s her s.,n,,a,p I’ll get more
Xxjmpeacexx but doubt she still uses it
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I know there were some previously, anyone got them?
Bump for more
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bump, so sexy. Wish she'd do an OF
I really want to shove my dick down this girl's throat
Bump where’s the vids?
Bump that tight throat and sexy ass
Too bad... I remember this chick from a rave in NYC. Took a facial from me and two others in the back. Was a lot of fun
Chick has issues, loves being creampied in the ass though
Too bad her ex's block you when you try to get em off of them.
L ^
>>9338 bump for her
Is she bookable?
>>10483 Who?
Any wins on Jamie C or Linda N?
bump for jamie c shes always cheating on her bf theres definitely wins
>>8702 >>8723 buuuump!!!
We talking about the same one? The one with a dessert of a last name? If so, she's so "in love" with him on social media. Either way, let's get wins!
>>8702 She's def been sending them to someone. Just posted sexy pics of her in a comment thread on her last fb profile pic
They’re out there
Both she and the guys hoarding are missing out on some money.
she can't be the only clifton girl with nudes. any others?
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These are what she posted on that Facebook post. Definitely gotten thicker. Definitely would fuck.
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More from the post.
I'd let her sit on my face for hours
You’d drown ^ she’s a squirter
>>11150 Even more tempting. No onlyfans, Tumblr, reddit or anything?
>>11139 God damn, those gorgeous hips. Bump!
She sell? Someone hit her up
>>11317 Blocked me a long time ago
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Who's got the old video of her crowd surfing without the tape over her nip?
>>11138 >>11139 Wish she posted more photos. Hopefully soon
Crazy I’m from class of 13 and never seen her before
Bump wtf
Any more from that year?
Man, wish someone would post. Pics of her used to be up years ago, but I don't see a good chunk of them here. Wish I'd saved em
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i dont have julia but if you have any other clifton or are looking for some then image title
Bump for CHS '13
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Bump her sexy rump
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>>8702 Bump
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>>14528 She's sexy af
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Bump cmon
She'll send if you send her $$ first, just ask for the ca$happ
Or just share bro why even post ^
Bump this sexy squirter.
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>>11138 >>11139 >>12841 Wish she kept posting these pics in that thread. Don't know why she even stopped.
Where the way at cmon people
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>>12334 bump
>>8702 stayed with some guys that had pics of her spit roasted and even tp'd. Never have them to me though
Less stories, more wins
>>11138 Any grab the pacifier pics before she took them down?
>>11396 Bunp
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>>8702 in efforts to revive/keep this chs thread going…. j3nn C
Clifton. Deanybaby123 on K
>>22867 Where can we find more
>>22938 i’ll post more if more co13/14 chs girls get posted
>>22938 i’ll post more if more co13/14 chs girls get posted >>22938
Stfu cap post already
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>>22968 ok here
>>22980 guess im gay...
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>>8702 some p0rter action
Elena V would be bomb
>>8702 Bump
Bump julia
Bump J3nn C
Bump Clifton
>>26636 Back up as @peaksnow on OF
>>27839 Anything worth paying for or is she selling bikini pics for $15 a month again?
Bump where the fuck they at
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>>27839 Anything new???
>>27839 Bump peaksnow OF
>>30510 Bump peaksnow OF
Bump peaksnow OF
Bump where the vids
