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Anonymous 07/15/2024 (Mon) 17:32:53 No. 12629
It's a site for POSTING WINS. Stop bitching. Wins of Bethany were recent and I want to see more! She's got nice tits and a nice ass and that's why I'm here.
I don't agree with what this dude did but I understand his frustration. New Mexico board has gotten filled up with butter faces like this one. Can you really call it a win when you cringe at the face?
>>12631 When was the last time you actually had sex with a woman (if at all)? Very clear you have a crippling porn addiction if you think these chick are really that unattractive
This the shit I'm talking about also- just shut the fuck up and let people posts the nudes that clearly someone is requesting. For fucks sake
more of her tits please
Fuck yeah! Fucking finally!
She so bad
>>12660 Nice! MORE!
>>12660 Fuck those tits are amazing
Any of her with her face in it?
Unfortunately none that I have- she would only sell pics of her tits or ass, none with her face or pussy
We need those vids of her
Bumping for more
>>12629 Damn why’d bro delete wtf
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>>13082drop her name
definitely bump
she got a sn4p?
>>13202 No I don’t think she does
Where was that deleted pic? I missed it, need to see more of her nice tits
Fr someone’s mad gatekeeping her
Any new pics of her tits. Saw her the other day, goofy looking chick but can't believe how nice her tits are
Bump, hoping for new pics of her nice tits
Sad, all of hers are behind private walls now
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Got you bro-
The shame of being blessed with great tits, but not the best face haha
Butterface haha
Bump- still would like to see more of her tits lmao
Whatever happened to this chick?
Need more of her she’s so hot
Butterface- but damn those tits and ass are nice
This chicks got a slept on body, damn. Her face and hair is a game killer though
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Where the video? I’ll buy it if needed
She got a fugly face- but fuck that body is something else
Chick is pretty ugly in person, but what's worse is her and her friends like Dolly are acting like they aren't huge sluts. These chicks were literally fucking eachothers man's and other taken dudes and then they act like they're above all that and they play the victims. She's got a smoken body, but the drama they create isn't worth that fugly face
