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Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:39:29 No. 12764
Let's get a new Cruces tab going again! Request and post up what you have, keep it cool bros. Hopefully let's see some of the newer Gen too, they look slammin
Some nice Sh@wnee to start off. Let's go guys
Anyone got nm xx x
Love to see some m@urice put back up
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Who has NM X X X tel3 gr@m
(2.84 MB 1170x2532 IMG_2150.png)
Yum Erin
>>12802 Bro you’re a MVP thank you
>>12803 No thanks needed just drop the wins you got and I'll keep doing the same
Anyone got Delilah
(312.38 KB 828x1007 IMG_7656.jpeg)
>>12764 Any Tori?!
Any more of des? Or her friends alizah, iris, or valerie?
Any more of Allee? She's a butter face but she has a solid bod
Stuff was being posted before the purge- anymore Mia, still looking to see more of her tits
Anybody got Abri G, or her sis Alexei G? Both are super slutty, seen some vids of Alexei getting hardcore- would love to see more of either of them
Any Amanda H@rgraves? Had an OF for awhile
>>12769 Who has Maurice A?
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Or her?
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Anyone in their nud3s?
Anybody got more Alyssas fat ass or tits.
Any one have Ramey from Cruces High
How bad y’all want M@urice?
>>13029 Drop all what you got
(961.94 KB 1704x2272 IMG_9291.jpeg)
>>13064 This M@urice, right?
>>13083 That’s her. Always wanted to see what she was working with
>>13088 Man I wish I could see how her tits look now after she had her baby.
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>>13090 Let me tell you tho man, what’s underneath is just like you imagined.
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>>13092 Love to see that bikini on the the floor
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>>13094 Anyone got @shley V? Went to Gadsden, graduated in 2013. I posted her IG but it got deleted by a mod
>>13091 Those tits deserve to be free
More erin
Bump amanda
Bump amanda f
Bump anna
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Bump shai
Amanda's love it from behind lol
>>13151 Hell yeah post more of both of them
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Bump axaria
She's got one droopy tit, but she's still incredibly hott
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Shes easy >>12946
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Neeeeeeed more
>>13229 Also need more
who’s bottom left
M@r@ s@l@z@r
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Hailey monte
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>>13364 Always thought Krystal would have nicer tits. They're still nice, just not AS nice as I'd imagine. She's got a cute ass and a pretty pussy though- post more of her?
>>13371 nothing there
(348.80 KB 1440x2464 Screenshot_20240829_152313_MEGA.jpg)
Krystal is hott as fuck. There has to be more of her
>>13379 Loads for me just fine. Did you even click on it?
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Does anyone have any of her, not the best looking but her body looks banging and I heard she’s pretty easy
Anymo @nna or her friends??
>>13393 I heard Mia has good nudes out there, use to get around. If someone could post up some of her, her tits aren't too bad
(153.42 KB 1046x1280 IMG_20240831_140840_283.jpg)
Any Naomi? Those tits are craazzyy
Post more m@r@
R@chel such a bop. Anyone have ger getting fuxked?
>>13151 Bump more of both these amandas they both got some fat asses
>>13410 What's amandas socials I hear if you know her personally she gives out dick ratings 👀
If you knew her personally, you wouldn't need to ask, so it doesn't matter lmao you'll just bring attention to this site and we're trying to get someone to post up her cam days in glasses
Contributing a nice pic of her small tits. Hoping whoever has the clips of her showing them off in glasses pulls through
Anyone got more Donna? She's single and we need more of her now. Any of her ugly slutty friends like Jen too will work
>>13471 I know theres a video of Jen giving some sloppy out there. Still does videos and pics for donations.
Jennifer is goofy and ugly as fuck with bad tits and a sad ass. Her only redeeming value is her ability to suck off anyone that gives Donna attention- even Donna's ex. Let's get more of Donna's sexy tits in here
>>13478 Does that mean ypu got videos of her ability to suck?
>>13479 Hook it up with the Jen pics & vids
I'll try and hook it up with some Jen content- someone PLEASE post up some Donna content or Amanda's old cam clips.
whats jennifer last name
>>13370 anymore of her?
There was a bro who had legit vids of her cheating and also had a sn@p h@ck done on her and her man- had some bangin wins. That dude still around, can we get Mia posted up more?
Seeing more of her old stuff pop up, really hoping someone here has her old collection. Also heard she's back on her cheating spree, can't wait to see what new stuff pop up
Bump mia and Amanda cheating content
>>13824 If someone posts the head video I’ll post her getting fucked
>>13827 Don`t be a fucking jew and just post up
>>13819 Any Eunice, haydn, jacklyn, or Danni? That little friend group a bunch of baddies
(74.35 KB 864x1270 0902.jpg)
AndiB Like to see if anyone has more of her. More to share if interest.
>>14035 Why? That's gross!!
(4.39 MB 640x479 648_Video Player.gif)
(954.99 KB 1440x2558 2024-10-12 13_48_38.721-0600.jpg)
SOMEONE has to have her old stuff. These tits always had me curious, I need to see more of them!
Anyone from Onate HS? class of 2012. Looking for wins of @lex G@rci@ or Br1t@n.
>>14090 Bump trying to see those mommy milkers
>>14097 They're not flat, they're just REALLY small lol but I agree, I need the ones with her glasses on. Sexy as hell!
I'll get some more for you guys, if someone can get that video she made with her e-x
>>14099 That guys a pussy, he wouldn't post it. But I have faith in my brothers! Need more of this content
(6.70 MB 640x479 Bdjchdyer.gif)
I got you bro, here's one I found. I'll be getting more up soon- she has some of the best small tits along with Delaney- best nips too
(3.09 MB 640x479 542_Video Player.gif)
Willing to post up more for some of Donna or her video with he xx
>>14125 A lot of her OF stuff is around still
>>13083 Show us these tits
>>14131 Her OF stuff is FIRE. Would love to see more of her from the present- but seeing how nice her small tits are from back then, I had no idea they were that nice. Been looking and hoping someone would drop more from her past as well
>>14141 If someone can get her other cheating vids, she's got more than a few out there. Her old cam stuff is elusive as fuck, those small tits need more exposure
>>14150 Bumpn for amanda she's a bro always sending her homies her tits 🫡
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A bunch of amandas OF content is on erome found this stuff just looking up her old OF name
(568.08 KB opjWAyu4_720p.mp4)
(1.68 MB nKXxXUH5_720p.mp4)
>>14172 Bump
She just needs to sell her old cam stuff and start OF back up
>>14172 Fuck she's sexy
>>14172 Bump!
Hoping she starts back up soon! Hoping some more old cam stuff leaks until then. Did anyone ever get any of her getting a facial?
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Anyone have any wins of her? Graduated in 2012 from onate HS.
bumping for Rrraechilll
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Amanda dump from that site
>>14211 That BJ pic though. We need the video for that one
>>14212 Is that the dj guy legit alpha she's throating? 😂
>>14211 Her tits are something else- any of them covered in cum or her with a facial?
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>>14239 Who got the head video I’ll post fucking for someone to post head
>>14241 >>14241 Bump more
>>1424 Okay post it and I’ll post
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Any new wins on Adri?
>>14278 Why are we gate keeping amanda now? I thought everyone wanted to see those big mommy titties
>>14289 Bump amanda
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>>13471 Anymore of Donna and her friend
>>14302 Definitely has some out there, expecting them to be out soon
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Rainy worked at hooters
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>>14425 Is this Ally M?
>>14427 Don’t know her last name but she is Ally
Bump Anyone have more of Ally M
Bump cruces thread
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Her ass and tits are slept on
>>14573 Need her to start selling again
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Someone's gotta have more
Someone post Amanda sex tapes
>>14577 Bump someone post some recent pics of her
>>14579 This isn't a most recent of her tits now, but her tits are a pretty damn good size now! Been wanting to lick them perfect nips for a while
>>12764 Nova blowjob vids?
>>14580 I've heard she still sells and gives out freebies to guys close to her- there's gotta be a good recent post of her
(1.12 MB 1180x1466 IMG_8657.jpeg)
Any wins around there? Or has fucked her before?
>>14579 Here's a recent. Her tits and ass are peak right now. Still sells, but VERY privately- unless you're her homie: all confirmed
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Some more off erome
>>14615 Fuck those tits are perfect- some bro hooked it up with that page. Wish it had more of her small tits or some new recent stuff.
>>14615 Bump there has to be some new stuff of her she's so fucking hot
>>13493 Does Jenn still sell?
>>14619 Her tits and ass are peak right now
>>14644 Both Amanda and Jen still sell- as long as you don't go at them crazy, and they have to know you or have had a crush on you previously.
>>14646 Damn I am new to town, not sure how I'd go about that with Jen other than just hope for the best or somehow meet her our of random lmao, like tinder or some shit if she does that.
>>14645 Damn that ass is fat! Any pics or vids of it getting fucked?
>>14649 It's Amanda's ass- pretty recent cause I haven't seen it around. There's a few videos of her getting fucked. She needs some facial or cumshot videos, hoping she'll sell some soon
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Some wins
Jen is always selling. But only if she knows you. Shes not that fun in bed. For the right price she would let you do record a head video
>>14650 Bump trying to see her ass get filled with loads
>>14659 Jen looks like a goblin that somehow got big tits. Would be legit to see some videos of her actually doing something
Anyone have more of these two? Always see one of them at her work, and I have some homies that say there's more of her out there. Would love to see more of their huge tits
Any nudes of des, val, or alyziah? These girls are down to fuck anytime they've been gangbanged so many times
>>14678 I've always wondered about their huge tits- I've seen a few vids of Valery, would LOVE to see more of her giant milf tits. Her sister has PERFECT tits, holy shit. There more of her? Never thought I'd see the S@las sisters side by side like that
Anyone know a strippa named young zari back in the day at Fantasy World? Who got her wins?
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>>14678 I have these two of V@lery, more of her giant tits would be awesome. The ones of her sister are hard to come by but damn she's got a perfect body and face
>>14700 These are nice as fuck! I remember Valery having huge tits, but I don't remember them being that nice. Peaked my interest for sure- please someone get more of these two posted up!
>>13164 BUMP GD BUMP
>>14700 Wanna see V@l3rys pussy tho
>>14659 Jump who got new Jen Donna or Alyx?
>>14615 Bump wanna see the videos of mandatory cucking her man
Need some of mandy a and her tight ass
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Dropping some more HUGE S@las titties for yall! Hoping someone else can contribute also- V@lery has always had them huge milf titties. Her sister in unbelievably hott though- I want to see some of her pussy, or what that ass looks like
>>14740 GOD DAMN she's got some huge milf tits. Bet she's fun to titty fuck- too bad that's all she's got going for her. Her sister however, cutie with perfect tits?! Need to know what her ass looks like these days
With an ass like hers, it's wild that her tits are THAT perfect
>>14751 Bump she's too hot
>>14751 Does she still put out content on her onlyfans? Or does she do meet ups?
Anyone got the vid of S@v B!dw3ll getting fucked?
>>14751 >>14751 Damn I haven’t seen that vid before, wonder if this is still silentsnake22 posting these haven’t heard from him in ages
>>13158 Anybody have more @xaria G- I saw a gif from a video once. Where are those at?
Someone come on
>>14762 Does he have more recent wins of her?
>>14774 Her tits are so nice! I need to hear the audio for this
>>14679 Bump des takes loads on the face
Sav was selling a video of her getting back shots. Im sure someone has it>>14761
Anyone Got tri3r P?
Anybody got this chick H@ttie? She's got the cutest face
>>14751 Bump amanda getting ass fucked that whole friend group loves getting their asses fucked
>>14862 Starting new thread for her dumps- but def post more of that group here. I NEED that Axaria video!
The wins exist my brotha
>>14866 Bro! She's got such a cute face, I need to see more of how them tits look
(128.15 KB 720x1280 Snapchat-271794732.jpg)
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Anyone have anymore recent wins?
>>14881 Fuck these are nice! Anymore?
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>>14884 I found one more from the same set but that's all I've got. Does she sell?
Come on my guys!! The wins exist!! Post them up!! I want to see better pics of her tits
(314.86 KB 1059x1228 Snapchat-1727203560.jpg)
Here's a better view of her tits!
>>14897 Fuck yeah! Come on fellas, keep them coming
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Does anybody have her?
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She's too cute
Is there more Maurice A
Anyone have C@r|A G@r<I@. Worked at Andeles for a while years back?
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>>14439 She’s such a slut
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Anyone have S@rah O?
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>>15304 Damn bump this girl is fine
>>15311 Not anymore, she got completely covered in ratchet stripper tattoos
>>15347 Ya bought her of, she got fat and peirced her nipples :(
Any walmart hoes?
>>15304 more older pics?
>>15574 Looks like a man with pepperoni nips and a fat ass- how does this get posted but not krebbs?!
>>15637 Very cool. Anymore?
>>15665 Complaining about Rrraechilll when this hoe has negative ass
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>>12881 Bump des was posted up here before. She let the me and the homies fuck her at a party
Fuck yes on the Des content- she's got great tits
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Any good cruces of?
Got loads of cruces pics here bro- need more contributions to this thread
Revive the thread
Fuck Ashley is hott! She cammed with a few chicks back in the day, anyone got those? Keep the thread going!
>>16246 I have one busted old video, it doesn't even play. I'd love to get those old cam shows.
>>16248 I've got about 7 of them but they're all too long to post. But was never able to nab the ones she did with other chicks.
How do I see the las cruces ones
Hit reply and make sure you contribute
Keep them going
>>16249 Mega or something? I'll give the one I have another look to see if I can fix it. If I can even find it.
anyone have sav bidwell? they used to be here
>>16263 Search her on simpcity.
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Anyone got her? She goes to my gym.
Bump! She fine!!!
Need those Sav videos
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Bump for her! She’s goes to my gym! She’s in her 20s. Admin stop taking this down!
>>16431 Does she have an OF or anything?
No idea I barley talk to her but someone has to have something. She’s too friendly.
>>16431 dude grab a handful of her, stupid slut would love it dressing like that
Bump! I saw her at the bar the other night!
(295.58 KB 1170x1382 IMG_2600.jpeg)
Any Bri?
>>16249 These still online somewhere?
Anyone got Evyn R?
(2.87 MB Video.mp4)
(1.89 MB Savedvideo.mp4)
>>16510 Video with her in it
Those videos are wild! Wish more chicks did shit like that
