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(130.81 KB 720x1184 1403560338403.jpg)
440/216 Anonymous 12/14/2022 (Wed) 10:44:12 No. 15049
Any Cleveland cuties? 440/216
>>15049 Need Krystal M
Looking for Mary m@rchenk0from Lakewood/Cleveland
There were wins of C1err@ K1@um, who has em
(447.98 KB 1200x1600 0616011832.jpg)
add me on the three letter appp that starts with k for more bay village and cleveland: jessyjhain
@ly$$a b1$tak from independence? @shley g@sper from coply?
Anyone want to - or talk about Lakewood girls?
Bump for Krystal m also
any JCU cunts?
>>15724 Yeah who you got
>>15815 Wanna talk on the app that rhymes with flick
>>15870 dickfore6 on there
Let's see some Lakewood girls
>>16107 gothgoodgirl on the fans site
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more of op
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>>16113 looks hot, anyone buy?
Anyone have Halle H from Lakewood/Avon?
>>16421 Wow thanks! Does LN have a tool in it?
App that rhymes with dick
Bump for more Halle. Lots of wins out there. Hoping for something I haven't seen before.
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Rachel from Westlake
(210.73 KB 1080x1080 3EBF13C.jpg)
Anything new?
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Longshot but any emily c?
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Rachel has a pretty cunt
>>16843 She's from Iowa. Rachel C
(582.68 KB 2128x1596 0311202239a.jpg)
Any @ngelia D (now G)? I have Courtney
>>17415 She may be there now, but she is from Westlake. Used to be Rachel M but got married and is now Rachel C
(238.13 KB 776x1809 9tcv8sb.jpg)
>>15152 I've got one
Anyone got Mackenzie mcCann
>>17432 Bump for Angelia
ashley r? big tits, worked at hot topic
Looking for CWRU babes
>>17899 bump
Anyone have P@ige mi11er?
Dude posting Ciara- if i knew your name id give it to my next offspring. That's a damn fine lady and i really hope someone has more. Hats off to you, sir.
(611.55 KB 1080x2400 Isyxbw.jpg)
Halle H?
Not sure why Ciara got deleted.
If you have them I’d name mine after you cause they’re deleted now lol post them!
Who has Ciara? Willing to pay
Sydney beran
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k d
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Still waiting for Emily c
People looking for Ciara k-I-k HardcoreAlGore
(61.82 KB 562x1000 578_1000.jpg)
>>19177 Who is this?
>>19158 Just post them?
>>19187 maggie
Any @nni3 r0b!$0n?
>>19201 I tried that and they got deleted, so no.
anyone else have / seen @ly$$a b1$t@k from independence?
surprised she found them, she still likes to flirt now a days....
Maddie Novak?
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Bump sydney beran
Alivia c0chran Lorain?
Anyone have K@lib@n Z3h3?
>>19369 Sar@…. I’ve eaten that ass before
>>19375 yeah, got any of her? would kill to see more
(917.91 KB 934x888 1676058611609282.png)
Fake but cool.
Lucinda Hellwig Big slut post them pics
Bump Sydney Beran Strongsville
Any tiffany k like cop now tiffany e?
>>19376 bump
Nikita D.
Nora L.
(59.29 KB 524x276 uclogo.png)
any 2012-2016
>>19435 Moreeee
Er!n j0nes?
>>19826 More Nikita
Someone has to have Emily C pr Sara (C)oleman
>>17777 bump
>>20116 holy fuck is that a hot picture!
Any christina st@hurski wagon wheel from parma
Jessi pops?
Not allowed dbowden23
Any Sarah s? Works at the crazy horse on brookpark
Bump for more Ciara! Or other Westlake girls
Any wins of Alyssa T from Cleveland/Lorain showing her Tits or full body?
bump 4 more Nikita
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>>20601 she's a fan of anal and dp with a cum/breeding fetish
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Any Din@ Rinku5 ? St@te f@rm rep
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>>20657 Damn who is this??
>>20646 These are great!! Glad to hear she likes anal. Got any more??
>>15049 Anyone got a name on her?
>>20657 shes a nerdy chick who was super prude. never took nudes. convinced her to get a little fun. she's sexy af. got much more. shes not on any socials anymore though. pretty sad cant find her now
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>>20677 Definitely sexy af. Where is she from?
>>20696 Just graduated oberlin
>>20774 MOAR
>>20775 Unfortunately that’s all I’ve got
Bump! Other Westlake chicks?
Any @nnie r0bi$0n?
Any of these sisters?
Anyone know her?
Bump!! Gotta be more. Don’t let this die!
Let’s keep it going!
Bump for din@ rinkus
I keep dropping Nikita and Ciara for basically no reason, cause no one else posts anything! Post!!
>>19177 Got any more Maggie?
(74.99 KB 479x640 581.jpg)
>>22007 know her?
>>22013 Fucked her a few times a while back but never got nudes
Anyone have Ashtin or Megan M?
>>22013 god I would love to see her asshole. Probably s- tight.
(71.96 KB 450x600 911.jpg)
>>22043 would love to hear that story. when/where type deal and how you met
(120.81 KB 480x640 821.jpg)
>>22064 how do you know her?
>>22072 Use to run around in the same group and messed around. That ass is so fat I always wondered what that asshole looked/would feel like
>>22071 Last name starts with N right?
(503.34 KB 1600x1600 751.jpg)
>>22079 no >>22078 dont have asshole pics, story of how you fucked?
Anybody have m3g Sh@ff? Used to be Meg M from Elyria area
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Does anybody have Brittany Smith
(99.64 KB 720x720 IMG_1038.jpeg)
Does anyone have her
Any @nn3 R0b!$0n? Heard she did a boudoir shoot a while back
Nothing personal, just wanna see @nn3 R0b!$0n’s titties, pussy and booty
>>22072 I fucked her back in the day. Ate that ass and she let me cum in her pussy
(171.16 KB 1080x1920 received_208682017668842.jpeg)
Went to our lady elms Anyone recognize?
>>23556 Where did you meet?
Any stories of fucking her or pics
Any more k1ran s@dhra? From the Berea area
Anyone ever get more of Cierra. Ive spilled more seed to that woman than a birdfeeder in spring.
>>23563 Name?
>>23619 Doesn’t she live in Minnesota?
anyone have Leyl@ H@bbs far east side?
(121.21 KB 1080x1920 received_363588897632135.jpeg)
>>23617 Initials are b t and gore by bee
>>23625 Goes by*
Any merge@x green? Or l3xi dorr?
Bump for Kiran
>>23625 Thought so. Thanks. Have any more?
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>>23646 A lil bit, do ya have any? Looking for anything in particular?
>>23683 I’d love to see her tits. I hooked up with her a couple years back. I don’t have anything to offer sadly.
Ashl3y kiwala?
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>>23748 You’re the best. Thanks
Bump for @nnie R0bis0n, hot hair stylist milf.
>>23758 Around when did y'all fuck?
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please someone must have rachel wins? or stories. she’s too fine
>>23764 Late 2018
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$@manth@ @nd3rs0n. Went by eve663 on CB for a while. From Westlake.
>>23759 I would love to see her
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any one got wins or stories of emm@ etzl3r? need her
Any S@mantha M3ll3r parma Cleveland
>>15694 love aly$$A's tits, great ones on her
Why do my comments keep getting deleted?
Any @shley Cr@cker. M@yfield
Any Gin@ Torn@bene Cleveland
Emma H?
(294.82 KB 1536x2048 IMG_20181026_125856.jpg)
Anyone know about her from Lakewood?
Any JCU sluts 15935
I want seх! Тext me - 𝙜𝙜𝙡𝙚.𝙞𝙤/63n0
>>24290 Yeah i recognize!
>>24333 Looking for more info if ya got it
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>>24393 She used to be a photographer in lakewood, I think she moved. Where did you get that picture?
Anyone from m@yfi31d class of 2012 or 2013?
>>24443 Supposedly from her but idk if it's fake or not. What her name?
>>24458 J3nnif3r F I think.
>>24030 Bump
3mily L@ckner - Ursuline college
>>24492 John Carroll
>>24462 That's all I got, got a last name?
>>24515 Or sister H@ley
Bump S@mantha M3ll3r
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Anything for H@yley M..... Lakewood
I have her- k @pp johndoeanon216
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Any wins of Kim Fi5h3r?
Any @ngeli Thomp$on? I would post a pic but they keep getting taken down
Any n(I)kolr(I)nn wins? Any b/g
Becky something, anyone have anything?
Bump for more Ciara or Nikita!
>>19177 More of this ass and pussy
(69.40 KB 450x600 0_48897900_1433624402.jpg)
>>26303 recognize?
>>25914 Bump Works at cvs
>>26308 I do… has the sweetest little ass and pussy on her
(331.56 KB 404x720 19452.png)
>>26341 how do you know her?
Anyone got Victoria K?
>>26391 We used to have a fwb thing back in the day. Dumped s- much cum in that little pussy. You?
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>>26630 how did you meet her? love to hear more. i never fucked her
>>26738 went to school together. How do you have all these pics but never fucked her?
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Anyone have any of this slut I’d love to see her perky tits
br00klyn j@C0p$ perrysburg would be fye
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>>26743 from a friend. lol would love to hear more about fucking her and how it was
>>26813 Show me some of that pussy and ask whatcha want to know lol
Any Vicky W? Slut from Lakewood, but might have moved
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>>26828 how was she? what did she do, like, etc? when did you start fucking? know any of her friends? im trying to imagine it lol
>>26885 She was good, her pussy was super tight. Were fucking after high school. Always wanted cum in her pussy or mouth… loved playing with her ass.
>>26885 >>26885 Any with her legs spread?
(745.13 KB 176x144 61.gif)
>>26904 >>26902 Know any of her friends? any particularly dirty or crazy things yall did? What year was it? hows this pic lol
>>26915 Yup… I remember that. We were relatively young. I remember whenever she wore a dress she would always talk about not wearing anything under and flash her pussy. She would always talk dirty and wanted cum…. More of that last one, that’s great.
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>>26928 when tho? you know her fam or friends
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Destiny S/ Destiny K on FB. Does anyone know her OF name? From Elyria
>>26933 such a perfect pussy
Shawnna Ann? Short blonde
Who has @nn3 R0bis0n? Hot hairstylist milf that did a naughty photo shoot a while back. Nothin personal, just wanna see the goods
Joycelynn diaz huge knockers or her hot friends, any will do
Jocelyn diaz or Cassie stout
Jocelyn can suck dick like no other she used to be a slut got head from her a few times
(58.69 KB 484x960 FB_IMG_1565507666742.jpg)
Cassandra when tipsy as well
>>27192 There's gotta be a video
>>27211 Bet they took on a few dicks together
Any more pics of them? >>27211
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She had an of sadly I missed it
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Any alexa s0ll1sch? Used to camwhore under blueivy18 and andreastar888777
I have 2 of Emily C. Trust it or not. I'll reveal if someone has some as well
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Any Brittany smith wins?
>>28594 You’ve gotta post em man
Looking for meranda. Carder wins
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440 wins?
Tara S1nur?
>>27805 Interested,,, bump
(1.35 MB 1170x1473 IMG_1357.jpeg)
Anyone have anything
>>28794 lucyisacxnt is all I know but don’t have shit
>>27192 >>27212 Bump for Joc mommy milkers photos, don't have to be nude! Or pictures of her with cassie
Post more 440 wins
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The eternal search for Megan H continues
A while ago there were some of @lyssa R0ss. Anyone know of em?
Who's got g@bby edw@rd$ from w3llingt0n? Definitely out there
>>26933 Bump for more ML
Any Avon 440? socannnn on SNA. P if your tryna trade
(62.30 KB 443x960 IMG_1277.jpeg)
Anyone got $umm3r w from Berea? Got an OF now
anybody have @lexis j@ckson Cleveland area ?
>>20646 >>24942 Bump Hayley m
M3r3dith p0tt3r
>>25145 bump for Angeli
>>30037 do you have Kaylie T?
>>29047 need more of her
Bump for Angelina P. May have OF site 🤞
Any? >>28690
Need more Halle H. Any videos?
Bump for g@bb 3dw@rds
Any one have any of 5ophi@ 5mith? Would love to see them
(338.24 KB 1352x2048 20240103_070723.jpg)
>>16355 Friskyblonde1
Looking for a voice actor named @mber l33 c0nn0rs
>>26915 Holy god more Maggie ass and pussy plz
Bump for ML ass for suuuure
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Someone’s gotta have Izzy G from brush 21
>>19114 bump for her
>>32691 Looks like the internet has been tapped of any new/unseen ML ☹️
(427.84 KB 1200x1600 361.jpg)
>>33282 >>32691 got more for stories or how you know her
>>20662 >>20662 >>16271 What’s her name?
>>17763 Name hint?
>>33286 god what an ass… you’re the real MVP if you’ve got more! I use to date one of her close friends… always wanted to fuck her. Got her and my girl to mess around though.
>>33299 I have plenty, who was the girl she messed with? What friend? Just first names are cool
>>33301 Kate
>>33304 Damn never knew they messed around together. What do you wanna see?
>>33304 >>33304 Also would love to hear the details of them playing
>>33305 that pussy!
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>>33307 what went down between her and Kate
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Used to see her out all the time
ML have any of her with her toy?
>>33351 Yeah but want to hear some stories
One of the hottest things about her was she never liked wearing panties when she wore a dress in front of me. She always made it known by sitting perfectly so you can see it…
>>33378 How about with Kate and is it Kate M or Kate K
any Padua wins?
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Pau (m)Adrigal Mexican goes to JCU someone’s gotta have something
(84.62 KB 1038x1038 IMG_1559.jpeg)
Anyone have Em!ly D?
k@itlyn or m@dison l@cquement from Lakewood ?
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Let's see some em c
Anyone have @shley collin$ coohie?
any @mber iriz@arry?
(125.98 KB 828x828 IMG_2967.jpeg)
Someone gotta have her
C@rrie W
Anyone have @nn!3 R0b!$0n?
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>>36380 Hold shit ! WhatsApp her sosials ? Anything more??
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Any wins from lorain
Moar @11ison
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Nikki b. Praying for something
cool bed frame
>>36733 Huh? P03
>>36390 > M@ryss@ vel@rdez Great win - pretty amazing to get to see her breasts!
I have more, if you want. who do you got?
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@V@ G
Any Jordyn m?
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P@ige matsko
Casey stout Joc Diaz please Don't have to be nude
anyone out there have her wins?
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Looks like Friskyblonde1
>>37057 Bump please
(198.98 KB 1170x1677 IMG_0322.jpeg)
>>38228 name?
>>38228 Fake nudify
Jeanetta L U N N. Single mom. Cute face. Big tits. Someone get some wins PLEASE. Courtney Godles. Massive tits. Mallory Hudak. Where the big boob bitches at?
Any @nn!3 R0b!s0n? Did a sexy shoot a while back
(3.29 MB 1284x2778 IMG_9410.png)
(4.41 MB 1284x2778 IMG_9409.png)
From her Reddit
Any Twinsburg Girls?
Looking for some Kenston girls. T@y M3y3rs and @lex e@ston specifically
Bump for Kenst0n Girls
Let’s get some well known Cleveland girls with slutty history since they def got leaks. B3t5y P - G4b Kr3uz - H0lli3 S - Br1dg3t L. Who got em?
Any s0ph14 T34m4n?
(85.66 KB 902x1792 Snapchat-2145620277.jpeg)
>>38556 G@b k. Post more. Looking for Jord@n Hugh3s from Kent/euclid
>>38613 damn she insane bro plz say she got others/nudz
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T1ff4ny B from Cle heights
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|<ayl3e T from Tremont
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fuck can’t find the rest of my br|an/\ H from UC but she has more I know. lookin for more G@b k
Any Nikki T
Anyone have Haley W?
(1.01 MB 1284x1225 IMG_6681.jpeg)
ne1 wit more g@b (K)r3uz? that looks like it GRIPS
Anybody got Amb3r m3ad3
>>38613 Found her socials, could def fake some if ya want
>>38697 She’s got stuff out there. Somebody’s gotta have something real
>>38676 Post some good Cleveland stuff and I’ll drop g@b. Classes 16-20 preferred
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Rachel R (last pic) and Candace both from 216
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>>38700 Hoping someone recognizes her def from 216
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>>38700 M3l0dy L from Cle good enough for G@b?
NEED Emily C please
Bump hopin for G@b k
>>38613 Oh god, please more G@b k
>>23870 anyone??
Anyone got g@b? Dyin to see her
Bump may be getting some 216 wins soon will def post here but hoping we get the G@b K wins in the meantime
Amber ortiz? Bump j3anetta lunn as well. Any and all elyria girls? What about lorain? Andrea lopez?
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H0l1y R here n im hopin for more g@b K
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All them girls wanna be famous let’s make em famous yall! Got some B(r)end@ G here
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Hopin to get more of g@b k
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Megan Schimmoeller - Akron Posting it here because I don’t see an Akron thread
R@ch@31 s@nk@?
bump for more g@b
More M@ggie ass… it’s so fat!
>>39288 Maggie who?
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>>39193 g@b k has a post on st-ate wi-ns with a ton of pics and vids i couldnt get them tho
>>38712 which Emily c are we talking
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Any of short_caake used to be a barley house girl and has an OF
class of 22 or newer anyone?
>>38470 I used to have a huge collection of East0n and TM had an OF for a while. I know they both had long lists of people they sent pics/videos to regularly so they gotta still be out there!
Mera nda. Carder?
>>39438 Culovic
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Looking for @ngelique c00per
Would pay for @nn!3 R0b!$0n. God, those knockers.
Anyone get the G@b Kr3uz stuff from 5tat3wins? Like 30 pics and a dozen vids and I know ppl here wanna see em
Gab G. Now post Gab K.
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>>40108 might go by frankie? all i got. trying to find her and make her my wife thanks in advance
>>40110 anyone recognize? not sure why the other post got deleted. probably from CLE or surrounding area. went by monstermash_69 on pornhub until she deactivated.
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>40112 few more for good measure
Any Nikki T Cleveland ?
Anyone get the full G@br1ella Kr3uz stuff? Ppl on other sites are starting to say they have it but nobody posts them
You’re welcome
>>40090 Neeeeed more gab G
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>>40333 You got any of the vids? Told theyre very wet and revealing
Please post more Emily c
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>>40704 They’re so good. Do u have the vids? There’s like 15 bc the pics are popping up everywhere but the vids are guarded af
>>>>40649 Holy shit man do you have any more?
Sry no vids. Been searching but no luck
>>40722 She was on st4t3win5 in Sept but then their site died. I’m gonna get them if they come back
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sw is back up
>>40745 Got the vids?
Here's one of kay
>>40649 any more Emily c?
>>40727 First and last initial?
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Any wins or stories on bridge
Any luck on Gab?
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Gab G
>>41121 Hell. Yes.
Anybody have any R3becca Maxw3ll?
Anyone have Filipina @ngelina V. ?
Any B3ll3 S? Horse girl with a bubble butt
Jul1@ f1n3? Don’t think she lives here anymore tho
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Anyone know her name?
Jean3tta lunn? Malibu l!lly? Abigail houston?
>>41421 socials?
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Elyria girls? Specifically class of 22?
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Any saruh?
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Any Nicole f?
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Any Alyssa?
What is Alyssa’s last name
>>41535 Bump someone has to have
>>41863 Unsure. Goes by euphorickeek or euphoric_keek
Anyone got Lynds@y Lyd0n?
Idk it she’s Cleveland area. I mean jeez. Would just love to see what @nn!3 R0b!$0n has under the hood. Cute ass hairstylist. Heard she did a sexy shoot before.
Emily cerv@ntes?
Any more Emily Cul0vic??
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Leann dev1ne?
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>>33340 >>33340 Saw her before anybody got anything
Anyone have @ngelina Vel3c1na
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Please does anyone have this baddie
>>23779 any update??
Any one got g@bby $chr@ntz?
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Any Allison from willoughby? I know she used to send stuff to get guys to come see her when she was stripping.
>>33325 damn I bet M@ggies ass and pussy are so tight
>>33325 I bet m@ggies ass and pussy are so tight
>>42543 They are
>>42545 damn lucky… she let you fuck her ass?
I got @ngelina Vel3c1na if anyone interested
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Meranda W?
Anyone got @lex1s H0sp3r wins? Used to work at Ivy
Any B1@nk@?
Who has Lakewood bartender wins? West end area! Be a hero!
>>38470 Bump for Kenst0n Girls. I know they’re out there! Same with Twin$burg!
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K@ti3 U?
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Anybody got better Buddyv0nn? Real name bri@nna. Or any other Richmond Hts girls
*t gram
>>41419 >>41420 Ocean D? More?
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Katie U Got around she is out there
Bump for Katie U
