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Findlay (419) Anonymous 12/14/2022 (Wed) 20:16:18 No. 15057
Can't find the old one. Findlay and Findlay High School!
(380.31 KB 1080x835 A6951FE.jpg)
Alexis M.
(9.37 MB 1284x2778 IMG_9700.PNG)
Allison M.
(373.75 KB 1080x1920 IMG_6835.JPG)
(565.14 KB 800x629 1412382082610.jpg)
Cheryl M.
(113.60 KB 1072x804 9E2F355.jpg)
(127.72 KB 1280x960 B7FC4DD.jpg)
(2.38 MB 3648x2736 38FC5F0.jpg)
Deserae P.
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(12.85 KB 300x400 1608212039719-1.jpg)
Devin W
Emily W.
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(86.33 KB 1280x960 0C3987B.jpg)
(71.05 KB 960x1280 1A7806D.jpg)
Heather D.
(59.96 KB 484x860 Jessie 2.jpg)
(52.87 KB 484x860 Jessie.jpg)
Jessie S.
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(649.06 KB 1536x2048 8B0D50A.jpg)
(1.92 MB 1077x1743 Keely Bailey.png)
(9.77 MB 1242x2688 IMG_8250.PNG)
Keely B.
(39.28 KB 640x480 0728082004a.jpg)
Lyndzay W.
(678.08 KB 528x817 Natalie Vielhaber 8.PNG)
(975.44 KB 616x819 Natalie Vielhaber 7.PNG)
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Natalie V.
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Seona H.
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(1.11 MB 2592x1730 IMG_8278.JPG)
Sierra D.
Any K@rl1 C class of 2016?
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Keep em coming!
Anyone kylee S rhymes With myth.
>>15073 Any more Natalie?
>>15226 Is that a link?
Any 5ydney 3llis?
>>15063 Awesome thanks for the Dez! Had seen the first two and others similar but nothing like the third. Any others?
>>15600 Unfortunately I lost my others. Can you post the ones I didn't post?
Bump 4 Sydney
rielee s(aum)
sh@un@ n1kl3s
Lynds@y p0wer$
wells girls?
P@ige 0tto? Has 0nly f@ns : cosmicfaerie Looking for prego pics
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Anybody got Jayla W from VB? I know she's got a bunch floating around out there
rielee s?
becca w? class of 14, or her sisters
becca w? class of 14, or her sisters?
Bump K@rl1 C
Who's got Kaela R?
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>>17485 Forgot pics for ref
>>17208 do they even exist?
cmon someone has rielee
Tracy R.
>>15058 How old are these
>>17913 idk but i hope there are something. shes too sexy
>>17913 >>18021 I’d take bikini pics at this point
>>18037 you're in luck
>>18064 >>18065 Holy shit my guy you are a legend? Anymore?? You got -?
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Some more Dez found through pimeyes
Any 06-09 grads?
>>18065 >>18064 need more becca and her sister in bikini
Erica tumey (419)st marys
Wow anymore Erica?
More Dez from pimeyes. I think there’s a video out there.
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Mackenzie D
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bumping for Mackenzie!
>>18428 Awesome man thank you
>>20076 Did you go to school with her? Do you have any of her or anyone else in the class?
>>20145 That's not oddly specific to ask, but since you did no didn't go to class with her. She's a friend of a friend but if you got others from her class share away. I may have some more of her
>>20191 That’s all I have unfortunately. You have more of her?
Bumping for more Deserae and Kayla
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More Allison
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(1.65 MB 1242x1936 IMG_E2840.JPG)
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bump for becca and the wells girls
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Anyone have wins of Freya G? Heard she was selling them at one point
2007 OF?
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K na?
Amber m@rtin Was hampshire?
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Bella S 2016 grad Anybody got more?
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More Tracy
Any Brittany hr3ha went to uni
>>15061 What's her last? Here's April S
(22.21 KB 320x240 1.jpg)
>>21823 Where's April S? Lmao another Mackenzie, hoping someone has something new of or at least different from what's been posted before of April St ar k
Man no one cares about the SAME picture of Mackenzie. Its never anything new with her lmao
>>21808 Any videos of Tracy?
>>21969 There's a lot of videos of Tracy actually.
>>21957 Maybe not anything new of Mackenzie, but keep running your cock holster and I'll post these wins your mom's sent me last night.
exactly no wins. be quiet lol
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Any Mary K?
I wanna this slut
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Anybody got Blaize? She's been throwing that ass around lately. I know her noodz are floating around out there
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01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01100100 01101001 01110011 01100011 01101111 01110010 01100100 00101110 01100111 01100111 00101111 01101110 01000011 01110100 01001000 01110110 01001000 01101000 00111000
(193.30 KB 936x1822 photo oct 05, 7 37 12 am (20).jpeg)
A m@lave
Anybody know h@nn@h R1c3?
>>23497 Is her OF still active? Can't find it
(157.90 KB 1242x2688 kenzi dyer.jpeg)
K dy3r B@se 64 no sp@c3s - aH R0cH M6Ly9 kaXNjb3J kLmdnL2V3 amVWWDVy
holy crap i went to school with mackenzie! please tell me theres more?
-ide FsFEG4Mg
>>23702 whats that?
Kayla Clicks' OF is now luna-telle
Any Carey wins?
>>21808 What’s her last name?
valar13 Sh@wl3y?
(79.31 KB 540x960 IMG_1096.jpeg)
I know she went of University of Findlay. Anyone have any of this slut? She pretty much loved getting drunk and fucking but never got pictures of her here at home
Raven/Rae, anybody have any more?
>>25915 Bump
class of 2007-2009?
>>15069 More of Kayl@ M@rie Cl!ck
>>25915 Bump. Used to live in Lima/Ada area I know. I'd live to see some wins.
>>25915 She puts out some cleavage stuff, but I don't think she's published any w's. So you'd need an ex or somebody she sent pics to.
Br00ke Reed?
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Slim chance but use to send to me all the time. Anyone else got some?
Abbie Miles anyone?
Al3xis (l3xi) c@rn3s wins?
Julia H?
Who has Ceara S? Graduated maybe 15 years ago.
>>27505 Hardesty
Anymore Dez?
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>>17182 >>20038 Jayla W from VB
>>29313 Got anymore
Any more VB?
We need assholes of findlay to post about this to get some wins flowing
(1.25 MB 1184x2110 IMG_1140.jpeg)
Bg 419
does anyone know of other places to find older Findlay classes like 06-10?
Hannah n$Cole? Use to work a walgreens
419 cord???
>>25915 Bump
bumping for becca w
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Anybody got any of the Waltz sisters from CR?
>>32962 Bump!
>>35333 Any Augustine?
why is Findlay such a lost cause?
And kayla o? Had some on some older boards
(36.61 KB 720x720 FB_IMG_1714255305852.jpg)
Anybody got Makenze K or know her OF? She posts about it on her snap. But this is just what I've heard
>>17182 Bump!
K@yl@ C Elmore
>>37484 Bump
More Kayla and Emma :)
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(1.44 MB 750x997 Open folder em 3.png)
>>37484 got lots of Kayla if someone has her friend Emma- and I know someone does
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>37597 Unfortunately I don't believe any Emma exists other than what's been posted
Anybody got Payj H?
>>37905 BUMP
Bump. Looking for Diana Nordyke Ashlynn Caudill Amber Nash
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Anyone have any SG last name g@rz@
Would pay limitless money for H-ardesty
>>15068 Went to hs with Jesse! Any more of her?
Any LB girls? Saw Jesse on here. Wondering if anyone has any other girls that went to LB.
Any BVC girls from ‘08-‘12? Hell even bikini pics to perv over. Wanna see some girls I know on here.
>>23530 @mand@??
Anybody have any vb girls?
>>23497 Anymore Jurn33? Her OF was deactivated.
Anyone have any Riverdale girls?
>>38211 Kee-ton or Birch-field
>>38257 Do you have any?
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Anyone have any of R0se C@bi from university of Findlay? Heard she had an onlyfans
>>38262 I have Birchfields big titties if you know her. Heard keeton has vids out there
Any frickers servers ? Would pay to see brooke R.
>>38293 I knew both the sisters I'd like to see those tits, keeton has a vid? I need to find that any idea what it was on?
>>38325 Not necessarily posted anywhere, just that people have some of her. Heard she is a freak.
>>15057 >>38175 Start us off
>>25216 Smalley Twins?
Bump for Br00ke R€€d from frickers.....
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Looking for she1by bradord
Any 2018 Elmwood Grads???
>>25216 Gotta be something
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Anyone got anymore wins from her OF curlykeely before she got rid of it
Definitely need to see any Carey girls
>>38873 I've got a couple vids and a handful of pics. Gotta cut and convert to upload here. I'll try to get it done later
>>38947 Fuck yeah we do
>>38990 Any C0urtney, M@cy, M@kenz1e wins?
>>38947 Do S-m-alley's exist? Or am I dreaming
Bump for VB
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>>38325 Any good Birch or Keet stories?
What's the story on Racha3l from carey? She a slut?
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Anyone know c0urtn@y from c@rey?
No 2018 Elmwood?
Heard there are some Amy M-ay pics out there
Bump for Keely wins
(892.08 KB 632x1051 Screenshot_20241004-123708.png)
Any J0celyn from Upp3r?
S@rah @braham FHS2016 used to have slutfans "sarahfortheworld"
Bump for vb wins
(81.15 KB 990x1920 received_379251197162404.jpeg)
Would do anything for Juli@ H@rdesty from Findlay
>>39873 Her name is Rae and she works at McDonald's
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Anyone got her? Attended Findlay U in 2019. Not sure but may have had an OF as well. Name The(a) Kn(a)pp
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Tiffany P Any other Home Depot sluts?
>>40430 last name rhymes with?
(7.95 KB 360x270 riley_cole_45101034fd.jpg)
>>38267 Riley_Cole from Chaturbate
>>40431 Fertinaci
>>38672 That's Nikki inb0dy, got any more of her?
Tara C00p3r?
>>40437 Anymore videos of her?
Jordan A-rnold?
>>25915 Bump
>>25915 I'd seriously pay for wins of her
(1.39 MB 1085x1627 IMG_1553.jpeg)
Had an OF but deleted it. Can’t find much Jurn33
>>15057 Karli combs?
(430.01 KB 990x1339 nikki.jpg)
>>40513 Of course, but I'm looking for Shelby Br@dford.
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>>37596 Here you go
Ohio wins te1e gr@m holler at thebigbirdo
