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Post and share wins of the 614! 614 wins 12/31/2022 (Sat) 05:42:05 No. 15454
Someone start this off and i will return!
Bump... Need Anna D@vis bad
have je$$ic@ $t3v@nus
Kei$ha Cupp?
Any m@ddy R1ggs
Does anyone have N@t@lie Rigsbee?
Samantha who
Any S1nead?
Iris Green??
omg about time 614 came back , whyd it keep getting deleted? @eri@l D
Bump for S1nead
Bump for s1nead
Where did you get the dildo picture of S1nead?
Vm 614 Westland
Bump for Sinead
Anyone have her asshole shot? Or her playing with her pussy.
Anyone have anna md? she used to have good shit on ig but its private now
Bump for more s1nead
Bump s1n3ad
Anyone else
>>19335 Who is this?
(411.25 KB 457x811 v29exc7.png)
anyone know this art hoe s@m mc1nteer? goes to ccad i think (one on the left)
>>19335 Name?
(928.76 KB 1080x1080 83DQWz2.png)
>>19449 This looks like her from an OF i subbed to a few years ago
Bump s1n34d
any kendra vela? used to sell
(4.39 MB 3024x4032 99.jpg)
>>19778 Is this AD? Anymore?
>>19790 no, initials JS from hilliard
>>19795 first name/got anymore hilliard?
>>19829 jessica...i dont think so no
>>19857 either s...tevanus or s...hults?
>>19900 shes s...tevanus...you know her? o have any of her?
>>19918 nah, just seen the name so was curious. looks sexy tho.
>>19963 oh hell yeah, you got anything more?
(797.93 KB 960x1792 98.jpg)
>>19963 ass for you in return
>>19963 so hot, where'd you get this one!
>>20048 that’s nice but how do i even know that’s her lmao
Any Natalie Martinez leaks? Get them out here
(1.80 MB 1536x2048 99.jpg)
>>20070 this one easy to tell its her lol?
>>20140 here for more of this!
>>19096 Hell yeah man post more of her like this!!
bump for more jess
brooke g, anyone?
K eisha c upp?
>>19963 bump for more
More sin3ad please
>>19097 bump
>>20596 cant let this die lol!
Someone had to have some wins on S N@dler, or C Digi0ia from Hilliard. Graduated around ‘17 - ‘19
M@ri@ J0nes wins?
>>20817 bump
Any wins for Di@na Fi3lds, from the hilltop
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Anyone got Kayley Duncan
Bump for Kayley!!
Bump for kayley as well
^ she def has to have some out there such a sloot
Courtney Wyers anyone got her
(128.96 KB 654x1170 IMG_9516.jpeg)
I have Destiny M
anyone have tab1tha w00druff? lived in cbus for a long time but just moved to cleveland. polyamorous hoe
Anyone have cl@r3 ma7h3r ?
Anyone have Bobbie petty?
>>19963 mm who posted this one, more?
K@yla Endicott?? Columbus
Got anymore of her?
Anyone have Megan Ruland she has worked for canes for a long time she’s a bad thick girl
>>15454 Anyone got emily creager from hilliard
>>18942 Damn got anymore of her?
>>19335 Still need to know who this is
>>22168 >>22170 sexy af but who is it?
>>22171 No doxxing, 1 grade older than the other blonde. Comets.
>>22137 Think I've got one of her, you got anyone else her class?
>>22188 Would love to see the bundy twins.. they were 08.
Any comets 06?
>>22211 Moar plz
Anyone have Sylvie Mix’s old OnlyFans from before she started acting? I think it was wild_or_mild
Bump for s1ne4d
>>21530 Bump for k@yley duncan
Bump for more sin34d
(4.17 MB 2316x3088 97.jpg)
Bump. Someone’s gotta have some of kayley d. I heard she has a OF too
Alisha M. Anyone got anymore?
>>22744 damn, she's hot!
>>22896 wish we could get more of her
Any one have nayah love ? (Argus)
>>18334 bump for more
Anyone got this sluts wins? Would kill to see those tits
>>18334 Anymore @eriel?
>>17585 Bump for her
We need Megan Ruland up in here
>>23921 Is there any that hasnt been posted before
(1.39 MB 3042x3483 1673634301534299.jpeg)
anyone know/have any? saw on another board, but OP didn't follow up
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Any Kayla
A8CzkYpP dizzy gord
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(2.12 MB 1080x1350 0.png)
Any of this sexy waitress? @nn@ d
Looking for any wins of K@sey L@$h from grove city. Use to talk to her from tinder a few years back. Would love to see those boobs
I'm so sorry
Em, Emma, Emily not sure last name. Are there any wins out there?
Teryan B?
Repost the gord link
>>25794 Nuked somebody make a new one plz
Seriously, what in the actual fuck
>>25768 Bump
>>25541 bump
>>25813 Wut?
>>25768 Bump
K@tria Who has something?
(410.59 KB 1535x1535 IMG_6141.jpeg)
Anyone know this chick? Italian from Westerville
>>26440 Bump
>>26604 She looks super familiar but can’t place it.
>>17019 Bump
Anyone have any Teryan???
C@itie Br33ckner wins?
>>26440 Haven't found any real W's yet but I'd love to
Anyone got h@n Riggs, had a slut fans she’s a dj now
Anyone got h@nn@h r!ggs, had an onlyfans she’s a dj now
Any diamond l@rk?
>>27379 Bro I've been trying so hard to find some of her stuff, but I think it was so expensive noone bought any
I would like to see more of her.
Need d3vyn g0ld
(368.30 KB 828x1359 IMG_4330.jpeg)
>>27520 S1n3ad?
>>27520 Bump for more
Any Samantha T?
>>27520 Buump
(230.24 KB 512x512 00005-3014270185.png)
>>27628 here's a fake
>>27520 She have anything recent?
>>27728 Could you fake any of these please? >>25541
>>27782 too much clothes
(4.67 MB 3706x2816 613.jpg)
A couple shares
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>>27976 More!
>>27989 Like her pussy?
>>27976 not very useful without face or name, is it?
Amanda B columbus?
Blonde, initials ZT Hilliard / Dublin
Someone has to have someone on Teryan B! Sexy AF!
Bump for d3vyn g0ld bartender in short north
>>19963 mm who posted this one
anyone got kyla n?
Need more s1n3ad
Melani3 Hutt0n?
>>22135 Any More?
Any G@bby Stump?
(74.08 KB 1008x1792 FB_IMG_1700100869436.jpg)
Anyone have l@ur3n?
I’ve got Em1ly S4ly3rs wins from Hilliard (kent st in college) if you know her
(795.59 KB 1080x1346 Screenshot_20230929_175441_X.jpg)
Anyone recognize?
Any here know Cor@ H@ndley?
>>29578 dana?
Yessir bump for dana
Dana bump
>>25541 bump, someone has to have something
I know there's wins
Anyone got Whitney (g)!ll
>>29972 bump
Abbi3 Wi11iams? Crazy ass girl
For the love of god. Anybody have H@ley Roberts?
Anybody got H@li Woken?
(4.17 MB 2316x3088 99.jpg)
>>30755 Like 4big4il wi11iams? Tall blonde girl?
Bump for cord plz?
Sydn3y Byrd? Anyone from canal?
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>>32332 Anymore? I only have some of her videos :(
Then post or videos or don't say anything
Heck ya. Lets see them videos, shes fine asf!
>>32332 >>32387 'er ya go
B@y@n m0h@mm@d please 😩
Anyone got the F0ster sisters? M3l or S@r@h?
Any one have Jessica Steele went to groveport back in the day
>>32948 I did on an old hd
Any Míranda Jøhnson? Hospital nurse
Hope there's more s1n3@d floating around...vids would be awesome
Anyone got @udr3y Bl3ss1ng?
bump for bless1ng
(931.22 KB 1179x1635 IMG_1288.jpeg)
Emily from Hilliard
Oliv. Starcher from hillard dav?
(39.15 KB 660x1305 11.jpg)
Kassie from whitehall
>>25541 Bump
>>34005 More
(25.21 KB 660x1305 111.jpg)
>>34039 sonmone post more whitehall chicks
Anyone have m@rybell? She had an OF under amberwestxo
More whitehall
>>34138 what do you have?
Bump for Erin Kamen Jaquelynn Patterson
>>34138 Looking for Amy VD. She's got stuff out there. She fucked a teacher and got him sent to prison...
>>24457 Bump for K@yla
t0ri d0rn3?
bump tori
(558.15 KB 1079x1918 Snapchat-2100217805.jpg)
heard she meets
I got n1c0l3 br0wn if someone posts t0ri or 4udr3y b13$$ing
>>25768 If pay serious cash for her
(50.05 KB 504x918 11.jpg)
any hailey?
Melissa lawn from Hilliard? If anything at all is out there, even clothed, I want it
(996.84 KB 720x1600 Screenshot_20220615-020655.png)
Would walk on my knees through broken glass to see this slut
Someone has to have some OSUlindz. Maybe even an OF. Such a sexy lady
Anyone know S4rah N1sky?
Anyone got any wins?
(153.75 KB 1242x1627 IMG_1891.jpeg)
Gotta be wins of Jenna B
any whitehall girls at all?
Anyone got Chloe Griggs?
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ANyone have any more of SyD 3ay3r? I'd love one of her webcam videos
(1.27 MB 1960x3484 Snapchat-1895761443.jpg)
her page is wild
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ghxstgvrlx on instagram Columbus whore
More ghxstgvrlx on instagram Columbus whore
(81.47 KB 887x895 FB_IMG_1708720872488.jpg)
Any S4rah?
Any Brianna/Bri Sm1th?
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H@nn@ R1(ggs)
M@ry H1(ckm@n)
>>26604 Abb1 d
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>>36038 Name?
If anyone can has some, I've got multiple girls from 740 & 614 area I'll start uploading
>>25768 Love to see pics without that top. I know they're pierced
Anyone have m@d31ny d0zer had an of a few years ago
Any wins from Franklin Heights
>>16966 bump
kyla n anyone?
Anyone have M@ryyBell from Columbus? Used to have an OF under Amberwestxo? She’s bad asf
>>35274 Got any of Lilly? The girl on the right in this pic
any of S0ph1e Bry4nt?
Looking for K4s3y dubl1n or d3st1ny m4tt0x seems like theyre around
@llur@ w?
R@egan R0s! ?
Any St@cia H?
Any 3mmy W.. beautiful model with an incredible butt
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Britt G? used to be H but might have changed her last name back
>>19963 love those tits, share more if you got em?
>>25541 bump
>>39085 I had a video of her sucking dick on my phone but I deleted it. I tried recovering it using an app but I just pulled the thumbnail. Anyone know how to pull the video? Android
>>36314 They are. Saw her at Marshall's the other day. Hot af. I wish somebody had something
>>39081 got some bikinis if anyone else is interested/has anything?
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(69.99 KB 608x761 Untitled-1.jpg)
Sofia from Columbus
>>33977 I’ve got more if we want to post more of her
Post more Emily. Anymore Whitehall or Gahanna girls?
Did Ariel D have an 0F? got anymore pics? Anyone have Z0eyB she has had multiple 0F and did cam work.
(31.44 KB 228x594 78.jpg)
Teryan B?
(495.08 KB 720x1280 1726348413135.png)
>>25541 bump
Would kill for some @bby n33r
Gr@ce $mith?
>>21714 Would love to see destiny
Cindy E?
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>>39436 >>25541 Found these on another site
(1.96 MB @simpatido.mp4)
bump t0ri… need her nudes bad
Bump for gr@ce $mith
>>39786 Bump
(1.40 MB 905x907 64556486.png)
>>39784 t0000000ri wish I could see her old t0ks b4 she made her account private
>>39808 I’m not usually into cosplay but hers drive me crazy
(3.13 MB telegram_video.mp4)
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Got nothing but AS
(661.77 KB 2576x1920 IMG_4540.jpeg)
>>39983 Is that Sinead?
>>39942 Bump for the love of God
>>39954 A Smith?
Any Ka3l@ ¥@no from Big Walnut??
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C@ilynn Th0m@s
Any m3ily n? Went to bishop watterson
>>39685 bump for more
We need more S1n3ad...
M1ch3l3 Guz@man?
(143.26 KB 567x1054 IMG_9913.jpeg)
(42.26 KB 414x896 IMG_8612.jpeg)
Any Khlo3 Bol!n or her sister Kyl!3? From pickerington
>>40913 Too bad no one else can post her.
>>41256 Right? She's amazing.
Alright, I am new here. I have some photos of a chick I am trying to find. I don't know her name, only a handle she uses online, and a letter that "might" be in her name. What is the etiquette here?
>>41270 Not much to it. Just post and see if anyone recognizes
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>>41271 Alright sweet. Here are the details I have: Lives in Westerville. Near Gahanna. Goes by moniker "witch_crafted" on alot of sites, but nothing noting "WHO" she is. Would love to put a name to the face. I believe her name has a "K" in it.
>>39059 Pic? Might know
>>41362 no pic but her last name is the same of an old comedian who smashed watermelons on stage
>>41376 How about the maiden? Lol
>>41377 If you got a pic then share it, even if it's not the one dude is looking for
>>41378 I unfortunately do not lol. Why I had to ask
Any @udr3y bl3ss1ng?
>>41418 hot as fuck especially with nic
>>41436 whats the other girls name?
Anyone have H@nn@h C?
>>41560 Who’s she?
Any of @llis0n D (now A) or her sister Br00k3 D from Dublin?
>>25768 Bump!!!
Any fitness milf mindy Columbus
>>40639 Used to be on MFC
>>41936 Name?
(800.30 KB 1160x1441 IMG_0149.jpeg)
who has sh@e b!ck3l? shes a stripper now, used to have an 0F i think
Liz "libbydietrix"
>>42666 she's hot. any wins?
>>33091 I matched with a Miranda J0hnson on the apps... she was wild, but don't have her pics anymore
>>26604 >>41560 S@r@h sounds like “bookseeb”
(225.30 KB 803x1428 Screenshot.jpg)
>>42767 lol I remember her
>>42793 Have anymore of their friend group?
>>42805 Hopefully somebody has something
>>42767 >>42805 >>42939 She sent some to me so I imagine I wasn't the only one... just didn't save them. Wouldn't mind seeing her again
Any bri f0rs used to work at mellow mushroom
>>42968 just steals pics
>>24005 Anyone have 23
Any M@ry Gr@ce Kurz? Know she had OF but not sure the name
>>42941 Get back in touch with her and get some more lol
>>43049 Lol pretty sure I burned that bridge
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Lori Zamora hotwife
(249.87 KB 960x1280 IMG_20250216_125906_369.jpg)
Anyone know or have her? She's notoriously vanilla so odds are low, but I've been searching for years.
Ann3 sauci3r?
(185.73 KB 1536x2048 received_374488298063847.jpeg)
She has moved around a few times in the last 2 years but she was a popular girl when men. Someone might know her?
>>33091 >>42767 >>42805 >>42939 >>43049 Saw Miranda at otherworld last night, but it looked like she was with a dude
Bump for Jacquelyn from 614
Any Delaware county
N@t@sh@ peters?
>>43587 Yes please or her sister br1tt@ny
>>43372 Bumping for @shley Th0m@s from this picture
