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Anonymous 03/20/2023 (Mon) 11:21:01 No. 18556
Let’s see some Fairborn wins! Leana s?
Bump someone's gotta have some fairborn hoes
Bump Looking for FHS 2014-2019 grads
Somebody's gotta have wins. Bump
Anybody has Ravyn B@de?
Bump. Anybody got some former cheerleader sluts?
I’m good with anything 2018 and prior. Illl dig through and see if I still have any
Leana Stacy?
>>21579 Hell yeah, let's see it!
Peyton. Would love to see Courtney C or her cousins
>>21579 Got any sluts from classes 2016-2018? Heard some are on OF
>>21614 Got more Peyton wins?
Anybody got bikini wins of some FHS grads?
Who’s got sharmae
Courtney C
>>22014 Keep them coming
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Any Darian r , Erica m, Bridget c, or Sarah s ??!
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Let's get some more wins going. K3ls3y B. Goes by Novasquid on OF and MFC
Klara S? Went to Wright State
Bumping for more wins
>>22337 Need more Wright State pics
>>22460 You got her other ass pics?
22044 is tiff@ny n0Lan and Erik@ McWhort€r/©hilders 22047 is ci@r@ b@ver
Anybody got some former FHS cheerleader wins?
Bumping for more FHS grads. Bikinis, lingerie, nudes, let's see any and all the wins from these sluts!
Anyone got any OF from the area?
Have some bre@ g! anyone have n1kk1 s, br1tt@ny h, @lex1s t, @alenn@ n, t@yl0r l, br00ke h, dej@ r???
Let's keep it going
>>23196 N1kk1 s?
There was 2 $tew@rt and $chuyler but br1tt@ny h@nsen would be an amazing win!!
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Bre@ G
Bump bump bump
Still nothing :( fairborn seems to be a hard one lol
>>23472 I will bump for those!! They used to get around in school lol there has to be wins out there I think n1kk1 $chuy ler is still single and getting around to this day
Def bump for Nikki. I’ve wanted to see her since HS
Anybody got J3$$1ca C011in$? I remember she used to get around a lot during hs
>>23557 def agree
Anybody got Kara Kershner?
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Alright, whose got em??
>>23897 Name?
L3@n@ st@cy
$h3lby k1nh@lt
Br1tt@ny H@n$en anyone??
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More Br3@ G
Nikki! Kn!ght?????? Who's gottem
Tesha kimsly thin whore who likes attention
Tesha Greene
Someone has to have wins of these!! Br1tt@ny h@n$3n and n1kk1 $chuyl3r
Anybody got J3r1n B(urn)$? Used to be a cheerleader, went to WState after
Anybody have c@dy muNg3R
Any FHS wins? Ideally class of 2016-2020
Damn, do wins in this town just not exist?
>>25446 that's what im saying lmao I know there out there but nobody shares from that area
>>25447 guys say some women are sluts, but never have the wins to back it up lmao
Funny enough lol someone just posted a new win and it was already deleted for some reason
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L!nds@y W!ll!@m$ FHS 2013
^ need more from this year!
Bumping for some class of 2016
Damn I've wanted to see Lindsey for years. Better then I imagined.
new lyric b ?
macy class of 2010-11 ? can't remember last name
Bumping for tits
Damn, even some bikini shots would be better than this win drought
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@l!$@ C0nl3y Fairborn 2012
Real fuckin hero for @lis@. She's fire
I got more lol
Post them if you got them
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>>26220 @l!$@ C0nl3y
>>26227 fuck off dirty little cunt bucket
Damn @lis@ hella fine. What a collection
>>23897 Bump for Kr1styn T.
Any bikini wins from the summer?
Any older wins? Class of 97 - 04?
Another bre@ g to keep it going
>>27634 Last name?
damn, look away for over a month, and still no wins? i'd take some fucking sults in bikinis, at this point
Any 2014-2018 grads?
Elysha Br@dy anyone?
um, have an intervention? The fuck you know what he's saying
Anybody know some of the OF accounts here?
>>18556 Leanna Short?
>>28730 Looks like that OF got closed
>>28783 yeah. Was able get plenty. Shes a whore and will send nudes to any guy even if she is dating someone.
Bump for n1kk1 $chuy ler
Any @l3x1s dunn/dm1tr3nak c/o 2011 I think
Bump for some 2018 grads
@lisa@ poster is the GOAT. Been wanting those for years! She sell them???
>>22460 bump for more Klara
bump for 2017 grads
Bumping for ANYTHING
Damn! anybody remember @l3x!$ tutt1e??? she lookin good on instagram
anybody have kyl13 53ffr13s or her sisters?
>>29868 Would love to see them, even if just bikini shots
Bumping for some wins
Any t3sha gr33n
Class of 07 Skyhawks
Bro, anyone got some class of 2018?
>>30443 Ridiculous and na
anybody got kyl13 jeffr13s big titty blonde girl or her sister.
damn, nobody?
C@dy m0n63r? V@ne$$@ wh@l3n or her Slutty sister?
if they're so slutty, why are there no wins?
Anyone have L@ur3n H/ 3mily L from FHS 2011?
>>31038 If L@items old last name started with P, I’ve got her
Where’s all the sexy 2011-2012 FHS GIRLS?! We need some Kayla C, Bridget C, Emily M, Lauren P, Emily B, Darian R
I have Kayla c. Will post if you have Bridget
>>31099 HMU on snap and let’s trade some, mines justforthefun08
>>31099 If you post Kayla C, I’ll post L@cy D@vis
You guys post kayla c and lacy d, and I have some as well!! Let's goooo!!
>>31122 Who you have? Got snap?
>>31129 Not really, who’s that?
Can't remember. I'll post more on this and 937 when others get in board.
>>31133 Any Fairborn you’re looking for? Got snap?
>>31135 Courtney C or Lacy D. If they get posted I'll def post some. Prefer not to use snap
>>31137 I’ve got Lacy, who all you got from Fairborn?
Anyone have L@ur3n P/Hutchinson?
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>>31122 Here’s the Kayla I have…who you got?
Kayla I have
>>31155 Who from Fairborn?
>>31156 Fairborn or surrounding area.
>>31157 I have Lauren, she was FHS and GCCC
Anyone got Je$$1ca C0ll1n$? She was FHS & GCCC
>>31171 Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED MORE!
4m4nd4 H3ndr1cks0n once lacy is up. No snap.
>>31190 I have Lacy, I’ll post em to see amanda
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>>31190 post her
>>31190 Hell yeah!
>>31184 I have more of Lauren
All of us need more Lauren.
>>31257 Do you remember her? I had a huge crush on her, I ALWAYS wanted to see her “wins”. Anyone have more of her? More revealing
>>31257 I have a bunch of her that are really hot! Just for the fun 08 (no spaces on sn@p
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>>21569 >>21993 >>24239 Big tits nice ass. Had a fun weekend and found her account friskyblonde1 . Does custom vids for me still
>>31262 Who’s this?
>>31262 This pic ain’t Lauren, the flannel shirt definitely is though, and I wanna see more!!
>>31196 She’s sexy!!
>>31190 I see Lacy, but no @m@nd@ ??
>>31308 More Lauren!
Any tesha k1msley
Anymore Kayla?
>>31315 Oh fuck!
>>31328 Where everyone go?
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leavemealone565 on tg for OC group
>>31342 Come on, where’s all the wins?! We had a good streak, keep ‘em up!
Keep the wins coming!
>>31405 I have a ton more of Lauren, but too many people say they post and don’t.
>>18556 j h0ff ?
Telegram justforthefun08
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>>31442 @dd tg for actual Fairborn tr@des
>>31446 What years?
>>31461 Telegram pics can’t be saved or stolen either
>>31462 It’s bullshit, everyone says they have shit but no one post it
>>31462 Tg is legit!!! Definitely the better move!!
Change file name andrepost
>>31442 >>31446 Definitely better!!!!!! It’s legit!
If it's legit, what's some names you got for 2016/17?
>>22460 > damn hope theres more klara
Bump for wins
Anyone have Dakot@ frŷ?? Willing to trade everything I got for her
>>31442 This right here is fucking hot!!!!!
>>32260 Shut up about tg dork bitch
Has anyone actually looked at the tg? Is it legit? Share a win if it is
>>32289 >>32289 So far on tg, I’ve seen Paige p, Sarah C, Lauren H, Katie J, Megan w, Taylor r, quite a few
Bump for wins
>>32377 We need to start posting and everyone stop saying you’re going to
>>32293 grad years?
>>32473 2010-2012
Any wins of t3sha green
>>32905 Keeps getting bumped, but nothing ever gets posted
>>32906 someone always teases klara s wins then doesn't follow through. Id love to see that ass
>>32944 Justforthefun08 on the yellow and white if you actually wanna trade for shit and no teasing bs>>32944
>>32957 proof you got klara?
Bump, though I know not why
Dead-ass thread. No leaks, no wins
Damn, I remember back in HS you'd hear people talking about hoeing around, candy being pushed out of pussies, sex in the football stands, just wild shit. Then, when everyone's got that diploma, it's like they all turn into nuns, cuz there ain't shit here...
Bumpppppp where the dude go that was saying he had all of those wins?
>>35121 The guy was wanting to t3l3gram to send wins. I don't trust it, smells phishy
where'd the dude go that had Klara wins
Bump, let's get some wins going. Post what you got, cuz what you request may not exist
Bumping. Come on with some FHS grads!
Shelby Kinhalt?
Any FHS grads from 2016-2018?
Any new carlsile dumps?
Damn, still nothing new?
>>35611 I’ve got 2011-2014
>>36211 names??
>>36214 Who you lookin for, I’ll tell ya if I’ve got em
Any Katie Hicks?
>>36242 Nah none of her
>>36241 br1tt@ny h@ns0n n1kk1 $chuyl3r d3j@ r0untr33 n1kki kn1ght t@yl0r b3ntl3y?? Bre@ gr3g0ry??
>>36249 I’ve got more 2011 than anyone bro
Anything from Waynesville hs 2012-2018
>>36272 Nah just Fairborn
Anybody got videos? Don't let this thread die!
n1kk1 $chuyl3r? I got 2014/2016
I’ve got Fairborn, a lot 2011, 2012 allaboutfun1 snp
>>36495 ye that would be dope!
>>36495 Post em!
Bump for the n1kk1 $ with @mb3rl33
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Bump for n1kk1 $ with $@m@nth@ r1$n3r
>>36683 I’ve got class of 2011, that blow her away :)
Let's see more of s@manth@ ri$ner. She looks better now then when I was fucking her a years ago
>>36683 such a nice rack
You keep talking about CO 11.. post it then...
already bumped twice for the n1kk1 $ lets post up guys!!!
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>>36713 Snap for face nd name but 11
Don't let this die! Keep the wins coming!
Anybody got br@ndi rebm@nn
Any N1c0l3 H@v3n$ from 2016? She used to have an OF, not sure if its still active
>>37023 Think I found it. @moonflower.bunny
Damn it, what happened to the win flow?
Someone should get chelss6 of
WHO all from class of 2010-2016 have of?
What girls have of from class of 2010-2016/2017
K3ls3y B. is Novasquid, N1c0l3 H@v3n$ is @moonflower.bunny
>>36683 Ive heard She sends stuff out all the time to anyone who asks, regardless of relationship status. 99% positive someone hits her up she'll send.
need more Kl@ra S. I wanna see her ass so bad
wondering if anyone has a video of Lindsay Baxter twerking?
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Anyone have any Brianna Floyd wins?
Ashl3y g1lb3rt wins?????
L@ur3n Ch3n@ult?
Fucking bump
Brooklyn A anyone? Big titty blonde senior at FHS
Any wins of J@im3 Lux
Nearly 300 posts but only 66 pics. Place is a desert lol
>>41939 All about fun 1 on yellow and white for 2011 FHS
>>42749 Who u have? What cities you got?
