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Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 21:23:35 No. 23092
Looking for 937 Huber Vandalia Fairborn only
Who ya looking for?
K1r$t1e Kle1ner, H@nn@h $erm0n$, N1kk1 $chuyler, Alex1$ Tuttle?? Or anyone else from those schools. I have some Chel$e@ Haup$teuck and bre@ greg0ry I can drop.
C@m1 Y0unt!
$helby W1ls0n Emer@ld j0hn$ $@r@h mcgu1re $1err@ p0ffenberger anyone??? heard k1r$t1e k had an of account before
J3r1n Burn$? Heard her ex had a lot of pics and vids
Drop Bre@ G
(47.76 KB 1080x607 IMG_20190312_192408_911.jpg)
Bre@ G
(86.32 KB 1080x607 IMG_20190312_190036_049.jpg)
What should I search up on there to find her??
>>23092 Name for her?
Chel$e@ H
Trying to keep thread alive. More chel$e@ H from hhber
Nice! Let's keep it going
(559.54 KB 2208x2944 1661536948490717.jpg)
Bri@nn@ D
Quit posting the other group photos lol
What other group has these 937??? I haven't seen them
>>23228 the other anon site. it doesn't load for everyone redirects to some stupid forums bullshit
(55.16 KB 576x1024 1523683061003.jpg)
Em1ly s huber
Anyone have le@h st!ckler? Northm0nt 2019
Let's keep the thread alive!
>>23236 last name?
Def bump for her
>>23109 That is a solid request. Have anything?
I wish! They have to be out there I heard of people having pics and sextapes with her
I've got like 40 names with wins mostly from w@yne if anyone has someone that peeks my interest. Looking for more w@yne years 10-18 mostly
Any of the requests that were already asked for?? Could you say any names? Still have some K@t1e S, Chel$e@ H and Em1ly S to post
$helby W1ls0n Emer@ld j0hn$ $@r@h mcgu1re $1err@ p0ffenberger
H@nn@h $erm0n$, N1kk1 $chuyler, Alex1$ Tuttle
C@m1 Y0unt
Any 9aige or j3ss3 Kin9?
(151.07 KB 750x989 1630589272852.jpg)
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K1r$t1e k
Bump any te$$@ c0v1lle???
Does sh3lby w1ls0n have a butterfly tat on her right forearm? I've got a sh3lby but don't know her last name
No I don't think so. Post one of the pics to see if anyone knows who it is
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More Em1ly S
>>23371 Any S@rah H!ll?
>>23398 she has beautiful breasts - thanks for sharing
(1.88 MB 1440x2383 1539833818529.png)
Bump for more of the those requests...K@t1e $m1th huber
bumping with wayne
Names?? I know the first is Em1ly $ but who are the second two??
>>23453 Second is s@r@h j third is Cl@udi@ S
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Supposedly these are @$hley rect0r but cant confirm! heard she has more if anyone has some wins to post
Any wins of Bre@nn@ D0nchez???
Kindness, balance, integrity and respect should be mutual, saves a fuck ton of headaches. What does calling each other a faggot over and over solve? Absolutely nothing. It just pisses each other off and spoils what should be a respective relationship. Just my 2 cents with this mess.
(162.10 KB 1242x2688 1661544797044234.jpg)
K@t1e $m1th hhuber
Any Te$$@ C0lv1lle??
Maturity > chads
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Kyl@ m1ller huuber heightss
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hannah, brook, elizabeth, trish, and sarah
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>>23524 all i got
Im gonna get a Butterly the penis will be the body
Those are good additions! Any last names or initials?? Keeping the thread alive
Dump more mad
Anyone got any H4nn4h T or Em1ly S from Wayne?
>>23572 if it's em1ly $m1th from w@yne she is already in the thread my man
>>23581 There were like 3 Emily smiths at Wayne
eat my shorts. Night fags
Looking for j0urdan b0wling, mir@nd@ h0bbs, br3 w00ds, j3nn h@mel, j3ss p3ttit, 3mily @ntonio, I've got a bunch to offer let me know
Em1ly D1gn1n huber
>>23996 who do you have?? I have a r3n33 w33kly I could drop
>>23996 I have one old one of jourdan who you got
>>24001 Drop the r3n33 w33kly
(656.23 KB 540x960 IMG_0453.PNG)
R3n33 w33kly
(48.13 KB 1280x1024 securedownload937ujgtyl.jpeg)
jourdan b
C@it h
@24000 do you have anymore emily????
>>2400 more???
Tessa c have plenty more. Let’s keep Huber/Wayne going!
>>24040 Last name?
>>24059 Holy shit more! Does she have an OF or something?
Anybody has Aly c0ile?
>>24062 T3$$a c0v1lle??? I have more I can post if people start sharing
More k@t13 $m1th
Huber game$t0p worker...bump for more t3$$@ c!!!
>>24017 Mam r3n33 is bad asf I wish there was more
Any k3lsi3 kilgor3?
first is Kr1st1n Br@nd3nburg. other 2 are st3v13 l@mbl1n
Y-o more kristin B and I’ll share some of her mom! Here’s more tessa
>>24090 Does t3ssa have an of?? Def down to see more of her
More ch3l$ea h from hub er
You got more 3my c0x??
(437.97 KB 426x784 1681818098684-0.png)
3my c0x
How much more emy you got? Ill match with some of the kristin set
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Some of the set
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She still got her of?? more of the set to match
>>24103 still exists I think but she stopped posting. that's all i got. any of kris's tits? here's m3g@n mcd0n@ld from her OF
>>23475 >>24087 THE FUCKING GOAT! We need more Kristin!
Any more t3$$a C???
>>24105 these are all kristin >>24101 >>24103
Here’s some of Kristin/djs mom
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Since that other 3my c0x was deleted here it is again and z0ie $ander$on
(1.20 MB 1080x1853 Screenshot_20230725-115657.png)
>>23475 Def is Ash. Here's another w/ face
>>24111 Fuck yes anymore??
>>24112 None worth posting. These are the best ones
Here’s something new Alec W
>>24115 I've got a ton of Alec as well. Posted some on the last thread
>>24116 We’ll let’s keep ‘em coming, I’ll post some more colville
(101.90 KB 750x1000 svJVBCaB.jpg)
d@m1s@ chr1stm@n
We need some more heavy hitters from this same time period. Br00ke Toe B, Em wulr, Jess H0uk, Cam1 Y. Etc. Etc lol
(1.82 MB 1080x2340 1681855315626.png)
Bump for some more t3ssa
>>24124 c@m1 y0unt would be amazing!!
(47.22 KB 828x1792 Snapchat-933532988.jpg)
(4.17 MB 2688x1520 unknown.png)
C@itlin $mith$on and $yd C with A$h h bumping for t3$$a c
(65.75 KB 828x1792 Snapchat-1293574492.jpg)
>>24128 the other photo from that set
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br1t h@rdy anyone?
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K@yl@ l0ng
More Tessa, lookin for more Kristin b. Or long shot, any Armani may???
>>24139 does t3ssa have an of???
H@nn@h 1$aacs
>>24130 Fuck yeah lol
>>24139 Fucked Armani years ago and her shit was saggy af even back then lol she has lost some weight since then tho
Super long shot anyone got brandy"nicky"knight
>>24144 That’s a super dope story bro, would tell at parties.
I'm definitely down to see more br1tt and @shley h@rdy, assuming they aren't from the old sets that dropped awhile back
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More Alec
>>24192 hell yeah. anyone got l3xx bl@1r, t@r@ j0hns0n or her sister t@b1th@?
>>24195 H@nn@h $erm0n$, t@b1th@ j0hn$0n or t@r@ would be amazing!! C@m1 y0unt would be God sent lol have more r3n33 w I could drop as well
Nikki knight
how do I find more content chel$e@ H? googling that watermark doesn't bring up shit
>>24199 Any r3n33 would be fire I been looking for her forever
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Anyone have anyone from this friend group? Wright State track girls.
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Cait C
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Need Rach, Brooke or Lexx!!
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Renee w, Syd c. And ash H. Have a shit ton more! Wanna really see this thread pop off!
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M@t1 m@rt1n
>>24257 HOT af
Let’s keep the Wayne girls coming, here’s a bump with more Tessa!
Tr1sh@ @rw00d
>>24257 Fuck yeah boi lol I tried for so long to get Madi to send me nudes!
>>24253 Who you looking for? Would love to get all the r3n33 you have so I'll definitely post whatever I have you want for em
>>24296 Who do you have?
>>24310 What's this?
>>24297 I've got a whole drop box full of everything I have. It's a mix of Huber new carlise Fairborn yellow springs. Just a bunch of girls from the 937 area. Grad years span from like 2013 to like 2018. Not sure the HS they went to tbh so I can't go off that.
>>24297 I used to work with r3n33 back at frickers in Huber a few years ago & always wanted to smash but she always had a dude
>>24322 Do share
>24322 get to sharin my man! We have been keeping this thread going and it has been doing well! Any particular names you have in there???
>>24322 Screenshot the names list or just share away like I did
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>>24087 got any more stevie or just the ones i posted lol
>>24330 Bet I got you guys. I'll share a bit of a few girls everytime I get on. Just post all the r3n33 you got & I'll keep the thread as alive as I got. I got altogether 1100 pics & vids roughly so I'll do all I can. Some I only have a few then others I have a bunch. I'm gonna make the name 937 dump when I post
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Courtn3y coop3r
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>>24338 Kyl@ mill3r
>>24343 Bro go the fuck on with that fucking weird shit
L3xi g@ith3rs
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M@ddison huke I think is her last name it's something with an h but she from xenia I think not sure
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@rtyn@ h@nn@hs
>>24348 M@rtyn@
R@chEl moll3r
Sh@un@ burk3
K@tlyn scr33n
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Gr@c3 mcconn3ll
>>24353 Kill yourself bruh
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Not sure who the last few posts girls were but good to keep it going! Here's a bump with t@yl0r L
Any c@m1 y0unt, h@nn@h $erm0n$, or em1ly @nt0n10??
I also have ones that can't be put on blast on here so if ur in the same situation I'm down to sh@re on the yellow @pp
Anyone got Taylor L^^ last name or instagram
(111.34 KB 960x960 IMG_1883.jpeg)
Anyone got Shelby?
Not sure why it was deleted lol but anyone have m@rqui3 p3yt0n from w@yn3???
(562.25 KB 1170x1159 IMG_1884.jpeg)
Been looking for Bethany for years
Anyone have any morg@n fr@ntz?
Bump for shelby
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Bumping with more Kirstie. Let's keep the Wayne girls coming!
Were those k1r$t1e pics posted with her face cut out originally or cropped out!? She is gorgeous tho
Saw a pic of m@rqui3 up there but it was already removed lol somebody is trying to keep her secret
Anybody have some of a KH or KG
Bump for some FHS
Since nobody is posting at all when requesting bump with k@t1e $m1th
I've got k@telyn m1esse if someone has @mb3r j3ssi3
Someone post the sara mcgu!r3 that was mentioned earlier and I'll drop more Wayne
M@dd1 b@ck
H@nn@h 1ss@c$
>>24759 someone has s@rah mcgu1r3??? That would be dope as hell! Aside from that dude putting Columbus in here all the others are huber fairborn and vandalia
(319.09 KB 1280x960 1514419919965.jpg)
M@rqu13 p3yt0n from high school
>>24767 Need some more of her
>>24347 It won't let me post the 3m coll!ns I have. I got an anal video & a public maturation vid
>>24916 any em coll1n$ would be amazing!
>>24917 Remove spaces ht tps :// gof ile- /d/iX XDuf htt ps://gof ile.i o/d/o p7j 3X
Anyone have m1r@nda ch3rne$ky?? She went to new carlisle but is still around the area
Any wins on $ierr@ p0ffenberg3r!? Wayne
(132.07 KB 720x900 VideoCapture_20230811-043653.jpg)
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>>24940 WOW!!!!!
Bumpo no bappo
>>25061 Who you got
My list gets getting taken down, I've got cryst4l g0snell, christin4 h4milt0n, k4te mi3ss3, l3x 3risman. And a bunch more.
Do u have someone in my request list?
A legend if you drop chr1$tina ham1lt0n!
Bump with a few more k@tie $mith!
>>25068 any other names in that list?? h@nnah $erm0n$???
Nah none of her sadly.
>>25078 that sucks but care to drop the chr1$Tina h@milt0n?
>>25068 Crystal would be amazing
Another bump for the chri$tin@ and cry$t@l...$ierr@ & m@ri@ from huber
More m@di b@ck
>>25068 lets see the chr1$t1n@ and cry$t@l!!!
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Kelly anyone?
>>25068 drop the chr1$tin@ and cry$t@l legend! Keep the thread flowing!
>>25220 last name rhymes with
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One more bump for the last two requests with ch3l$ea w1l$0n huber
Life is 420 bish on the yellow @ p p for chris7in4
>>25284 couldn't find that on the app??
Remove the spaces should be there
(114.08 KB 1440x1933 Screenshot_20230816-141058_Yubo.jpg)
>>25284 can confirm its not there
Pretty active on here if you can just share them here
5 n 4 p is the @ p p
Ch@tp1c room
I agree let's start a ch@tp!c private room called chr1$t1n@ H and set a password so it comes down quick with less risk
So how about it? Ch@tp!c work to get the chri$t1n@ and cry$t@l?? still definitely down to get those
>>24921 First link won't work
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(40.25 KB 395x395 IMG_2026.jpeg)
Anyone have M3gan tittl’s heavies?
Trying again keeps getting deleted $h@n@ bucklew and m@k@yla Howard
>>25423 yea drop the m@k@yla h0w@rd
Anyone got Log@n P@tters0n been looking for years
>>25426 Good luck on finding Logan Patterson the Darke thread and another 937 thread a or of people looking for her
Keeps getting deleted but the ch@tp!c room is up! 937CHCG with the PW: 1234 for the chr!$tin@ and cry$t@l wins!!
>>25443 in the ch@tp!c room and nothing posted in there yet but I'm down to see those wins!!
(270.60 KB 1122x2208 1594495618760.jpg)
Need H@iley
>>25480 a true legend!
Anyone have anything for Rebecc@ R0bert$0n
Still wanting to see that chr!$t!n@ h & cry$t@l g!!
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Em Co11!ns
>>24253 Anymore r3n33 w33kly?
>>25284 how do I get that a p p?? its not around anymore! maybe we can do a ch@tp!c room like the other guys were saying
Bump for chr!$t!n@ h@m!lt0n and cry$t@l g0$n3ll
(156.61 KB 1080x1920 1642977918651.jpg)
Bump for chr!$t!n@ h@m!lt0n and cry$t@l g0$n3ll
B U M P best thread in here no lie
Who got he@ther k!ng? She got nice tits I just don’t know what school she went too.
Kassie hip,sher from franklin/ carlisle ?
where's the milfs at
Bump for k3lly h
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>>25753 K H1psher
Someone got Nikki knigh7
Yes I’d like a bud for Danyelle Ratl1ff as well
Anyone have Erica Hagwood, Tori Rash, Olivia Barker, or Lexi Sell?>>23092
>>25886 You dint put the legit name you have to change it up dumbass
Bump for chr!$t!n@ h@m!lt0n
I got barker
>>25978 Plz poster Barker
Post them let’s go lol>>23092 >>25978
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Anybody have Laura’s heavies?
>>26012 last name rhymes with?
>>26018 Last name rhymes with shakely
>>26023 lmao gonna need a better hint
Idk if it like gif deleted immediately but someone said they had m1k@yl@ h and $h@n@ b wins plz drop them
>>26053 W@kely
Anyone have m@ci b@arnett, kel$ey c0mbs, brittin b@rclay?
@ly C0!le
@ly C0!le huber heights
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M@k@yl@ m!tchell huber heights Want more?
Damn! Those @ly c0!le are amazing! Need to see that chr!$t!n@ h@m!lt0n and cry$t@l g0$n3ll!!
Yes more m@k@yla m!tch3ll !!
Who ever said they had chr1$tina ham1lt0n must be capping because I haven’t seen it yet
on god every time I ask about $h@n@ bu€kl3w and m1k@yl@ h0w@rd my comment gets deleted. Anyway more m@k@yl@ m1tch3ll would be fire
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someone has to have s@r@h h1ll
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any kr1ss@ kr33ch?
Find some fun : ︍︍g︍︍r︍︍a︍︍f︍︍7︍︍.︍︍c︍︍o︍︍m︍︍
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M@k@yl@ M!tchell
Bump for chr!$t!n@ h@m!lt0n
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>>26261 name??
>>26456 d@n! t0ml!ns0n huber, went to wayne
Who go Briana fewlass hoe ass
don’t let the flame die out
I guess someone has got to do it…
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W1tn3y Sl0n3 and Tr15h@ r05@
(312.51 KB 1126x2002 photo nov 29, 8 56 03 pm.jpeg)
(323.71 KB 1126x2002 photo nov 29, 8 54 53 pm.jpeg)
C@1t H0w@rd
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Clu@d1@ S
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3my Ny3
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Kyl13 R
D Sm@11s
>>27252 More?
>>27259 Sayless
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Cl@ud1@ S
7 threads later and I still have more of Wh1t, Tr1sh@, and Cl@ud1@. But I’m tryna see sumthin new on here
still waiting for that sh@n@ buck ans m1k@yl@ h0w but we jumpin
syd c00k
V1ct0ria m@nning??
syd c00k has a Twitter and Reddit full of shit, drop some new new, glad to be back
Anyone have K@yl@ H1sel
See this is syd c00k right on her Reddit account I’m tryna see some new shit drop sh@n@ buck drop m1k@yl@ how drop some new shit
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>>27347 💩💩💩
>>27349 I love the enthusiasm
Who is that?
>>27326 yes! k@yl@ h!$El would be amazing!!
Yo wtf who deleted the n!kk! $chuyl3r win that was posted??
And again my comment was deleted like tf should I stop asking for your friends mr mod man?
Anybody got J3ssi3 T@ab0r’s heavies?
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Bump with @ubrey b!rd
Looking for wins of Cassandra Z3char is anyone has ‘em
>>25164 She’s so fucking fine I need more. Any other Stebbins girls?
>>23364 Cami the most popular request in here and nobody has anything. That's crazy, she must be very selective.
>>25068 post crystal
Anyone got any of the bartenders from rip rap Roadhouse or villa tavern.
L4 3 Huber SLUTS in particular 3M1LY 5YK35 H4NN4H TH0MP50N C4RL33 5TR4IT
>>26098 >>23522 ne more s@r@h? were those from?
lets add springboro to this, anyone got br00klyn m@ri?
>>29244 her twitter
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>>29251 OC Georgie Wil$son and l1Z L0NG nobodyimportant555 on t///g
>>29288 Let see more Georgie, I have some boro >>29288 >>29288
>>29304 lets see boro! who you got?
>>29304 too many freeloaders. If you have something to contribute message me on the gram >>29304
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Lauren K, brooke g, Morgan h(now m) and jacy r. Need them too
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>>29309 desperate for Sierra glei$$ner
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Another of liz. Also need Mikenna and the alvi$ sisters
Any M@ll0ry Ke$ler
Any Kyleigh denson
Any Kyleigh denson?
Anyone got Mollie Ay@rs from Springfield?
Bump for Georgie , get this man what he needs
Bump - anyone from that TG gonna post the wins?
>>29754 No, it’s a private group for people who actually wanna post. Hopefully it’ll draw some people outta the woodwork with no saving. But if I get what I want, Georgie is yours.
K@itl¥n ch3vell3?
I’d trade my left nut for 3m1ly W0h13r or her sister. Also 3m1ly f0x
Any K3irr@ ty13r?
I need tesha kimslly or brandy knight
>>29260 whats her twitter?
Bump for tesha now green
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Sierr@ Vandalia Currently uploading all her content Mthrles @sanguinedecay
Anyone have any of the m@r$halls?? heard about some m3g@n g1lley out there to
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Br00klyn r0bert$ from huber
Any one have gl0ri@ b0yer? She got fat tits
>>30762 your abusing a human being. Fuck off.
>>30763 isn’t what this is all about
>>30764 Legal cASH, hard earned as well.
>>30764 >>30765 >>30765 How about you say if you got them heavies or not, I’m mean shitnif she got an of that be dope too hahah
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Looking for anyone who knows Em1ly Y0$t pictured. Contact info In pic
>>24322 what Fairborn wins you got?
Any Tecumseh or New Carlisle? The newer the better and def looking for Elys3 Fr@zi3r (c/o 22) and T@yl0r Sisc0 and @lly L0w3 (both c/o 21)
I have a highly sought after 2011 FHS chick!
Who? >>31026
>>30994 I have m@c@l@h Schuyl3r '17 would love to see more of her and her sister
FHS 2011, tell me who you want, I may have em, I’ve got ALOT
>>31031 Lauren P
>>31037 Looking for Courtney C and her cousins, Kristina C
Put a name on the highly sought after 2011 chick? I've got some originals myself! Post up!
>>31121 It keeps deleting it
>>31131 Who you hopin for?
>>31141 I’d love to see L@ur3n P/Hutchinson !!!!!
>>31151 Someone posted her in the Fairborn thread! Another guy has a lot more he says
>>23092 j h0ff?
Elys3 Fr@zi3r just started an of, any tecumseh girls lets get this going
>>31444 what's her of? I've got one topless from a different Tecumseh '22 if you've got any recent ones
Elyse has had the of for awhile now.
elysekayyy is her username
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Izzy M, Tecumseh '22
Who had tecumseh class '10 or before wins looking for the Schuyl3r sisters
>>31594 Can hit me up on green (d)evilish2244 if have them 2
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Tecumseh or Shawnee class of 15?
Anything Shawnee or Southeastern would be great!
Who has b0bbl burchfi3L|) We know the whore sent so many around
Who has vids of the Schuyl3r sisters from Tecumseh I hear there's a couple out there hit me on green devilish2244
Any estell@ buci0 from tecumseh?
any Tecumseh 2020-23?
>>24484 Bump
Any one have K@trin@ O from tecumseh?
T3sha gr33n ??????
>>31914 Bump
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Any Kamryn wins?
fuckin two faced
I will fucking end my life before you take my mothers or my money.
>>24352 you got more of these boss
olivia d from vandalia?
Anymore h@nn@h Is@@cs !?!??
Or her sister Julie?
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Anyone have k1rsten ste1nke
>>34702 go to the kettering thread for kirsten, theres one or two but someone else has more for sure
>>34700 Second that, would love to see Julie D
Oh shit, hell yeah there is at least one I saw thank you. We need to see more for sure though lol
Anyone have syd F
>>34745 all I got. Fraley right?
Bump for k1rsten ste1nke. Can't find anything in the Kettering thread. Would give anything to see her. She has to be top 5 hottest girls from Ohio.
>>34747 Nah it’s a 20yo syd f1n
Facts, she’s a smoke show
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Somone please come out with the n1kk1 kn1g4t
>>34792 Who is
>>34910 K1rsten s
>>34793 Who’s on the left?
Bump for Tecumseh
Any new H@nn@h Is@@c ?
New carlisle or nooo
>>35455 Larkyn P?
Anyone have k@trin@ om1l@k1n from tecumseh?
>>35456 Yeah you know what I'm talking about
Bump for tecumseh
>>24352 Dump some more of this baddie
I have a few of s@r@h from perrysburg
Any T@yl0r Sturgle, Now W!lc0x, grad of class 11
>>35759 greeneyedlee is her of
>>25417 You ever find any of Megan tittl?
>>30530 Bump for this or more Vandalia. I know morg@n sent a ton out. Only saw a topless one from an old thread
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>>37909 only m0rg@n m@rsh@ll I have seen but the top less one would be dope! post if you still have it
>>23092 Anybody have Br3 R0j@$? I know she has wins out there
Sara $idell huge tits bartender.... who's got em?
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Heather K went to VButler for MS then Northmont for Hs
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>>37909 @li Tuck3r VB P3t0n C1@rk VB
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>>38692 L@ur3n 31F3RT CJ
>>38692 Tell Ali to move her hands damn
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Adr1an4 H3rnandez vand
>>38718 Nice a$$
Damn, no Fborn wins?
Anyone got haley bohachek. Milf in oakwood. Huge slut.
I second Sara Sid€ll huge tits got to be tons of wins......
Ashl3y g1lb3rt????????
>>23092 Does anyone have Tr1sh@ @rw00d only fans name or link?
>>38721 I’ve got a lot, allaboutfun1 yellow and white
Bu mp
>>24352 Anyone got more of her or new carlisle?
More?? >>24378
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Anyone know these Springfield girls? I got more but also looking for more of them
Someone must have Lakynn perk**s from Springfield if someone shares I got others
Anyone got m@dison huk3 from xenia
Bump for more Springfield sluts. I got pleanty to share if someone else does
Springfield whore V@l
>>24092 Ch3l$e@ H ofans sauce?
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Anyone know any of these ladies? I have more of all of them if anyone has anything to share
I have more of V@l and all the others but someone else needs to contribute too
Anything class of 16-22? Or local bar sluts?
From Springfield ^
>>41490 Post some more of S@r@ C.
>>41490 S@r@ C. is the 4th pic
>>41490 That first pic is of the twins k@t or p@t
I don't have nudes of S@rah but I do have a few topless of P@t. Can anyone else share something?
>>41490 >>41612 I can share alot 1 second
>>41490 also have stasia vids but to long
>>41490 curious abot twins p@t n k@t
I got some st@sia too, as well as more s@brin@. I unfortunately only have like 2 tit pics from P@t bit none from k@t
>>41617 I have pics from kat when she was pregnant
>>41617 Care to share pat
Post k@t and I'll post p@t
>>41612 What do you have of s@r@? I'll take anything fr. What you got of m@di?
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>>41620 kat 2019
>>41624 Any with face so we know it's really her?
>>41623 I hyu
>>41612 Bump for anything else you have of S@r@.
Let's get this thread moving, share some Shawnee
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T@yl0r F.
@mand@ W.
>>41890 Got more?? Any vids?
>>41907 Cmon just post more Taylor, she went to Kettering and that thread has been poppin. Sadly im not from Middletown
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Found these Haylee Wolfe pics. I have more of her OF vids if anyone wants
I used to have like hundreds of her. She would send me several a day just cause. She’s got a nice tight puss>>41890 >>41917
>>>>41927 same here, but in sophomore year, those would be illegal if i still had them though, post some of em up!
>>41890 bump for taylor yo post some more
>>42142 Who did you post? Post something new and I'll post more of V@l. Everyone begs but dosent contribute
L@cey @bb@leo or @lexis @bbaleo
L@cey @bb@leo or @lexis @bb@leo? Wayne HS?
L@€ey or @lexis @bb@leo
Bump @lexis
L@cey @bb@leo? >>23106
You guys are fucking sick for this
>>42351 Who might you be lol
How often are people on here? I Need to share some more 😏
>>42343 L@ce¥
C@mi Y V@lerie Y@ancy Chri$tin@ Whitl3y @lexis @bbaleo L@cey @bbaleo Emmi C0x @riel mi113r K@itlyn S. Em1ly collins
Any taysia caudill?
@ly C0il3 More booty this time Huber heights Wayne
Still going? I got a lot from Huber/Riverside/Dayton area! Got some requests too lolol
>>42646 Let’s go. Who you got/need?
>>42655 L4 K@cy W@||@ce J3n1fer |ynn @armani m@y Y@smine @nt0nio Who you need
>>42657 L4 L@cy or @lexis @bbaleo Y@smine @nt0nio Christin@ Whitl€y Any others really would be geat Who you have?
>>42671 I got some 3mily @ant0ni0 And many others. Want to just post?
>>42674 Yes let’s post em up
>>42676 Who are they? I know j@mie. I got some of her
>>42676 Br00lyn C Or N3ff
>>42678 D3love Who else u got?
>>42679 You got any booty pics of this lady?>
Shawnee class of 2015?
>>42682 Of which
>>42685 i thought they were the same person, the chubby ones
>>42686 If they’re in the same post it’s the same person but I’m sure I do. You have any of T@ylor Hutch1ns? Think she use to work with D3l0ve
>>42687 dude i dont live in the us, these pics just came up on the home page and i thought she looked hot haha sorry i'm no help in your search
>>42693 With the heart tattoo on her butt?
>>42687 >>42694 lol dude try counting to 3 again
>>42693 Post some🙃
>>42702 just did
>>42695 lol dude try clarifying which “top” row you mean.
>42708 Pink nightgown. Flower in her shoulder. Heartbeat tattoo on her chest
>>42709 What’s her name? Don’t know if I know her
>>42709 >>42711 I have a lot of @utumn B as well You have K3|sey K?
>>42711 Let’s see more of that last blonde with the cow pic in the back! Who you looking for?
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>>42714 Here’s a couple more of Amanda. I’m not looking for anyone too specific apart from Victoria.
>>42717 She’s fucking hot. I got a FUCK load of Le@h C
Does anyone have L@cy or @lexis @bbal3o? Fingers crossed!
>>42721 I got 5k plus lol
>>42723 Damn! U have a list of names?
>>42724 I don’t. Just found this lol
>>42725 How can we share lol would love to see who you have, what city’s?
>>42726 I say they post all 5k🤣 at least the ones from Huber area
I’ll post whatever Just gotta get them back. Everybody just post all they got 😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
>>42732 Throw some Huber girls up.
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>>42735 Have names or know names of any particular ones you have?
>>42737 That’s @shl3y W I was posting names but nobody else is lol
>>42738 U have either of the @bbaleo sisters?
>>42739 Naa you have who some you got everyone know
>>42740 I got a mix Troy Tipp Huber Posted a good handful this morning.
>>42742 I don’t click links what is that 😂
Last 2 are @lli3
>>42746 Alli3 who
>>42747 I forget. If I heard it I would know
>>42748 B3rt?
>>42763 Who is that?
>>42723 Where’d ya go my guy
anyone have K@ylee G?
>>42795 Nobody else posting lol so I stopped
Need tipp city ‘22
S@m H@rris
>>42739 I have a few of La€y
>>42909 Post a few and I will too. Let’s get this fired tf back up
Ashl3¥ W3lch
>>42989 Would love to see
Bump more vandalia?
>>43013 See lac¥?
We need la3l¥
We’re all waiting for her
La€y who?
Bump please
Everyone looking for lac(y) A?
Guess the la€¥ wins aren’t coming??
C@m1 Y0unt j0urdan b0wling, mir@nd@ h0bbs 3mily @ntonio or her sister
Who’s got Eric@ G from huber
Eric@ Gi11enw@t3r
Who has m@ci b@rn3tt?
>>42763 Who’s this ?
>>24121 Damn anymore ??
I think I found a pic of lac(y) does anyone know her to confirm?
>>43123 It appears no one knows her bud
Who’s got d@ni3 rou$h from huber
She1b¥ Dunl@p
@$hley we11$
>>43167 I already posted her lol
@shley B00her
>>42763 Sheesh who’s this?!
Anyone have Northmont wins?
>>43171 That’s 🔥🔥
>>43178 I haven’t seen her either
Who has br3nna cu$t3r
>>43180 Who this?
>>43212 I’m being told it’s La€¥ Abb@leo but can’t say for sure
Can anyone verify this?!
It’s Moanday!!! Let’s 🔥🔥 it up
>>43120 Chetara B
>>43180 That is Lac¥, I get shi from her all the time. Even wit a dude
Mich3ll3 Ta¥l0r wins? Vandalia
>>43362 You have any other wins from her?
>>43430 People ned to throw wins up before I go postin wat I got But ya got more
>>42696 Who’s this? OF??
>>26182 How about her friend T@ylor Hutch1ns? She’s a hoe I know someone has her
Le@h C
All these requests and so few wins
>>41289 Please post more v@l. I’ve posted some girls from the 937 area
>>43171 Anymore ashley?
$ydney Th3obald
