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New Franklin Thread 01/18/2024 (Thu) 01:07:33 No. 31879
Last one got lost somewhere.
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K@yla B
Let’s see the Franklin girls !
Bump for the new year
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L.R. Still waiting to see KB pussy
Anyone got @udr3y bl3ss1ng?
>>32196 Fuck, does anyone have a name for her?
Anyone got Br@ndy R0l|ins
BUMP for Kayla
>>32615 Post something and I’ll post more k@yla
I literally did, I posted LR above
>>31879 Bump, let’s get more rolling and I’ll post more k@yla b
>>31879 Bumpppp
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>>33116 >>32620 K@yla lets get more going
Any K@ylee Crutchf1eld? Used to give head for grass
Bump looking for christy w@tts
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CL3O 05b2a48fed803ca606e271afed31be7338d2805ed5ace19b6277a6c28d1633bc38
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R1ck1 m, Kayla’s 🐱 now??
Anymore R1ck1?
I got a bunch
Please share, I only have a couple
More girls?
Would love some older franklin wins. 04 - 08 Haven't seen much from then.
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Anyone got Kaitlin ?
Looking for the wins of l arissa l
>>37189 Last name?
Anyone got ril3y dayn3?
How about J@nica R3dmond P0nce?
I got a few of kali c franklin looking for christy watts
>>32620 I’ve got br00k m0rg4n if you have more K@y1a B
any new k@ssie hlpsher
More Kayla b please
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K@s3y M@rk3r Let's post some more of others.
Still looking for @udr3y bl3ss1ng
Erin o’(0nne11 would be amazing
Bump for kayla
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M0rgan p1tts
anyone got log@n thom$on class of 18
>>31879 Will post more K@yla B videos for A$hley w@tts
Just post
i will work on it >>42335
i’ll match with more if someone has @spen se@rs
>>43290 Any luck w/ @shley?
