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Anonymous 10/19/2023 (Thu) 15:01:39 No. 24007
Let’s get a Tulsa thread going. Need some 918 wins
If only there was a 918 or Tulsa thread…
Kinderson S anyone?
Any Kristin H@rding/Hugh wins?
Let’s start a snap group. Sc: joshuatillman96
Nah, just post what you have here
>>25701 This is a new pic, post what you have. Open the flood gates and I will too
Any Tenleigh G from BA/Tulsa area?
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05163ff0bd356672534561313c49eb576571028770ab4d0b43e5f38694e1fc764e Trading
>>25836 Shyla, Kittyvon
Lexie hicks / Britney greenhaw?
Bump for more belle
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Does anyone has her wins I think her name is Sy1vi@
Any Angelica delligati?
Any Jade Em@rthl@? Used to do porn under the name Jade Aikens
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Larno is being watched noe
>>25967 watch me. idgaf
Look up “Jasmine;” Backroom Casting Couch
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Anyone got the Ashlynn T pics?
Bump for more H@rrah Evans. Such a sub
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Wheres kaylie Stanleys nudes at
I wanna fuck someone so bad.
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Bump jade, Belle and bailey
>>26050 Bump kqylie
Anyone got mandi p.?
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Anyone got H0pe newm&n, girl on the right
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Who has more Gretel from Tulsa
Bump for tulsa wins
Anyone have T@ylor Cr@wley? She used to have an OF but has since deleted the account, seeing if anyone saved the content
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Any Hann@h wins?
Mikala ross???
Any Syd Ph@m out there?
Anyone know T!mber R0ger$?
Anyone have laur3n fish3r?? Owasso/cville/stillwater? She's easy for real so I'm assuming she's out there
Teen links anyone have?
Anybody got hadleigh wins?
Love to see more of her
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Does anyone recognize her? Tulsa Area work wise, Broken Arrow Live
nyone got cheyenne hooters girl
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Anyone got @mber 3ll3r ?
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Anyone got s@rah r@penne?
why is it all selfies. post nudes or don't post at all
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Who has her wins.
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On t3le illk7kyourass
>>28282 Bump
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>>28227 Yeah who has them
>>28282 Who is this?
>>26784 Bump for hannah
>>24007 Who has j@cki3 t@yl0r nudes
>>24007 You mean j@cqu@lyn M00r3? Think she had an OF
Bump Jackie
(1.34 MB 1179x1520 IMG_3599.jpeg)
This Jackie?
>>28915 Doesn’t matter post hers too
>>24007 Bump
Post Sara again
Still hoping for Hope Newnam wins, she’s so fine
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Wins or s stories
Anyone got anyone wins of Fallon R@per? Lives in BA area and is a nurse. She’s bad af.
Bump Tulsa wins
Callie C. ?
Any Au$$i B3nna3 originally from Bartlesville but a bud tender in Tulsa now?
>>26714 You got any of her sister m3g@n?
>>28282 N@me? Here's b@iley d
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Who’s got k/alex
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Still hoping for aspen wins 🤞
any of m@r@m@3 brown? she used to live in C@ney Ks too
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@sh Nichole
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Any Jenna?
$¥D Ph@M
>>29629 >>29629 nice anymore?
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Anybody have Zoe she used to have an of
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I’d give my left nut for some real wins of Le@h’s tits
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Someone be a hero and share the results
Anybody got |@uren c00k?
CH€rr@ Barn€l?
>>30731 Love jerking it to her
>>30749 Lil thick milf? Use to be married, huge tits
>>30757 didn’t know she isn’t married anymore but yeah sounds right
>>30758 Like that ever stopped her lol
C0nn1e M0rg4n? Tikt0k mom
Raquel P@rtain milf likes to fuck rich guys for money at the hard rock
>>30520 how do you get a h0ld of her?
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Tabi M
Need more Tabi!
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Damn, I miss fucking Shyla.
Who’s got Taylor sells
Bump taylor sells
Bump Sara M. or Aspen B. Both Tulsa
I have a couple of Aspen. But I cannot share. She’d freak out.
>>31602 Would she though?
>>31602 Be a hero, she’s not checking this site
Anyone got c!err@ Mcl€@n?
>>31602 Crop her face - be a hero
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Bump aspen she’s just so fine
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Bump gretel
Bump aspen
Aspen as far as a fuck goes is mid.
Sure whatever, who said they have wins tho, post em!
>>31687 love to see new pics of big tit Gretel
Bump for @tteberry has OF b@byd011zbarbie
>>26605 bump.
Top tier 🐱
>>31831 Yes please
Yes please
>>31860 More abb¥
Raisa Barry?
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Shyla and Hailey
Alexis Brulla wins?
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>>31543 L0rd_h0ekage Just do a search on that
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Anyone else got some
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Ch3lsi S, Tulsa area
Chloe B@rnes used to do cam stuff and sell as well. Anyone have her stuff or know where to find it/what name she cammed under?
Sara M¢3ver? Someone posted awhile back
>>29515 Bump
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>>32063 More
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>>32114 Again
>>32118 Again
>>32063 Any more?
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Any wins of c@ndy fr@tes the flight attendant?
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>>32051 She’s starting an OF
>>32162 How do you know?
>>32165 She said so on twitter
>>32045 Bump for Chloe
>>32051 Her OF is “kitty queen 420 69” without the spaces
>>32206 Post it here, free trial isn’t setup yet
>>32220 Shit I don’t spend money on that stuff, why you think I’m on this page
Anyone got s¥d ph@m?
>>32063 Someone post the OF pics and vids
S@rah W. from the BA area
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Who’s got wins of Bella? She’s had OF forever
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Bailey sex video?
Any from Hulbert lost city area
>>26127 >>32156 >>32346 post more bailey and i'll post more abby.
>>32166 What's her twitter?
>>32353 I don’t know Abby though
Bump aspen
Heard there were some of Br00k3 W3aver floating around. Anyone have em?
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Bump for syd. Imagine getting to drop a load on that tongue
Bump syd
>>32499 There is some here of her already
Bwi@nn@ G from Cleveland or Pawnee I think single mother fine as hell
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Anyone got wins of m@dy from bar 46?
Anyone got other vids of Syd P besides the one posted in the other thread?
I'll post raisa if someone else also does after I do
Bet on Raisa
>>31888 Need more of her
any kelli b?
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>>24007 Elizabeth Maxwell wins? Instructor at a Bixby Gym. Nice ass! Would love some wins!
