/pr/ - Pregnant

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Rate/wwyd Wife 01/17/2023 (Tue) 21:38:46 No. 231
Page is dead so I figured I'd share my 30yo wife No I will not share her name or face so don't ask. First pregnancy.
So hot! Any pussy pics?
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>>232 Not during the first pregnancy. But here are some from inbetween pregnancies, the second pregnancy, before being pregnant and from when she was 18.
Gorgeous. 8/10. 10/10 pregnant. Post more!
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What would you do to her. Share some of yours.. I'll post first pregnancy then second.
Wow her tits filled up so nicely. I’d start sucking on those for sure.
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They're fake tits but yes they did fill up nicely! Once she is done breast feeding, we will get her tits redone and even bigger
Yum. Need to see her preggo pussy. I’d want to lick it good.
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>>239 Pussy pics are above
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Keep commenting for more
Sexy belly and hot pussy. Love the spots over her body too.
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Last of her first pregnancy.
Share more pics from when she was 18! I see why you got her pregnant
Might put those in the rate my wife page.
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Second Pregnancy
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Gorgeous! Looking forward to the rest in the rate my wife thread! She’s a 10/10!
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Tell me what you want to do to her
God she's so fucking sexy! I wanna make her pregnant pussy squirt everywhere. I love the freckles all over her pale skin...drives me crazy
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We need to see her in action! Post some vids!
>>262 I'm not good at editing videos. I'll have to learn how to do it.. im not gonna show her face
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More of her ass plz
Hopefully she's not vaxed so you get keep getting her pregnant
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>>266 I think the vax is stupid too but keep your politics to yourself. We are here to share pictures not political views.
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Can't believe no one is responding.. better pics than most posts on this entire zite
these are hot, do you have any filling her up
>>414 I wish!! This is all I have of her pregnant. Ill try to get some but she isn't pregnant.
sounds like its time to knock her up again then!! this time with some moneyshots
>>426 Haha I will get started right away
Any more of her young/18??
>>440 Yes but ill have to edit them. I was going to post non pregnant stuff in RMW but haven't had time
>>442 I’ve been taking pics and videos of my wife for the last 16-17 years also - to include the last 2 of her 4 pregnancies. We should connect OP.
>>445 Post a few! I let everyone see my wife lets see yours
>>447 I’ve posted a few in RMW before. I might find one to share here. I prefer the 1 on 1
>>454 Nice!! Love that tiny body and big belly!! Not sure if i want to go private though. How would we go about doing it? I have shared over 100 pics of my wife on here and was hoping to hear what everyone wants to do to her but only got a little action.
>>457 Pro
>>457 Ton
>>457 captainmurrica
>>464 She is nice!! Let's see some tits and pussy!!
I’m traveling for work, but I might upload something else when I get a chance. I might upload a little more here, but would do more “elsewhere.”
Hell yeah
>>520 Definitely need more! I want to see them all! Any with a cock in her mouth or getting fucked?
Come back, OP!
>>532 Been here the whole time.. just posted the other day.. what do you want?
>>533 Oh nothin, just sayin “hi”
>>454 you have S NA p
>>535 Yeah, it’s on a device I don’t use much. Let me go get that and see the user info.
>>535 cmurrica 🤷🏼‍♂️ I think…
OP, can we see more? Reach 0ut. I’ll play nice
Thank you OP for great posts!
I wouldn’t have pulled out either dang I would still be bussin in her show us you fk her
Posts keep getting deleted
bump :)
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More Younger right after tit job.
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More of my young wife fresh from the tit factory.
Damn! Great to see you back…
>>1282 Wasn't interested in posting since the preggo page died but I saw people were sharing some hotties so I figured why not
God damn she is so fucking hot
>>1464 Thanks, I love cumming inside her, unfortunately she can't get preggo anymore so this is all I have. Plenty of other stuff though
>>1465 She very let you fuck her in the ass?
>>1518 Let me try a few times but did not like it at all, one of the few things she won't let me do
>>1519 Damn, at least she let you try. Feel free to share anything else pics/stories of her.
>>1465 Would love to see the "other stuff".
>>1527 those nipples are made for clamps ... bet she will enjoy her pain
>>1549 Very hot. She play with her preggo pussy in there?
Can we see some more of those 18yo pics?
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Been a while since I was on, all my recent posts are gone and don't remember what I even posted at this point. Forgot about my voyeur stash. Enjoy
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Miss that pregnant belly.
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