/sd/ - South Dakota

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Anonymous 06/12/2023 (Mon) 14:02:33 No. 7614
Any natives from Pineridge, I’ll (t)rade for (n)udes for (n)udes
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Rez puss
Anymore natives from Pineridge?
>>7614 I have more if you want to -
I have more natives from pine ridge
>>7954 Drop them in this , and I’ll match you lol
I got candace daverine, geri magpie, loc villa, shantasia, deandra mills
Drop deandra mills
Anything to (t)rade for them
I will - some AZ girls for deandra mills
Send them then
Shi0tah B or Tany@ T.?
Any girls from Pineridge South Dakota?
Any Kyle wanblee porc area
From Martin
Bump bump
Drop new ones and I’ll drop new ones
I have shiotah pb for trade for Syd Janis of Bates add the snap kylegassed
>>11994 Shiota pb? Or bvckman?
Fkn bump. Shi0tah sells
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>>13149 she does? On what?
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Aden po nd
Someone should try geri whitemagpie heard she’s a hoe who sends easily
Got lots of T.R who u got?
Bearrunners? I got ironcrow
I’ll do Randall for ironcrow
Post more t.r
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More T.R
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Any t.r. vids?
Any t.r. nudes?
@13423. I have her noodz who u got?
>>13427 Think of the Oyate
R@m@una 👻🧸
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Anyone got wins from Batesland?? Post asap plz I drop more vids
>>7614 >>7615 Who’s this?
Need some McKenzie b3cht0ld
U never post syd lol
>>15134 Moderator or admins leave my posts alone or ima fine ur mom and take her cheeks
N4D14 BR4DF0RD??
Any of Ana ??
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>>15285 Nice bj lips
