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Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 13:30:23 No. 3280
Is there a way you can look up someone's old tumblr account and see or retrieve the deleted photos off of there? Willing to pay.
yes been doing it for years, what's the user?
>>3282 are you using the wayback machine or is something different? (not OP)
>>3282 can you get some of cuuntrygrammer?
>>3284 different, wayback sucks for that unfortunately
beebunny might have some goods.
>>3286 What's the method?
This still as thing? I've looked at loads of ways, Feedly, tumblthree. Still can't seem to pull from old accounts.
I would also like to know how. I'm looking for a few pages that were cached, but now wayback and google don't let me view them. Im hoping they are archived somewhere else too.
Anybody know?
the iphone app multitab can at least show reblogs of deleted users. not a perfect solution, but its a pretty solid start
>>3346 Can you search the blog name and have then come up on there?
>>3345 yeah, whats the username?
>>3349 Can you try Cannibalkittenx?
Could use help with a blog called “neatly-cluttered”
>>3356 search her name on er0, i'll check for others, found a couple so far
>>3358 Yeah that’s mine I’m looking for more, and nudes. You find ones not in that album?
>>3360 That followed by ME
Would love if someone could help with "somec-uck"
>>3355 Anyone have any luck on this one?
