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Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 05:52:57 No. 27204
Anyone got 210 girls? (San Antonio)
Anyone got S3r3na Gutierrez? She works at 3St@r bar? Smokin hot. I know there's some shit out there.
j3nnif3r M3jorad0 got this win in march
(62.94 KB 910x1138 jnny.mejor.jpg)
>>28055 nice! Shes a coworker gives good head too do you have any more wins to share?
>>28059 "gives good head" bro stfu quit capping and post wins
(50.09 KB 584x1028 jnny.mejor.JPG)
jnny . mejor on insta
>>28062 im not she works at ignite on the southside ill get her sucking my dick this weekend bitch
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Who has other j3n m wins
>>28064 Why is she still making rounds here lol she’s so ran through and fat now
>>27204 Any juli&@ @d@lhy hernand3z
Any1 got J3ssica mireles from Reagan 2017
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Anymore Ivana
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>>28066 Well the weekend is here where is it? You’re on her radar by saying where she worked stupid move trying to white knight then come here begging here’s a real win I have tons of sextapes
any d@sh@ N stone oak
bump for any reagan c/o 2017
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Ashl3y R3id
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>>28062 not lying i got this candid of her leaving my complex ;)
bump for more jnny.mejor shes back on ig
>>28321 yeah until someone snitches again but she’s kind of stupid and always gives me the benefit of the doubt I could literally post anything and she would believe otherwise lol
>>28316 This looks like a guy what are you all on this bitch nasty as hell looking post some better shit
>>28321 bump ig changed to buffalo66
anyone have claudia G?
>>28352 Any more?
(1.22 MB 1290x1611 IMG_0428.jpeg)
Any1 have D3stiny C4rillo AKA t1ny D3s? Used to be a stripper in SA
>>28316 This looks like a camera from a workplace you’re just trying to pretend to be someone aren’t you just post wins or stfu already
>>28366 Where would she dance?
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PAWG sugars dancer
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Any wins on dianah huge slut
bump 4 D3stiny
Cool my post gets taken down showing concern that my character is being slandered making someone think I’m posting her shit that in my defense she told me was being posted months ago but yet yall let all these images stay up and their info. Yall ain’t shit
Anyone have Destin¥ K!ng from Laredo ? Heard she gets around
This hoe j3nnifer use to live on charline with my homie ramir0 and she made his life hell this bitch is getting karma
>>28385 Anymore pics?
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>>28389 not her not giving me a ride LOL but i think my fun is over she deleted ig again and you arent responding to my texts
(1.29 MB 1290x1878 IMG_4916.jpeg)
Bump from the other board for her wins
>>28055 i got some bathroom mirror pics showing her tits and pussy if you have more jennifer mejorado to post
>>28055 i got some bathroom mirror selfie pics showing her tits and pussy if you have more jennifer mejorado to post
Any wins on krista
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>>28448 im done covering for you rob im wont let you take me down with you jen he knows your phone 081412 thats how he got dirt on you and hes done this to an other coworker 2 years ago
Someone come through with the goods
San Antonio cmon
>>28578 rob sent carlos an apology but didnt know him and jen still talked and she saw what rob said so he deleted his ig for damage control
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>>28578 google primagen666
they got fired and rob is already harassing the manager lol...
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Bump for more Jennifer Mejorado I bought some from Ramiro years ago but I don’t have them anymore if anyone has her snap drop it
>>28746 Those pics are from the old thread from March we need new wins
@layna R!0s butterfly tattoo any wins ?
>>28768 theyre all from anonimageboards aka old ass wins ive seen from a year ago or more
Do you have premium/vip access? Is it worth?>>28889
>>28891 yeah I do and its worth it since they often close the site to non premium members
Any @lekz a?
Looking for @mand@ g@rnica, kariss@ fox/stig@ll, or mich3lle h@rris wins
looking for "lexusstx" "lexusstx444" @lexus S@l@s Had an 0F for the longest then turned a new leaf, from SATX
Anyone has Ja1den Tab0r? Shes hot as fuck, would kill to see her!
3rika G3ntry, used to live in El Paso
Anyone have k4ty s? Used to sell
>>29557 bumpppp for lexuss, NEED, went to hs with her lol
(519.09 KB 1440x1800 IMG_8013.jpeg)
Any Annelise
>>29561 Last name rhymes with?
Bump for k4ty s
>>29710 Manchezz
(41.93 KB 640x640 celia hern noda.jpg)
SA girl dances at p10 north in ATX.
@lekz A have wins?
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Anyone got 53r3nity m?
Any south San high girls ??
>>30041 last name ??
>>30143 m3nch4c4
Aurora@ s@nchez? Works @ toyota
Where the c0wb0ys d4ncehall regulars at? Need those wins D3stiny C4rillo K1ana L0max
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Hailey Townsley
emma miller
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Anyone got her? Name is Jaid3n Tab0r
