/v/ - Peeping Toms

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Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 05:57:15 No. 19536
smallest cam you guys recommend? i want to set up in the bathroom but there isnt much places to hide it any advice?
Also curious. Want to put one in a popular port a jon
Also curious what does everyone use
I've been using a cam on a pen for some years. Quality is not the best for sure, and having a pen on a bathroom is strange but it never raised any suspicion so far. And it's small and cheap. Hope it helps
Leave your phone there. Just charging, and then you forgot it there...
>>20066 You can't be this retarded
Shit I put my phone in the fan housing and lined the camera up via watching my apple watch camera to line it up perfect. Found it works great if you knownwhen someone's showering
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(225.14 KB 552x878 clit while shitting.jpg)
just wrap an old phone in clothes with holes in them, like mesh...then aim where you want. use a remote view app to help get what you want to see...then use ip cam app to stream to your nvr..and jerk to hearts content. attached one of my favorite views, especially when they drop em below their knees and spread, but the whole event gets me off
>>20541 Mmmm so good, wrapping a phone in a towel is great. I've done it to spy on my friends too! Didn't think of a remote view app! So much hotter watching it happen!
>>20564 You catch anyone masturbating?
>>20567 Let's see!
>>20564 Would love to see the video!
>>20571 Just blur out the face!?
